Can i use molasses in a hydrogarden?


Well-Known Member
allright fanx for clearin that up for me
Well, I do with no ill effects. What medium are you using?
I am on Hydroton and use it only at the rate of 1 Tbsp, carefully dissolved in hot water per 40 litre fill up.
Also, I clean the pump through with vinegar (stops it scaling up too) once a month, flush for 2 weeks at end of harvest and carefully wash hydroton with boiling water between crops.
However, as the cation exchange capacity of hydroton should be so good anyway, I am not sure it helps much.


Well-Known Member
Cues: that sounds reasonable. For what it's worth, I've been taking some hydro classes and one of the instructors is using 5 to 10 ml of highly strained oxygenated compost tea mixed with one teaspoon per gallon of sulfur free mollasses added to his nutes mix. I've tried it outside in my dirt garden and the result was holy shit! It was literally a miracle grow. I haven't tried it inside yet with the hydro but I will. After all, it's just hi calorie carbs. I just don't like the idea of having to boil everything to get it out after. I'd like to hear from a few more folks who have tried it before I do. HSA


Well-Known Member
Cool HSA. Sounds like you know what you are talking about so i will expand a bit. As I understand it, Mollasses in a soil environment will encourage the beneficial bacteria 'mycorrhizae ssp' being a more well known one although we actually know little about the effects and relationships between soil fungi and bacteria. However, in a hydro environment things are completely different as there is (or shouldn't be) any such fungal or bacterial processes going on in the growing medium. In this case the majority of the effect, in my humble opinion is to change the qualities of the electrolyte (in our case, water), to increase the CEC (cationic exchange capacity) of the medium/roots, effectively acting as a 'chelating agent'
However, hydroton, being clay-based should presumably have a high CEC anyway.
Compost tea is the next thing and is beginning to take us to a new level of understanding for soil growing but i can't see it working too well in hydro.
In case you wondered, my profession is Head Greenkeeper. And at my last course i used to spray the greens with sugar and dregs from the beer barrels (starch also helps) if needed!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I make a Compost tea and put the Molasses in that. Microbes eat and multiply in the tea then I add that to my reservoir. That way I know only the good stuff is benefiting off of it.