leaf problem!

Hey I have very similar problem on my plant. It's not out of control and only seems to be affecting lowers leaves that don't get much light. I'm not sure if it is normal does anyone here know?

I don't think it is a Ph issue although it wouldn't hurt to check it. I was dreading that it might be a type of fungus because leaves that were affected seemed to be in close proximity to each other. I decided to go with a good base fertilizer coming into flowering and hopefully that should clear it up. Are you using nutrients at all? It looks like an outdoor grow.

getok boys

Yes it's outdoor grow. No i don't use any nutrients,i only use goat shits and let it naturaly. It's been 5 month but it won't start flowering yet


Not an expert, but it has a chemical vs biologic look to me (nute deficiency, ph etc rather than fungus, bugs, etc) but is hard to really give an opinion without an overall pic indicating the base health, size of the plant, amount of leaf damage etc.

Also look in the stickies on the sick plant forum. There are guides with tons of pictures to compare to. When I have had issues, I have never found a pic that looks exactly like my problem though, so sometimes you have to interpolate between a couple of problems and solutions... Good luck man, and may your plants be covered in flowers
Perhaps you should consider adding some more nutes to ur plants then. The browning around leaf edges can be indicative of a potassium deficiency so using some blackstrap molasses could help. Flowering is really up to the plant when your outdoors. Hope it clears up for you soon. When does the weather start turning where you are?