The Shot Glass Grow Off '09!



I already have seeds sprouting. It is going into the shot glass on Friday.
well shit.

since i dont germ my seeds prior to putting them in the medium. ill plant mine now also.


Light's : Cfl's
Medium : perlight
seed : bagseed
nutes : General hydroponics (floranova grow / bloom )

im going to plant two plants, due to male to female ratio.

they will Veg in my clone box on 20/4 for a few day's until i make a mini cfl setup.


well shit.

since i dont germ my seeds prior to putting them in the medium. ill plant mine now also.


Light's : Cfl's
Medium : perlight
seed : bagseed
nutes : General hydroponics (floranova grow / bloom )

im going to plant two plants, due to male to female ratio.

they will Veg in my clone box on 20/4 for a few day's until i make a mini cfl setup.
what are you planning? Like abox? How many CFLS are you using?

It kinda isn't fair to CFL user's. HPS or MH users are obviously going to get better results. We should separate them and make two winners.

A CFL winner
and a HPS, or MH winners


what are you planning? Like abox? How many CFLS are you using?

It kinda isn't fair to CFL user's. HPS or MH users are obviously going to get better results. We should separate them and make two winners.

A CFL winner
and a HPS, or MH winners
yea i would make a small box. im guessing about 3X Cfl's

i agree their should be a winner for each type of light class. if your making this a contest.

i have HPS lamp's also, but i dont want to use that for a shot glass grow. maybe if this works well.. ill do like 30X under a Hps :)

i only had 1 dark shot glass.. lol lol.. so i am using a small MM's guy. he can hold : .90 fl oz


Well-Known Member
i think as long as your using a shot glass to grow,it shouldnt matter what kind of light anyone is using,isnt that the point of this grow,,,to do your best with what you have,and show everyone your results......good luck to everyone,i'll be watching...


yea i would make a small box. im guessing about 3X Cfl's

i agree their should be a winner for each type of light class. if your making this a contest.

i have HPS lamp's also, but i dont want to use that for a shot glass grow. maybe if this works well.. ill do like 30X under a Hps :)

i only had 1 dark shot glass.. lol lol.. so i am using a small MM's guy. he can hold : .90 fl oz
haha!! thirty!! i was thinking the SAME thing bro! I have a hundred and two[seriously no joke lol] of these little 1.5 oz jars. If this is sucsessful, I'm doing the same thing, only I'm doing 12 to 15 of them Depending on the speed of flowering.


haha!! thirty!! i was thinking the SAME thing bro! I have a hundred and two[seriously no joke lol] of these little 1.5 oz jars. If this is sucsessful, I'm doing the same thing, only I'm doing 12 to 15 of them Depending on the speed of flowering.
:) the speed will take the same amount of time from what i heard. but of course their will be less Veg time.

what medium do you plan on using ??

i have 2X seeds in 100% perlight.


Active Member
well fellas....just found this thread and im waitin for a harvest now....soooo....i want in on this we start from seed???


Active Member
break neck when we create new post put rules in it so every one knows and can go to first post to check rules. this is going to be interesting gl all and happy growing


Well-Known Member
breackneck, I really believe we need a rule stating that you can cover your glass, but that you MUST be able to remove the cover, and you must take 2 pictures from different angles and post them weekly to evidence you're plants are being grown in a shot glass.

Further, BoXofStankay the competition does not begin until Friday the 28th, so although I don't see a problem with germinating your seeds in paper towel for example, I do have a problem with the seedlings being planted in their glasses and under lights prior to commencement of the contest.

Just my 2c

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Why is everyone so caught up in rules for this thing? It's not like there is a cash prize awaiting the winner...I'm not even sure there is a winner.

I thought this was just for fun...why would anyone bother to cheat?


Well-Known Member
if an admin is on we could make a new section of the forum or sub forum for the shot glass grow off and put special permission for the people entering to be allowed to post and others allowed to view.. if thats possible, i think ive seen it on other forums but im not 100% sure


Further, BoXofStankay the competition does not begin until Friday the 28th, so although I don't see a problem with germinating your seeds in paper towel for example, I do have a problem with the seedlings being planted in their glasses and under lights prior to commencement of the contest.

Just my 2c
well honestly, not to be rude bro, but too bad. :-P lol well, if it makes you fell better, im germinating 15 more, there will be some outdoors, and in.:weed: Anyway sorry for starting early. But it's not That early >_<