

Active Member
basically peeps ive bin turning my grow room on and off myself by a switch in my bedroom cus my timer broke on me, so ive bin gettin up at 6 and flickin the switch then gtin bak in bed, but last night i got smashed and forgot 2 get up this mornin so my lights are off and im not sure wat 2 do, will they be ok off 4 a day?? cheers


Well-Known Member
If this only happend once it will be fine as long as you turn it on asap.

You should not have more darkness than 8 hours if you are in the veg. state if in buding 12 or more is fine.
Good Luck


Active Member
what so you think i should turn them on now or just leave them off 4 the day, i just thought if i turned them on now they might go in2 flower?? cheers


Well-Known Member
basically peeps ive bin turning my grow room on and off myself by a switch in my bedroom cus my timer broke on me, so ive bin gettin up at 6 and flickin the switch then gtin bak in bed, but last night i got smashed and forgot 2 get up this mornin so my lights are off and im not sure wat 2 do, will they be ok off 4 a day?? cheers
Just get back on your light schedule asap. Go out and get a new timer. They are cheap and you won't have these problems in the future. You don't want to risk your crop. Best of luck my friend.