Which one has faster growth? DWC or Ebb & Flow?


Well-Known Member
I'm doing it in an Emily's Garden (DWC) but am converting to Ebb and Flow.

In your opinion, which grows faster? DWC or Ebb and Flow?

Or does it not matter?



Well-Known Member
cant say ive tried either, but ive heard good about both. i am using drip irrigation for my system and the growth has been exponential. the roots dont have to search for food because it is delivered from the top and trickles over the roots. This is just for my veg box. i am going to go with the ebb & grow 12 bucket system for my flowering room. I plan on using a dwc for my mothers also. once ive got all 3 running i can probly give you a better idea of which grows faster. but basically the point is. hydroponics grows faster than soil no matter what method


Active Member
i went from dirt to dwc and it has blown me away at how fast it is and my buddy does ebb and not much diff and we us the same nutes so pretty close


Just some idiot
That's a good question, i'm not sure. I do a lot of DWC and DWC w/ a fogger (aero/hydro). I was looking at doing ebb and flow too but never got to it. I wouldn't think that there was a huge difference but let's wait to hear.


Well-Known Member
i think the only ebb and flow system i would go with would be a modular multi-bucket type system. that way each plant is self contained and you dont have plants just straight up in a planter tray filled with hydroton. But thats just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
both can have same result, for hydroponic aero is the fastest. The ideal here is to give the roots as much air as you can that is what will accelerate growth.


Well-Known Member
I have both,DWC bucket with a air stone and a ebb&flood tray that floods 4 times aday.Both are fast growing.I use the GH 3-part in both.I love hydro.Heres a pix of the DWC bucket at 41 days.it got big. PEACE



Well-Known Member
nice! thanks for all the response guys.

DWC is really taking off. However, my theory is that and ebb and drip will give nutrients directly to the roots, therefore increasing speed of growth.

Plus, there will be plenty of air for roots to suck in since it's not sitting in a solution.

thanks again all.

I have both,DWC bucket with a air stone and a ebb&flood tray that floods 4 times aday.Both are fast growing.I use the GH 3-part in both.I love hydro.Heres a pix of the DWC bucket at 41 days.it got big. PEACE


Well-Known Member
its also called expanded clay... its little round redish bals... they take the place of soil and keep the plants held upright.