• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

2012 Doomsday?


Well-Known Member
So I'm sure everyone has heard of the doomsday prediction said to occur on December 21st, 2012. I would just laugh when the subject came up until today. I saw a doomsday commercial and became very interested, so I googled it. I came across an article, explaining in simple terms what will happen on the above date. I found it very interesting that Russia was building a very large underground complex, and Bill Gates private foundation contributing to the construction of a large storage facilities that will house seeds from all over the world for future conservation. Heres the site I found this info on www.viewzone.come/endtime.html- Sorry, not to good with computers. Don't know how to do the link thing.


Well-Known Member
lol I'm a dumbass. And very stoned. Got the link thing now.....
what i understood was that the Mayan calendar just ends on that date.. nobody ever said or put in writing that the world would end on that day. for all we know, they figured it would be a long fucking time before they got to 2012 and they would have time to finish it later on.. little did they know the Spanish conquistadors were coming to abolish their gods and replace them with Christianity.

i think alot if not all of this 2012 doomsday shit is a HUGE cash pot.. people just want to cash in.. make some 2012 T shirts and start selling them a week before Dec. 21 and become a rich man! lol.

although it is pretty cool that they are making all these sci fi movies. i love it! lol.


So I'm sure everyone has heard of the doomsday prediction said to occur on December 21st, 2012. I would just laugh when the subject came up until today. I saw a doomsday commercial and became very interested, so I googled it. I came across an article, explaining in simple terms what will happen on the above date. I found it very interesting that Russia was building a very large underground complex, and Bill Gates private foundation contributing to the construction of a large storage facilities that will house seeds from all over the world for future conservation. Heres the site I found this info on www.viewzone.come/endtime.html- Sorry, not to good with computers. Don't know how to do the link thing.

Link doesn't work, but trust me, you'll wake up on Dec 22nd, 2012 and everything will be exactly as you left it.

Don't be fooled by stuff like this.


Well-Known Member
So their calendar ends 12/21/2012? The one in my kitchen ends 12/31/2009... better start preparing, the end is closer than you thought!! :o


Well-Known Member
"Over the years, archaeologists have found carved monuments that recorded the long count for known dates in Mayan history. Once a date was fixed in time, it was easy to determine "day 1" as August 11th, 3114 BC. And it was also easy to calculate the date at which the calendar would end -- December 21st, 2012"

"Trust me, just because the calendar ends doesn't prove that time, or the world, or life will end. We need to look carefully at December 21, 2012 and try to understand why the Mayans never calculated a date beyond this point in time. To do this we must move from Archaeology to the science of Astronomy and Astrophysics."

"It's all about the Sun"

it even says it for itself.. everything else is just science trying to be right. its like when you flip a coin and you want it to land heads, but it lands tails and you flip it again until it lands heads. scientists sometimes just want to be right so they will tweak the facts enough to fit in with their ideas. thats how they get money. and guess what.. its ALL about money....

on the other hand.. im marking down on my calendar for Dec.21, 2012 "wear spf 90 sunscreen, its gonna be HOT!" lol.:fire:


Well-Known Member
So their calendar ends 12/21/2012? The one in my kitchen ends 12/31/2009... better start preparing, the end is closer than you thought!! :o
haha. another thing.. wouldnt the solar flares be felt long before that exact day? don't tell me they predicted the exact day we would get hit by a massive solar flare.. idk to me it seems to far fetched to be true.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link correction Matt. Well that is not the exzact date that a solar flare will hit. It is actually the date that earth will move below the Milky Way. The Milky Way is a disc shaped collection of stars. We are on the edge of the disc somwhat on top. Beginning on the date of 12/21/2012, we will be moving to the bottom. We will be alligned with the galactic equator where gravity is at its strongest. The earth will continue to move down, viewing the Milky Way from the south. The 11 year cycle of solar flare activity has already begun. When Saturn and Jupiter are on the same side of the sun, solar activity is at its weakest. It is on the above date that Saturn and Jupiter will be on either side of the sun, which is when solar activity is at its strongest. It is on the above date that they will be alligned. The Mayan we great astrolagist. They created the most accurate calender to date. Why would it end abruptly on 12/21/2012? Did they know somthing we didn't. Does the Gov. know somthing we don't?


Active Member
2012! I dunno if I'll live enough to see it but I sure as heck would like to be as high as possible when it happens!


Thanks for the link correction Matt. Well that is not the exzact date that a solar flare will hit. It is actually the date that earth will move below the Milky Way. The Milky Way is a disc shaped collection of stars. We are on the edge of the disc somwhat on top. Beginning on the date of 12/21/2012, we will be moving to the bottom. We will be alligned with the galactic equator where gravity is at its strongest. The earth will continue to move down, viewing the Milky Way from the south. The 11 year cycle of solar flare activity has already begun. When Saturn and Jupiter are on the same side of the sun, solar activity is at its weakest. It is on the above date that Saturn and Jupiter will be on either side of the sun, which is when solar activity is at its strongest. It is on the above date that they will be alligned. The Mayan we great astrolagist. They created the most accurate calender to date. Why would it end abruptly on 12/21/2012? Did they know somthing we didn't. Does the Gov. know somthing we don't?

wow man, I'm sitting here laughing at this. There is absolutely nothing to back up what your claiming except an ancient civilizations calender. Do you know how many past civilizations have prophecies just like this one? When you get a grasp on the whole scope of how many there actually are, it's just like religion, there's so many that it's absurd to conclude any particular one is right. Even if it did come true, word for word, the odds of it actually being a real prophecy are STILL higher than the event being complete coincidence, that's how many there are.

Think of modern science. What does it have to say about 2012? Not a damn thing, because nothing extraordinary will happen. If something was going to happen, we would know about it. Plenty of people in the private community would blow their whistles, there are a lot more of us than there are any government officials who would be trying to keep something like the end of the world under wraps. Also, what would someone gain from keeping this even a secret? They certainly don't plan on surviving it themselves right, so why hide the inevitable? To avoid some momentary chaos beforehand? Rofl, who the fuck would care about any of that at that point? I most likely wouldn't...

If I were you, I'd be a bit more worried about the close call we're scheduled to have in 2029 by a meteor that is 900' across. The calculations indicate it's going to be a miss... but hey, there's always that chance right?

I'll take a modern scientists word over a mayan shamans anyday.


Well-Known Member
Did you even follow the link that Matt provided? Extreme solar activity and the earth alligning with the galactic equator are no prophecies, they are fact. The date this this is gonna occur just happens to be 12/21/2012. Like I said, the 11 year cycle has already started. Look it up. Why you ask would they keep it a secret? Because they simply can't save us all. Obviously, they do plan on surviving or why would they be stocking this huge underground complex with food, clothing, ect.? What do you think would happen if the Gov. went on Nat. telivision and told us this would happen, and that only a handful of us would survive? Fuckin Anarchy. Think of 2012 not as the end of the world, but the beginning of the end. Yeah lots of civilizations have had similar prophecies. In fact an acient Chinese civilization came up with the same exzact date... 12/21/2012! Don't know about you but 2 totally diffrent civilization on either side of the world coming up with this date is pretty crazy. Do your homework...


Did you even follow the link that Matt provided? Extreme solar activity and the earth alligning with the galactic equator are no prophecies, they are fact. The date this this is gonna occur just happens to be 12/21/2012. Like I said, the 11 year cycle has already started. Look it up. Why you ask would they keep it a secret? Because they simply can't save us all. Obviously, they do plan on surviving or why would they be stocking this huge underground complex with food, clothing, ect.? What do you think would happen if the Gov. went on Nat. telivision and told us this would happen, and that only a handful of us would survive? Fuckin Anarchy. Think of 2012 not as the end of the world, but the beginning of the end. Yeah lots of civilizations have had similar prophecies. In fact an acient Chinese civilization came up with the same exzact date... 12/21/2012! Don't know about you but 2 totally diffrent civilization on either side of the world coming up with this date is pretty crazy. Do your homework...

Dude, please don't fall for this.

Show me one paper that says we are heading into the 'galactic plane', then find me where it says how it will influence life on the earth. Didn't your own source, or matt's source, say that it doesn't happen for 'eons'? How would we know what happens to life on earth if we've never measured the affects?

Further, the 'sleve' idea that paper offered within the sun, about how each planet produces these 'sleves' and they conflict with eachother inside the sun which produces sunspots, please provide me with some evidence for that theory as well, I tried searching for an independent source, but couldn't find anything.. That sounds pretty unlikely to me though. I'm pretty sure there are already pretty good ideas out there for why the sun becomes more active every 11 years, I doubt it has anything to do with the orbits of the planets. The size comparison is just too small. The gravity produced by even the largest planet, Jupiter is miniscule in comparison to the sun. It would be like a satellite orbiting the earth having some kind of gravitational impact.. Also, it takes a lot longer than 11 years for Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune to orbit the Sun, why would Jupiters 11 year orbit have anything to do with sunspot activity at all?

I hope you consider all this man, realize it's all just hype, exactly how Y2K was (idk if you were old enough to experience that yet, I was 13 at the time, but still old enough to realize the bullshit at the time).. it's just a stupid rumor to sell merchandise, that's it. Look how well it's doing so far.. there's even a movie coming out with Nick Cage called 2012, actually looks pretty bad ass, but think about it, like you said, if they were really trying to keep it a secret, don't you think they're doing a shitty half assed job? How many people know about 2012? Do you see any anarchy?


Well-Known Member
From what I've read in the past, this is all to do with the Mayan calender, and the astrological shift in to aquarius, a water sign. I believe we're in an earth sign, forgive me as I've forgotten the exact details. The end of the world is just sensationalist nonsense to sell t-shirts and crap. The supposed reality is that once we change in to the 'age' of aquarius there will be significant changes. What changes? Who knows, I'll be keeping note in any case.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, You could be right, Robert. But still, the astrological shift to water is significant, given the planet is two thirds water.


Well-Known Member
12/21/2012 isn't marked as the end of the world, they just say "its a time of change". Im gonna go smoke a bowl...