I am glad we all are in agreement about total rehaul!
I agree 100% with you Jhr.
Welfare is very important, for the kids. It is not designed for the people that get on it, it is for their children.
I grew up just poor enough to not be on welfare, but I know many that have. If that was not in place, they would not have any way to move up, and it would be third world countries on the streets, because poverty begets poverty.
If schools were not public then nobody would be able to have their kids go unless they had the money to pay for it. If they lived that long because of no health care. Then you have to wonder if on third world wages (because there would not be a min. wage) if they could afford food costs. So now that they are without education, they cannot get a good job so the cycle continues (on mass, there would always be exceptions to the rule).
So all these systems are in place to take care of the children, they can be somewhat healthy, have food with the stamp program that allows the people to get food, access to free public education so they have the opportunity to get out of the hole they were born into, then they can get a college education if they use the systems that are in place to the fullest and keep their nose in the books.
So now they can completely change their station in life from being a basically third world immigrant with nothing to show or anyway to get out, to a fully educated person with a great job and lots of room to grow. All because of the programs. Now when they get out they more than pay their part in taxes that can help out the next people have the opportunity to move up in life.
Will/Are these things always being taken advantage of, with no want to get off? Of Course. And it is horrid that people can sit there and milk the system, but there are not enough people to police the people as it is, so either you cut it all out, or you deal with the bloat.
But my reform here would be to have the people on welfare police the others on it. If you are not in school, then you need to work for the program even at home. They should all have a group of people they watch. So say I am on it I watch 6 people, someone else watches 6 people on and on. There should be overlap to be sure that people are not just randomly covering for eachother.
And abortion is a very important issue for me too. To take a persons choice away when it involves their own body is not a good idea. Do I think that people should treat their wombs like ear to a q-tip, no. But to tell them that they have to go through 9 months of perculating, then get their body torn open, and be stuck with a human life for the next 18 years because of a mistake is not a good idea.
Just like drugs, and what used to happen before when abortion is illegal, it will get worse if you ban it. Give women every reason to have the child (better adoption practices, more foster homes, better welfare system (nanny), ect), but in the end if they decide against all of it allow them to do what they feel is the best option.