i think its bullshit


Active Member
a friend told me that my bedroom since i smoke ciggerettes in it that it will give my plants like fresh air or co2 or sumthing like that that will help the plant and my grow room is in my closet, in any way is this true?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what cigs give off.......but either way unless you are constantly smoking it will not effect your plants, good or bad.


you def. dont wanna smoke ciggeretts around your plants....or at all really for that matter... im tryna quit really i am lol


Well-Known Member
cigaretes dont let off carbon dioxide which our plants need.. they let off carbon monoxide... i wouldnt sugest smoking around ur plants altho i do, not to benifit them but cuz im a smoker and often in my room for long periods of time...


Well-Known Member
hmm, I had a friend that smoked cigarettes with a plant in his room and it was pretty quick on dying. Although he didnt really care. If we naturally expel CO2 when we breath, then why would something like a nasty poisonous cigarette smoke cloud prove any more beneficial to a plant? I'm pretty sure they originated in carcinogenic free conditions before we found them. Sounds like BS to me...

luvvin growin

Active Member
cigarette smoking can cause your plants some health issues.The smoke clogs up the stomata for a limited time,making it real hard for them to collect water and co2.


stays relevant.
No type of smoke is GOOD for your plants... Give it fresh air. Give yourself some too!

*hits his marlboro smooth*


Well-Known Member
cigaretes dont let off carbon dioxide which our plants need.. they let off carbon monoxide... i wouldnt sugest smoking around ur plants altho i do, not to benifit them but cuz im a smoker and often in my room for long periods of time...

Im the exact same way, hehe. I can actually see my cabinet sucking the smoke inside it because the fans are so strong.


Well-Known Member
ill take cuts, but shorts is too skimpy

ya i agree with everyone, any kind of smoke is bad for plants


ya i saw somewhere that the nicotine is real bad for the plants, i used to smoke all the time in my room but not anymore, supposedly even if you smoke then handle your plants the nicotine rubs off. whether its true or not idk, but i saw it on several grow sites, so all in all better safe than sorry right? thats why i quit, having big healthy plants is more important to me than a cig. hope this helps.