Best germination method


if u are like me and impatient paper towels are the best i have tried putting them straight to dirt with some success but not as goodas germing first.
over the last 13 years i have hand picked my own seeds keeping only the darkest and sqeezing every seed always get about 80% females.
my fave germing method is using a cd case gut out the part that holds the cd so u just have an empty shell place 1 layer of paper towel (i prefer toilet paper since its not as strong as p/t and dont rip the roots)
drop ur seeds place anothe layer of t/p soak put it in a cupboard and chek it everyday to make sure the t/p dont dry up.
also check everyday and plant them as soon as the tail sprouts.
my plants always 100% of hte time pop out within a few days.
but i will now after reading all this info prob try soaking for a day and then put to soil and see what kinda success that gives me but im pretty impatient and if the seed dont sprout fast enough ill start digging to look for the seed lol thats why pre germ is my fave


New Member
if u are like me and impatient paper towels are the best i have tried putting them straight to dirt with some success but not as goodas germing first.
over the last 13 years i have hand picked my own seeds keeping only the darkest and sqeezing every seed always get about 80% females.
my fave germing method is using a cd case gut out the part that holds the cd so u just have an empty shell place 1 layer of paper towel (i prefer toilet paper since its not as strong as p/t and dont rip the roots)
drop ur seeds place anothe layer of t/p soak put it in a cupboard and chek it everyday to make sure the t/p dont dry up.
also check everyday and plant them as soon as the tail sprouts.
my plants always 100% of hte time pop out within a few days.
but i will now after reading all this info prob try soaking for a day and then put to soil and see what kinda success that gives me but im pretty impatient and if the seed dont sprout fast enough ill start digging to look for the seed lol thats why pre germ is my fave
seeds should be showing in around 4/5 days, dont dig around in that time dude.


New Member
Ive been like that for years, it will catch up soon enough, i suffer from insomnia have done most of my life.
go and see the doc mate he will fix you up with something.
i suffered that for a while long time ago due to stress and had to see the doc.
he sorted me out.
(you need your sleep mate its real important)



Well-Known Member
go and see the doc mate he will fix you up with something.
i suffered that for a while long time ago due to stress and had to see the doc.
he sorted me out.
(you need your sleep mate its real important)

Yeah I'm a chronic insomniac as well. It sucks and I don't like taking pills for sleep.


New Member
that would be the pills you should not be taking.
insomnia is no laughing matter its seriously bad for your body and well being.

(i have a very good knowledge of sleep deprevation and many other health problems).
Its cool mate ill be heading for a sleep real soon, i go to bed when i know ill sleep , thats real soon, are you ok holding the fort ? and to guide these guys and gals to herb safety ? some people need guidence. lol


New Member
Its cool mate ill be heading for a sleep real soon, i go to bed when i know ill sleep , thats real soon, are you ok holding the fort ? and to guide these guys and gals to herb safety ? some people need guidence. lol
i will be on later mate but i am still holding the fort for now.
i am getting a lot of personal messages to deal with at the moment.
every time i log in i have at least 3 messages to deal with before i even get to the threads but i am on it.
get some sleep soon and i will hopefully see you on tonight.



Well-Known Member
ive also heard of putting them in the paper towel then ziplock wrap in foil and have it in your pocket for the day use your body temp, ive done this before worked quite well, kinda felt like a mother carrying aroung my babies, but i was a noob and they all died :( sad day.... lol
oh i get all motherly too!! i figured i was just crazy lol but i have this random habit of singing to them when i water them, and i always ask them how "my babies" are doing today. ha


New Member
oh i get all motherly too!! i figured i was just crazy lol but i have this random habit of singing to them when i water them, and i always ask them how "my babies" are doing today. ha
Dont mother them to much, let them run free, sometimes we just have to let go.


Well-Known Member
wow!!! this thread is still growing????? 90 on how to germ a seed sounds absurd... theres not that many ways....


Well-Known Member
i know it's neat huh lol how ya doin sog? i took a close up of the trichs last night they seem to be turning amber, looks like it's time!!!