First outdoor grow


Active Member
This is my first outdoor grow. I spent a mere 8$ for its creation. I had to bend it because of the it was becoming to tall. Its from a mids seed and right now i honestly cant tell if its a male or female. I only check on it two or three times a week so not much effort has been put into it so if its male i wont be too disappointed. Its been growing since April i think? and started out in a pot for its first month.



Active Member
I dont know how to work cameras at all but when i try and get a close up by each node its to blurry to view anything


Well-Known Member
it should start showing sex pretty soon here if its not already. i hope it doesnt get cold early where u live like it does where i am.


Interesting that it has not shown clear signs of it's sex yet... What part 'o the world are you in? In my neighborhood, or at lest with my plants, sex could be determined over a month ago. Sure hope she is a girl!


Active Member
well i really cant decide whether its a male or female yet its not very distinctive and my camera is too blury up close to get any good detail. i live in pa


Well-Known Member
well if its not showing any male nutz then its probably going to be female because i hear they take longer to show


Well-Known Member
Def. looks sativa, which is probably why you are not seeing signs of sex yet. Although is is pretty late already, there should be signs of sex... See if you can get better pix of the nodes around the top of the plant.


New Member
hm sweet plant but it isprobly a female bc usualy males will have a flimsy stem and females have very thick stems to hold up the yeild



Active Member
Ya most definatly, like guest420 says males usually show theyre sex long before a female, males can show sex without having 12 hours of darkness, here in AZ i have had males sprouting nuts around june or july when there is 13-15 hours of sun, females usually need to be at 12hours of darkness or very close to it before they will even start showing sex, im sure you got yourself a female.....


Active Member
Ya stem size definatly doesnt mean anything, just start watching them lower branches for some little hairs, if you start to see little balls popping out those bottom nodes then your screwed, if you smoke enough of those male pollen sacks you can get high, but im talking cut the plant down and smoke the whole male to get high and that aint worth it.......then you get a headache sometimes coming down


Active Member
that sure is a monster, my six footer is just starting to go into a violent flowering stage, theres over 60 bud sites on it , i think that because of the fact that you have a sativa dominant strain it is gunna take a lil bit longer to tell, but its looking promissing what ever youve been doing so far with it is workin'. are you using any nutrients on that or is it organic? also i hope that you dont live in an area that will frost around november because sativas take just a little bit longer to mature that an indica. good luck!!


Active Member
Ya most definatly, the sativa is good shit, its running about 20 a gram here and az and they do take longer to flower like sativafan says, each sativa strain usually has a predetermined estimate to when they will flower, bagseed usually just does what it wants i guess you could say.....