NC House Bill 1380--The Medical Marijuana Act!


Well-Known Member
Was up Tat . way to go and welcome aboard . Now the flyers are a great idea and the news paper article will help out alot. I'm trying to nail down a date for the vote , but I keep getting a run around . So I have my company lawyer looking into it . LOL the fucker smokes more weed then I do . I got him on board to march with us. Hopefully he can get his friend to come too . It would be real nice to have a few lawyers with us . A few doctors would really help us out .
Is anyone on here a member of the clergy in the state of North Carolina . If so , your presence would be a great help .
VOTE YES TO H1380-H1383


Well-Known Member
Did anyone catch the bullshit the goverment is trying to sell the public on the news tonight . MARIJUANA CAUSES TESTICULAR CANCER . What kind of bullshit is this. They couldnt show any facts to support thier claim . The test are being run and they believe the test well show proof of thier claim . WTF is that .

Think about it . To relieve stress its ok to take a pharmaceutical , which one of the side effects is suicide
But smoke a natural herb that relaxes you and helps to let go of the days stress and they want to lock your ass up .
Come on ppl isnt time we stand up for whats right and have our voices heard.


Active Member
Did anyone catch the bullshit the goverment is trying to sell the public on the news tonight . MARIJUANA CAUSES TESTICULAR CANCER . What kind of bullshit is this. They couldnt show any facts to support thier claim . The test are being run and they believe the test well show proof of thier claim . WTF is that .

Think about it . To relieve stress its ok to take a pharmaceutical , which one of the side effects is suicide
But smoke a natural herb that relaxes you and helps to let go of the days stress and they want to lock your ass up .
Come on ppl isnt time we stand up for whats right and have our voices heard.
WTF they THINK they can prove it? LMAO! The big pharmaceutical companies don't want something natural because it will take away from their bank account. With all the people getting into organic foods and herbal medicines you would think this bill would draw tons of support from the public. We just have to inform them. Greendude, this is the site I keep my eyes on North Carolina General Assembly - Full Text Bill Search Results but so far I cannot find a vote date either.


Well-Known Member
Their trying to keep it under wraps to keep anyone from orginizing a sit in or march to support the bill. They wont release the date until a week before the vote . Then it will be a small post in some out of the way small town newspaper . That way they cover their asses about letting the public know of the vote .
I had lunch with some lawyers today and brought the subject up . Man everyone at the table smoked weed at one time or another , but all were scared to speak out about it publicly . Their main complaint was its still a criminal offence to even posses weed never mind grow it .
I told then it was time for them to grow a set of balls and stand up for their right to openly smoke weed . My lawyer told them it was time for a change and any law that was a total waist of time and tax payers money is a law worth changing .
The war on marijuana is a lost cause . Its the goverments way of keep the penal ind. and pharmaceutical companies going to line their own pockets with kick backs and reelection contributions . We covered spread sheets on how the legalization of medical marijuana would help the failing economy become more stable and relieve the over crowedness of our prison system , which in turn frees up the money being spent to house , clothes and feed these inmates , and if the goverment was smart (now thats a joke ) they could use this money to help with the health care budget
By the time our 3 hour lunch was over I think we may have won a few over to our way of thinking .
I think we may have a few more legal advocates on our side now .

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Sorry I've been missing the party...but it's nice to see you carrying on without me!

The update from the general assembly website...there is no update. No info. None.


Here's some local happenings where we can involved. It's not quite marching in protest, but it's a start. Both of these are from the North Carolina Cannabis Patients Network homepage

Oct. 17th- Pancake Fundraiser

August 8, 2009 at 6:03 pm (Uncategorized)

Join us in Greensboro at the Applebees at 4406 W. Wendover Ave. Greensboro, NC 27407 on Saturday, October 17th, 2009 from 7am to 10 am for a fund-raiser pancake breakfast in the first city in NC to pass a Resolution in support of medical marijuana and implementation of safe, legal access in NC.
Tickets are on sale now by calling our office or catching one of our volunteers or supporters for tickets. Tickets are $6.00 each for a delightful breakfast of pancakes, bacon, juice, coffee or tea, information and to help NCCPN and our legislators pass HB 1380 for NC’s patients.
Join us for a short stack for a tall cause. We hope to see you there.

Mark Your Calendars and Join In!

August 1, 2009 at 6:03 pm (Uncategorized)
Tags: NC, Richmond County, Rockingham, veterans

All members, supporters and interested parties are invited to attend the Reunion celebration at the Richmond County Community College Auditorium on Sept. 26th.
There will be a viewing of the documentary, “The Good Soldier” which will be released in select theatres later this year, which features NCCPN’s own, Perry Parks, Veterans Outreach Director.
See this amazing documentary on the effects of war on America’s young men.
Also, we will have a viewing of the documentary, “Waiting to Inhale” which shows much of the science and research into the medical marijuana issue.
Let’s fill the auditorium, we will have media present and filmed for our YouTube channel.
Join Us and support HB 1380 and return dignity and equal rights to NC’s medical marijuana patients.

There is some other good info on that website, and it has the most up-to-date info of anywhere I can find.


Well-Known Member
Very good information there Jerry. I guess we will be meeting at Applebees in Greensboro . Hope to see you all of you guys there. I'll be the middle aged long haired hippy in the Jimmy Buffet shirt smokin a spliff. lol


Well-Known Member
Very good information there Jerry. I guess we will be meeting at Applebees in Greensboro . Hope to see you all of you guys there. I'll be the middle aged long haired hippy in the Jimmy Buffet shirt smokin a spliff. lol
:bigjoint:Babs will be there......KNOW IT--- making it a priority to stick out like a sore thumb. :joint::eyesmoke::peace:


Active Member
ah..thanks for the info, i should be able to make it, have to make sure with the wife that I havent forgotten any plans..haha..My old stomping grounds...i grew up in Gso...


Well-Known Member
Ok Babs and Tat , I got my shit ready for Oct 17th . I have about 20 ppl so far from Charleston coming to show our support for NC . I will have a nice fat sack , so we will have to get ripped before we chow . I'm thinking of making some shirts to support the cause. Just need some ideas for a cool Logo ; I know VOTE YES NC MEDICAL MARIJUANA H1380-H1383 . But what else ? STOP THE APRESTION OF NATURAL MEDICATION .

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure yet if I'll be able to make it to the pancake fundraiser, but my preliminary plan is to attend. We'll see how my schedule shapes up around that time...

Greendude, nice to hear you'll be bringing a crowd! Your Charlestonites (or is it Charlestonians?) are good people for joining the cause!


Active Member
Not sure if I can make it either but I plan on trying to. It's only about 4 hours from me but I need to make sure the kids are taken care of first. Way to go greendude on getting so many people to go.I will also tell some friends about it and I am sure they are ready for a road trip.


Well-Known Member
I am going to try to make both of them. I think they are equally about the same distance away from me.


Active Member
Just read some of this very good thread wish ya ll best of luck cant wait till my state wants this

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to let everyone know that tickets for the Oct. 17th Applebee's Pancake Fundraiser will be available at the door, according to a representative of NCCPN. The website seemed to indicate you had to pick them up from someone or call their office, but you can just show up with your 20 friends and eat some pancakes!

Tickets are $6.00.


Well-Known Member
Alright, I'm going to be there already have hotel res. for the 16-18 . I'm going to bring some of my best stash . Monkey Paw and probably have some WW too. May have more ppl then I thought . I've had a shit load of phone calls from ppl wanting information on time and date . All from SC to help support the bill for NC . They know as well as I do, that if ya'll get it we will soon.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to let everyone know that tickets for the Oct. 17th Applebee's Pancake Fundraiser will be available at the door, according to a representative of NCCPN. The website seemed to indicate you had to pick them up from someone or call their office, but you can just show up with your 20 friends and eat some pancakes!

Tickets are $6.00.
As usual, you are way ahead of me Jerry. I had googled their phone number the other day in hopes of finding this information...thanks!!!
Hmm, I may just throw out some flyers "here and there" to let others know of this event.


Well-Known Member
Alright, I'm going to be there already have hotel res. for the 16-18 . I'm going to bring some of my best stash . Monkey Paw and probably have some WW too. May have more ppl then I thought . I've had a shit load of phone calls from ppl wanting information on time and date . All from SC to help support the bill for NC . They know as well as I do, that if ya'll get it we will soon.
Hahaha, I think I'm going to like you Greendude......a weekend event, eh? We could organize a march as well......oh hell, you all know I'm game.
Let's make our voices heard!!!