SoG Grow Room Discussion


Well-Known Member
i have a Merlin... i just checked and confirmed that mine comes out at 6.7 and i heard that was the norm.

although i have read that ph readings taken on straight r/o are not accurate.


Well-Known Member

although i have read that ph readings taken on straight r/o are not accurate.


pH means potential hydrogens and measures/comes to conclusion from the amount of hydrogen ions.

RO has fewer ions making it hard to give an accurate reading or something like that, soooo can also screw your meter up too


Well-Known Member

pH means potential hydrogens and measures/comes to conclusion from the amount of hydrogen ions.

RO has fewer ions making it hard to give an accurate reading or something like that, soooo can also screw your meter up too
yea i forgot to mention the whole screwing up yer meter thing, sorry.

i knew it had something to do with ions.. lol


Active Member
Yo sog, go with coco bro! Can't get any simpler than that. You don't need to water often, especially if you're in a large container. T5 or cfl are fine when plants are small. You can hang a few cfl bulbs along the sides for bigger moms. Really depends if you just want to keep the moms around or if you want to get frequent cuttings from her. If you want some serious growth, use that 1k mh! For your style of growing, the 1k will give you more growth for bigger cuttings. I use cfls for seedlings and clones.

My RO water comes out around 7. When it's that clean, the addition of anything will make it jump like crazy. And I only use h202 to clean stuff.