• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Prices of Medical herbl okay, or, way too high?

Is Medi herb being sold why too high?

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The Wookie

Active Member
i was under the impression that the dispenseries charge more than street prices so they dont have fools going in there to pick up and flip it on the street. otherwise i think they would have more affodable prices for patients to obtain their medication. i got sick of paying so much money for my medication which recently led me to start growing my own meds (and join Roll It Up too ). im on my first grow right now and im more viewing this grow as a learning opprotunity for me that will benefit me for many years to come. Im having so much fun with it and am learning so so much everyday.

Nine Coats

Active Member
Hey Newbee ~ Your points are very well made. I've never considered that if the street and the medi prices are different, or the medi lower than street, then the possibility of "flipp'n" raises it's stupid head. Nice insights!
LOL and good ducks with your grow!

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
We see things differently. Sorry if using a set of words in referring to myself and others like me has in any way down graded anyone's rep. You seem to think all outdoor growers are Mexicans dumping filth in their herb? You also should consider whom has brought you herb all these years at great personal risk. You have to understand culture to understand how these growers have effected it by bringing herb to all of us these many decades? Herb stopped the Vietnam war dude, that was before you were born, but you can read, right? Those that operate outside the law are called, "Cultural Revolutionaries," and ARE the reason you can go buy herb from your medi supplier. Yes, outdoor growers received money for their efforts, is that a crime too?
Okay, so you've been around. Sorry, but unfortunately because of the demographics of this site's patronage I've come to assume that most anyone posting here is probably not yet clear of high school, highly ignorant, or both.(hence my rambling comment and kind of coming off as a dick in my original response)

If you go back to 67 then I guess you can call yourself whatever the fuck you want. The dirt warrior term was somewhat owned by a guy that was a bit of a celebrity on ganj forums a while ago. So my bad, you may have come up with it first.

I do not think all outdoors is mexican cartels growing chemmy beasters. You just said you grow the finest herb possible, which simply is not reasonable in guerrilla situations where the real weight is coming from. Unless it's small scale I doubt anyone is going full organic in these situations. That doesn't mean dumping pesticides and whatnot. Just that most outdoor peeps are not using full organic nutes. It's just not reasonable. I still flush damn well and do my best to stay clean buy I make compromises for quantity. This means time release nutes and spraying bt. Not like a little backyard plot that can be coddled full organic and have budworms picked out by hand. Now that would be growing the finest herb someone could muster outdoors. And that is always small scale unless you live in a medi state.

I just got the impression that you think outdoor guys deserve some kind of recognition. That just seems to go against the ethos of the outdoor/guerrilla/dirt warrior, or whatever you want to call someone that does large scale outdoors. Most of them don't want recoginition, personal or impersonal. I don't. Just posting on this site is pushing it.

True outdoor production is a noble pursuit. Is it something to be proud of? Yes, but not openly. People can be thankful, and usually are, but they need not be. No extra recognition is due, because we get paid. Now if you're giving it away then I would start asking about statues.

I know I missed your point a bit. It is true that all these outdoor guys providing herb steadily has acted to change laws. Though, if they were not there the price would go up and someone else would step in to cash in on the vacuum. It's something that anyone physically competent, with sufficient knowledge and big enough balls can do.

The Wookie

Active Member
Hey Newbee ~ Your points are very well made. I've never considered that if the street and the medi prices are different, or the medi lower than street, then the possibility of "flipp'n" raises it's stupid head. Nice insights!
LOL and good ducks with your grow!
thank you. i assume u were wishing me good luck hahaha

Illegal Smile

Risk is definitely a factor in cost, it is another cost of doing business. Also legal bud is being taxed, or at least the income from it is, more costs that get passed along. Plus the hands it goes through, plus the storefront, all costs. This is why people who think if it is legalized the price will go down are wrong. It will just divert more of the money away from growers and to governments.

Nine Coats

Active Member
Hey dude, I'm very interested in LED's, and would love to back and froth with you if you have the time? Lot's of us are looking for the penetration to get stronger , , ,

Nine Coats

Active Member
Thanks for stepping back. Many act like tough guys online. Face to face in a small room might play out differently. So, thanks again for the replies you've offered me. Very kind. I'm not out to cheer lead for anything. I'm upset that the medi guys have turned their collective backs on us, and suggest that we are CRIMINALS , , , which we are not. In fact, we are and have been the original "health care providers," when the present heath care providers were in baby cribs sucking plastic color dyed fill gizzmos. I truey believe that Medi herb should be 20 dollars an oz. 20$!
If you reread my original statement concerning my outdoor grows, I've said, "the best that i can UNDER THE CONDITIONS I have to work in." Not, I've grown the BEST HERB. You dig the difference? Growing isn't about us old dirt warriors(been calling myself and others that for 30 years) and yes, i did steal it from a friend of mine once quipped while in a fever of harvest!
You and i have no real beefs. In fact, you now sound like someone that grow decent herb. You are the future, not old fucks like me. It's all yours now. All I have to offer anyone now are grow war tales(which i do write about in short tales form), and some help with growing herb to those that want to understand the ladies. This isn't about old guys against young guys. We are all on the same team, only playing different positions. Mine is Quarterback , , , , ,
Keep in touch?
Shot at, wounded, but still digging the good holes , ,
Nine Coats(of resin)


Active Member
To me this question has been rolling around for sometime now. Wondered if anyone else has wondered why the price of "medi" herb equals the price of "street herb?" Street herb is grown beyond the eyes of the law, and as thus a huge RISK is taken to get anything in the bag. Less that 1/3 of all herb planted outside makes into a bag. 1/3.
Thus the price is whatever they say it is, as only they understand the problems it took to bring the herb to you. By the way, where do you think herb came from for 40 years before the legal stuff? Now, herb grown beyond the law is shunned upon by many Medi users. They are now seen as criminals, not at all like us Medi users. A case of revisoinist history being played out in front of our very eyes.
Outdoor growers have been fighting in the trenches for many decades, and have brought you many wonder hours of pleasure and pain relief through what they've risked their freedom for. They fought the war, Medi user are marching in the victory parade! How quickly we forget! I'm proud of being a Black Dirt Warrior, and believe i've done my best to grow the very best herb possible under the conditions allowed to me.
How do you feel about the things I've brought out here?
Pile in?
why is cannabus illegal= William Randolph Hearst (Citizen Kane) and the Hearst Paper Manufacturing Division of Kimberly Clark owned vast acreage of timberlands. The Hearst Company supplied most paper products. Patty Hearst's grandfather, a destroyer of nature for his own personal profit, stood to lose billions because of hemp. In 1937, Dupont patented the processes to make plastics from oil and coal. Dupont's Annual Report urged stockholders to invest in its new petrochemical division. Synthetics such as plastics, cellophane, celluloid, methanol, nylon, rayon, Dacron, etc., could now be made from oil. Natural hemp industrialization would have ruined over 80% of Dupont's business.
Andrew Mellon became Hoover's Secretary of the Treasury and Dupont's primary investor. He appointed his future nephew-in-law, Harry J. Anslinger, to head the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. Secret meetings were held by these financial tycoons. Hemp was declared dangerous and a threat to their billion dollar enterprises. For their dynasties to remain intact, hemp had to go. These men took an obscure Mexican slang word: 'marihuana' and pushed it into the consciousness of America. Need I say more headband707


Active Member
In BC I believe that bud is cheaper on the streets; however, you do get alot higher quAlity when buying medicinal.
Okay BC bud goes for $150.00 all the way up to $240.00 and if your up North $280.00 and oz. in the Compassion clubs and all other clubs $10.00 a gram and hash can be anywhere from $20.00 to $40.00 a gram club prices are outragous for the bud they have. NOT WORTH IT!!! PERIOD especially for the poor sick people that are looking for it. Forcing most to grow their own and they do trust me. Best type of but comes in clones peace out Headband707


Active Member
The thing that erks me about how the clubs run is the claim and advertise that they are a not profit org. yet they will continually mark up there prices 20-50% I know clubs that get clones for 8 bucks a pop and sell them for 20 a piece. How is this compassionate?

if they pay 4k per lb

1/8 = 60
1/4 = 120
1/2 - 240
1 oz = 400 (depends)

1lb = 6,400

I know they have some cost they have to cover (wages, rent, elec, advertising ect.) but I still think they are a touch to pricy. Just my opinion though.

AMEN!!!!!!! WHO THE FUCK PAYS THESE PRICES!!!!! And they call themselves Compassions clubs they should just call themselves high priced dealers to the sick!!!! I have been in this game for years and I know how much everything costs . I know the price of doing business too. I have taken all this into concideration and they are still taking people for a ride. The only people that say they are not. Are people that don't have dealer to go to that are cheaper or people that feel some type of loyalty to the commpassion card itself. I personally feel no loyalty only to my pocketbook and my stone. I only like to smoke the finest herb and when I run out I end up at the clubs and their stuff seriouly SUCKS!! peace out Headband707

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
im goin to give my honest opinion as a pot pharmer myself who talks to a few dispensaries, even tho some and most dispenceries do have collectives and shit like that , some of them still buy weed illegaly and they usually are imvolved in the growing of it as far as payin people to grow it for them like a middle man but they pay for everything and just pay the grower. weed has a price and if you dont want to pay the price i thnk you should figure out how to start growing or join a collective and get out there and help and if your disabled many will gladly help you out i know i would !! but everywhere is different and you have to know to who and where to go i guess , but ppl buy it so its gonna stay like that !!


Active Member
Then why is the outdoor bud the cheapest at the medi places? :roll:
It is my understanding from the clubs here in BC that the reason the outdoor stuff is cheaper is. 1) Usually not as good 2) no hydro to grow making it cheaper to sell. that is just here. peace out Headband707


Active Member
That was a tad rambling but here we go.

Nothing is ever over-overpriced. The market sets the price. I think the $50 per 3.5 is a solid precedent and hope it stays there for a while.

Medi users shunning black market ganj? Of course. They just want safe access to regulated, quality controlled herb. No need to taint their cause by getting involved with us criminals when they can legally grow their own or employ a caretaker to do so.

The only war growers have fought is to keep themselves out of jail. Does the outdoor group want legalization or decriminalization? Not me, or anyone that is profiting from the legally inflated price of fine ganj truly wants that.

Black dirt warrior? Kind of infringing on a semi-famous weed forum hero's trademark aren't we now?

Do you really grow the finest herb you can muster? Are you really full organic outdoor? Kudos if so. Though I imagine you make concessions on quality(organics) to gain yeild, like the vast majority of for profit growers do.

You seem to think outdoor growers are due some kind of recognition for the current medi laws in place. I disagree. The only reward for that kind of work is the cash in hand at the end of the season. There are intangibles one gains, and they are certainly valuable, moreso than even the cash, but these things come from within, not from the recognition of others.
"well money brings bitches and bitches bring lies one nig.g.as gettin jealous then muthafuckas die!" ... gotta get that money man so as of right now leave the law as it is, take the risks, its a re shesh out here in southern ontario sorry had to throw a lil pac in there for you


Active Member
im goin to give my honest opinion as a pot pharmer myself who talks to a few dispensaries, even tho some and most dispenceries do have collectives and shit like that , some of them still buy weed illegaly and they usually are imvolved in the growing of it as far as payin people to grow it for them like a middle man but they pay for everything and just pay the grower. weed has a price and if you dont want to pay the price i thnk you should figure out how to start growing or join a collective and get out there and help and if your disabled many will gladly help you out i know i would !! but everywhere is different and you have to know to who and where to go i guess , but ppl buy it so its gonna stay like that !!
Your right it is going to stay like that and for the most part there is nothing anyone can do about it but get smart and start forming their own co-ops and grow their own. Fuck the clubs and their OUTRAGOUS prices . Be smarter and not let them take your last dollar on weed that you don't like..It's starts with a thought then thought leads to action peace out Headband707:wall:

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
Thanks for stepping back. Many act like tough guys online. Face to face in a small room might play out differently. So, thanks again for the replies you've offered me. Very kind. I'm not out to cheer lead for anything. I'm upset that the medi guys have turned their collective backs on us, and suggest that we are CRIMINALS , , , which we are not. In fact, we are and have been the original "health care providers," when the present heath care providers were in baby cribs sucking plastic color dyed fill gizzmos. I truey believe that Medi herb should be 20 dollars an oz. 20$!
If you reread my original statement concerning my outdoor grows, I've said, "the best that i can UNDER THE CONDITIONS I have to work in." Not, I've grown the BEST HERB. You dig the difference? Growing isn't about us old dirt warriors(been calling myself and others that for 30 years) and yes, i did steal it from a friend of mine once quipped while in a fever of harvest!
You and i have no real beefs. In fact, you now sound like someone that grow decent herb. You are the future, not old fucks like me. It's all yours now. All I have to offer anyone now are grow war tales(which i do write about in short tales form), and some help with growing herb to those that want to understand the ladies. This isn't about old guys against young guys. We are all on the same team, only playing different positions. Mine is Quarterback , , , , ,
Keep in touch?
Shot at, wounded, but still digging the good holes , ,
Nine Coats(of resin)
totally agree with you Smiley! As apparent as the nose on mu face , , freak, where's my nose???
Sounds good, except I call the plays in my huddle too.

I don't know about 20 a zip though. That would barely cover trimming costs. Especially when that help is hired in. Even my very close friends won't trim for just scissor hash knife hits anymore.

The high cost supports a high quality product. It also, in my opinion, helps to legitimize medi ganj in the view of the general populace. Even at say, 300 an oz, ganj is still an incredible value when compared to most of the anti-nausea, appetite enhancing pharmaceuticals out there. Treating these symptoms is where I believe ganja's true medical merit stands. Not to discount the myriad of mj's other medi uses such as treating various psychological and nervous system disorders. I just believe treating nausea/appetite symptoms is where ganj can very clearly save or significantly improve the quality of someone's life.

I have had access to expensive($60+per pill) anti-nausea drugs left over from a family member that just barely beat cancer with extensive chemo. I was quite ill with a virus and unable to keep down any liquid at all. Several of the aforementioned pricy pills could not offer near the anti nausea effects that just a fraction of a gram of some fine ganj could deliver. Even at full price ($400/oz) that is a fucking deal.

Now how about some of these grow tales?