looks sweet uncle hydro nice and clean as always. LB says the H&G nutes have hardly any salt build up. i started using g h nutes but it had big time salt build up. switched to pure blend pro and not near as bad as g h. but yall have me convinced to switch to H&G. and not needing calmag would be nice
Thanks Southern. Just started using them and here's what I've noticed.
I'm using Aquaflakes A & B. This is the BASIC mixture for veg AND flower. You always use equal amounts of each. When you go to 12/12 you don't change the ratios of A to B (you still use equal amounts). The only difference is that you add more A&B as the plant gets older and you put in the additives for flowering.
I'm using RO water which usually requires the addition of CalMag since the RO machine does such a good job filtering the Magnesium out. Not so with this stuff. I think I can toss my Epsom salts and CalMag.
After the initial mix of A & B I've noticed a much lower PH than with other nutes. I think the last mix was around 3.3ph after adding A&B but before before PH correction. I am using a lot more PH up than ever before but once it's corrected is is very stable.
No need to worry about WHEN to correct the PH of the mix. H&G says "before the additives" and I do just that. After the additives I see very little change. If anything changes with the PH I usually see a small drop over the first few days so I usually make my initial correction to around 5.9....two days later it's hovering around 5.6-5.7 and seems to stay there.
They have a really nice online nutrient calculator which I follow to the tee. It works great with the HashPlant but may be a little strong or a little weak for other strains. Only testing will tell with your strain.
As LB said there is very little salt buildup.
Its a little pricey but very concentrated and IMHO ......worth the $$.
The only negative thing I've read is that you shouldn't use their "shooting powder" 4 weeks prior to finishing as they suggest. Apparently it forces a quick finish and the author said "all of the pistils were dead 2 weeks after using it with 2 weeks left in the grow". On the next grow he added the shooting powder 2 weeks prior to finish and was happy with the results. Naturally I cant coment on this because I'm just in to wk 3. I may wait until week 5 since some say that HashPlant is a 6 week strain and others say it usually takes 7 weeks.
How's your op going?