flowered early july - advice please


Active Member
this plant was put outside about the first week of July. It started flowering soon thereafter. It's been about 7 weeks. I'm wondering if I should leave it alone. There is a small amount of white resin, but not a lot.
Any advice would be appreciated. First timer here.

I had it on 18 hr Compact FL. prior to going out. It was about 20" when it went out and shot up to 36". Doesn't look like there is going to be much from it.



Active Member
this plant was put outside about the first week of July. It started flowering soon thereafter. It's been about 7 weeks. I'm wondering if I should leave it alone. There is a small amount of white resin, but not a lot.
Any advice would be appreciated. First timer here.

I had it on 18 hr Compact FL. prior to going out. It was about 20" when it went out and shot up to 36". Doesn't look like there is going to be much from it.
First off is it a bagseed or do you know the strain? Secondly 7 weeks probably isnt enough time i have had plants done anywhere from 8 weeks and some have taken up to 15 or 20. It is all really up to you, the color of your trichomes (thc crystals) is going to determine what type of high you get. here is a link for you http://www.420magazine.com/forums/how-grow-marijuana/71982-what-trichomes-trichome-101-a.html

this should help


Active Member
Thanks, that helps! I looked over the trichomes under 16x. I'd call them clear to cloudy. Pulled a bud and am quick drying as per link.

I had pulled some of the resin covered leaves and given them a try. I didn't feel much for a couple minutes, then hit a grand slam in the mens room. About 15 minutes in a strong head high. 60 minutes in and a medium-strong couch lock. And that was just a few leaves