noif i can, how would i go about doing it?
i guess if u supercrop,let it grow,top it,and let it grow some more....u could get double the colas that u haveidk. i thought you get 2 more extra branches..?
super crop makes everything the same heighth,so y would u top
because it allows the bud producing branches to grow in height and reach the same height as the top of the plant.. i does breaking the fibers in branches so they rebuild stronger make them the same height?
topping has a better chance of making the plant a more uniform height
when u supercrop u crimp the main stem so it lays sideways.....the effect of that cause will make the lower shoots come up to the same,making them all does breaking the fibers in branches so they rebuild stronger make them the same height?
topping has a better chance of making the plant a more uniform height
yes u should top before u supercropbecause it allows the bud producing branches to grow in height and reach the same height as the top of the plant.. i think.
am i right tho. can someone explain what i should do after i top or before, in detail? like top, then wait, supercrop main stem and some branches. OR super crop, top, something, something..
when u supercrop u crimp the main stem so it lays sideways.....the effect of that cause will make the lower shoots come up to the same,making them all colas.....
so tell me ur definition of supercropping....and tell me y they wont be the same heighth
yes u should top before u supercrop
but that isnt what u asked at first
personally i would fim first,then lst the new shoots
not exactly the same but the same concept(to get more colas)so what exactly does topping do? i should just super crop then.. it does the same thing as topping right?
i would fim,let it grow so the new shoots get some size,then lst or supercrop the new shoots in diff directions,and let it growok. sooo, i should FIM. then i should super crop a few nodes below the FIM to let the looower nodes catch up. then what do i do?