Bricktown, I want to run some power to my shed. Nothing big but enough to have a few plants, What is the best way to go about wiring it? Thanks.
how about using 1 timer to trip a few relays?1 relay for each light. the relay won't draw much so you can put several on a cheap how can i fix this without putting an expensive 220 timer on each power ? right now i have 4 quads with 2 wires each to each quad pullin 220.
You can get a single 240 volt timer that allows for 2 seperate 240 v. loads the clock motor runs off on of the 240 volt circuits and it's load is so low it shouldn't pose a problem on either circuit as long as both sets of lights run at the same time on the same schedule 16/8 or 12/12 otherwise you'll need 2 seperate timers.Hey bricktown,
i put a panel in and ran 220 by skipping each on dual breakers. so i've got 220 for each 2 plugs. well now i'm putting in my lights and realize that i would have to have a separate timer for every lite. i had a few but i forgot they were 110 so now they are no good. lol dooooooooo!
so how can i fix this without putting an expensive 220 timer on each power ? right now i have 4 quads with 2 wires each to each quad pullin 220.
does this make sense to ya?
I'd like to get them through as few timers as possible. If ya got alink to a recommended brand and place to buy the timers that would be great too. i only found the dial type timers that you find on pool pumps and stuff at lowes for like 80 bucks a piece.
thanks man.
That would work but you have to mount it into some kind of box since the contacts are exposed, it would hurt like hell if you backed up into them might even throw you across the about using 1 timer to trip a few relays?1 relay for each light. the relay won't draw much so you can put several on a cheap timer.
something like this
$20 & it will handle a 1.5 hp motor at 220 so it should be fine for a light
That would work but you have to mount it into some kind of box since the contacts are exposed, it would hurt like hell if you backed up into them might even throw you across the room.
If you could lay your hands on an old central alarm box with a door that would work.
I know what you mean.tele/square-D and AB have enclosed contact contactors. Seen personally up to 60amp trip phase. Usually DIN rail mountable.
(funny story. went into a local electrical supply house here and asked for DIN rail. They had *no* idea what I was talking about. Kinda scarey)
Oh snap i got one question.
Wheres the best place to go to get a computer fan 12v adapter rated for 2 amps?
As a rule of thumb if you plan out a project it can't hurt to use a larger ballast and a lower wattage fixture most suppliers design there equiptment to give you good service but they don't give the company away so taking a ballast to its top rating will work but if you design a little cushion into your design say a 600 watt ballast and a 400 watt bulb or fixture the ballast will not have to work so hard and run cooler so logically it should last longer bar any manufacturer defects.Brilliant, Cheers for the info Karloff
Great thread!
read 40 odd pages and skipped to the end - I am also interested to learn about how to rig up a PC fan or two for an exhaust pipe.
What is the best and easiest way to do this?
I've heard you can use old 12v mobile phone chargers.
Any advice will be really really really appreciated!
oh, yeah one more thing, should I use a fluorescent light for growing seedlings?
I'm not sure what you mean by being detected if your reffering to leaving a heat signature that could be detected by police and you plan to say install 4- 1000 watt fixtures on the second floor of your home you'll light up their detection equiptment like a christmas tree instead a stealthy grower would put the grow room in say a basement as the heat will dissapate and leave a more normal heat signature.So im new to growing but my dad has been growing for ages... literaly. hah. Any who I was just sitting here thinking. If I was to buy a house and have him move in what would be the max 1000w lights we could have with out being detected? And another thing is I was wondering If i could have a electician come in and rig up another electic box and say im goin to "rent" out the top of the house or whatever and then set more lights up that way ? It would be in his name and i would have mine in my name... Thoughts?
How much do you think it would cost for this? I posted a thread but it have like 10 views no replys.
anyhelp would be nice, thanks.
There's nothing easy about a $138.00 jump in your electric bill I'd be willing to bet that's due to the HPS it all sounds great till you concider thats 400 watts per hour 12 hours a day times whatever you pay per killowat hour that comes to almost 5 kw a day and I've heard alot of people use them through the entire grow because of how deep the light saturation is and others use MH at 400 watts times 16 hours a day for vegitative growth that's another 6.5 kw each and every day so CFL's start to sound better all the time. There's a book i just read from a guy by the name of See More Buds it's called Marijuana Buds For Less it's on Amazon for around $13.00 plus S+H it's a quick read.Thats easy for you to say, I personally know someone who recently got $138 bill ( 1 month ) and all he runs is a couple of floros for veggin, 1- 400w for flowering, and a couple of fans. Im just sayin...
There's nothing easy about a $138.00 jump in your electric bill I'd be willing to bet that's due to the HPS it all sounds great till you concider thats 400 watts per hour 12 hours a day times whatever you pay per killowat hour that comes to almost 5 kw a day and I've heard alot of people use them through the entire grow because of how deep the light saturation is and others use MH at 400 watts times 16 hours a day for vegitative growth that's another 6.5 kw each and every day so CFL's start to sound better all the time. There's a book i just read from a guy by the name of See More Buds it's called Marijuana Buds For Less it's on Amazon for around $13.00 plus S+H it's a quick read.
I don't mind saying I'm a cheap bastard and I try to save a buck where I can according to him you can grow 8 oz. of bud for less than a hundred dollars, I don't know if it's true but maybe worth a look.