misdirection.......Also, by you comparing a car to your health isn't saying much about how much you think of your health...

are you saying decent food and housing are not as important as healthcare?? didnt think so but that is my way of jumping to an irrational conclusion to make you look bad.
now how are you going to make your healthcare utopia happen without forcing others to pay for it?
well said but are you advocating government intervention on how we take care of ourselves? or we should be responsible for our healthcare because most of our healthcare problems are caused by how we live?Some prefer to keep that soul carrying machine in tip top shape in order to survive longer and healthier and others tend not to, thus acquiring different healthcare problems that might be life threatning. The problem does not lie in the healthcare system,.....But what do I know, I'm just a doctor![]()
and as a doctor,do you agree that a primary reason healthcare is so expensive is because of government regulations?