DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE consoles dont suck pc gaming is wank sat clickin mice n curser keying your shit wake the fuck up tip top yeah so your pc has more processing power (maybe ) than an xbox but youve got to lay out real money to have a better machine than the ps3
also tom clancy sucks balls man on both platforms
left for dead is possibly the most fun you can have gaming right now
haha, depends on how you look at it!
firstly, how much have you spent on console games? probably a HELL of a lot of money. how much do i spend on pc games, nothing, unless it's really worth it, in which case i'll buy it.
money isn't an issue for me, so i'll happily take the better graphics and everything. and when i say better graphics, i mean 360 is just unclean! i can't bare to play looking at the s***y drab textures and complete and total abundance of the zigzags. i'll happily pay not to play that!
oh, and £300 will get you a machine that will DESTROY

the PS3, you just gotta know where to shop and what to get.
it's all totally subjective though, of course, and i apreciate the simpleness of a console and being able to split screen, but i'm predominantly a first person shooter guy, so consoles, well they can cock off

we all know what they're like for that

but sure, for sports and platform games, much better.
and yes, there are still lots of pc gamers

and i'm under the impression that there are a LOT more good games on the pc than there are on the consoles (ps3 especially)
oh, and you still needed a computer to type out this lot i'll bet, which adds onto the cost of the console a further say £200+, mines all inclusive, so it really does depend on how you want to look at it.