I just got back in town a few hours ago and have yet to see the plants but from what I hear the spider mites are back with a vengence

. The bad news combinded with my week long Vegas hangover makes me want to

. The preditor mites thrive in 40%+humidity but I couldn't keep the cabinet higher than 20%. I blame my unbelievable circulation system (my way of being positive in this terrible situation) . I had buckets of water in the flower room but it just wasn't enough with the 465 CFM fan. If I can get my hands on a CO2 tank I'll definitely give the "CO2 SMOG TECHNIQUE" a try for pest removal next time around. From what I've heard the sprouts have grown almost 6 inches over the last week! I'm wondering if I should top them again? I'll update Tuesday unless there's more drama to post before then.
Apparently what ever happened in Vegas......stayed in vegas.
This aught to give you an idea: Pre party pics, after party pic! The tat is a symbol very close to my heart and my very first tat, probably not my last. It was the absolute best vacation ever. The wedding singer from the movie Old School performed the night we went to the night club LAX, he was hilarlious! We saw the magician Chris Angel, more topless gals than I could throw a stick at, and a lot of details I won't go into

. I couldn't have asked for a better holiday with my wife & (no kids)

!!!!! Until Tuesday my friends, have a great weekend