Where the chicks at?


Active Member
i once snorted a half a dozen pixie sticks in 5 mins... talk about one hell of a head ache
don make fun but me and my bro snorted hot chocolate powder when we were like 7.. the suger like blocked my nose and i blew brown boogers for a week! and i not just saying one coco packet... we had a paper plate, 2 straws, and 5 coco packets! lmfao!!! never again!!!


Active Member
Wow, I cant believe this thread has over 3,000 posts.. Oh, wait a minute, 90% of the posts are from the same 2 ppl lol. ^^
now how do i get chit for not capitalizing the A in america and this guy cant read post from veiws??? and i'd fell sorry if he went threw every page and got 2 ppl when fried and chi and godsend (thats 3 ppl) spent a whole night on here.... ahhhh at least i know im not the only blond who tries to hide it


Active Member
wow i hope this thread is not dying a slow painful death.... im sorry i was gone for so long my internet was off damn comcast computer said i was like 300 behing when i was like 20 ahead....lol... i know you all love me and im the life of the party( sooo full of myself)lol.. but come on 3 dudes managed like a whole night on here... you guys cant leave me this is the only interaction with other human life besides me bf and all the other threads i post really(really) suck..... i beg of you!!!!! dont goooooooooooooo.... come back ur guys are like my.... my.... aw f it im not beggin!(even tho i already did) just dont go k??? thanks


Well-Known Member
He was a weird little guy and one day in class he was just like " I'm gonna snort some mexican candy " so I was like " alright, go ahead " and that was that.

On a side note: One time I ate this mexican candy, it was like some plastic dealio do that you squeeze and the candy oozes from the top. That shit made me throw up for an entire fourth of july, never touched the shit since.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
damn u just reminded me that im craving shrooms rie now
actaully any psychadelic
maybe ill just go 5 finger sum DXM and have a blast


Active Member
have yall seen the movie shrooms?? that chit was trippy! the chick an her friends go out to the woods and take hella shrooms and she sees this evil ghost thing chase her and she watches it kill her friends but in the end she realized the ghost is her and she killed her friends..... sum trippy chit man ...


Well-Known Member
have yall seen the movie shrooms?? that chit was trippy! the chick an her friends go out to the woods and take hella shrooms and she sees this evil ghost thing chase her and she watches it kill her friends but in the end she realized the ghost is her and she killed her friends..... sum trippy chit man ...
That's sounds like a pretty good movie. She must have been on a hell of a bad trip.


Well-Known Member
eu only make those candies in like yellow white & pink huh??? The plastic covered oozie stuff. I keep thinking this thread has been shut down. Has any1 ever played fear2? For 360. Maybe my next buy


Active Member
....<<< *feels left out*** i dont play video games...cant work the two joy sticks together..... i just play my online game to which i get to kill and kick ass!!! ima beast.... not really....


Active Member
an don get me wrong ive played halo with my bro and my bf..... im always the first dead and asking where am i alll i see is sky how do i shoot...nvm im dead...... ha ha