New Member
Ouch!!!! Someone has been a busy beaver......

Wow let agree to disagree on the Bush thing FUCK I hate BUSH!!bush was a great president. this is a fact
obama has spent more money in the past 7 months than bush did during his 8 years as president and after fighting 2 wars and bringing us out of the worst attacked on american soil while destroying an intrenched enemy
this country was fine before obama came to "change" everything
the only problem was the economy going south at the end of his presidency and that was cuz the democrats since clinton were forcing mortgage companies to give loans to people who could not afford it so that they could get re-elected and so clinton could be like see home ownership has risen by the millions in my presidency
and now after they all default they try to blame it on bush like everything else.
but it was bush who went to congress before the meltdown and told them they must reform these lender or there will be a catastophe.
guess what, they we so busy saying "bush lied people died" that they told him to piss off we are too busy tearing you down to do anything about it
then obama comes around playing on this hate
and the sheep vote him in
but now he is changing america into a socialistic state bulling the people that do not agree with him and spending like a drunkin sailer
this is why everyone dislikes him.
after the election I was willing to give him the benifit of the doubt and guessed he would govern bipartizenly as he said he would during the elections
boy how wrong was i
bush was a great president
nothing you guys say about him that he did was bad.
i work in Iraq. from my office in the USA and that coutnry is eternally happy and one of the most promising arab countries out there now. dont ever shit on thier won freedoms.
it is masked dictators like obama who destroy countries like the syrian dictators that run lebanon
the truth is hard to find but i speak it.
yeah I'm talking about 2009 peace pleaseThe war on drugs has been going on in earnest since 1968...... keep it in context.
Wow let agree to disagree on the Bush thing FUCK I hate BUSH!!
Okay first I will make my point about Bush's WAR ON DRUG'S why would anyone on this board support Bush for any reason not to mention the countless kids he has killed for Oil. By the way the War on drugs was to fund Terrorism if you can believe that one... So where did all your money go? All that 10 billion every month? You think it's to the solders out in the fields and their expensive equipment or to finish off the Taliban which by the way they still haven't been able to beat. Never will by the way. They will and have gone broke trying so did Russia 30 years earlier...Bush was just trying to impress daddy...As far as the stock market it was the foxes in the hen house but your Gov. should have been watching that too. Now as far as your Health your supposed to be the richest nation in the world and yet you don't look after your own in the worst time of your life when your sick. Believe me that is the worst time.. You need the Gov. to step in and look after everyone rich and poor for health. There should be no question here. You should not have to go broke to get better. If you had to best health care in the world you would live longer then we do on average but you don't. Not saying any of this to offend and I hope it doesn't offend I only hope peace out, now I'm going to smoke a trainwreck x kush and listen to kottonmouthkings headband707
I have no problem with Bush, and wish that I would have been woken up to the fact before now. But unfortunately I did not wake up to all the lies until I saw it from the other point of view.bush was a great president. this is a fact
No he hasnt. In just the last 4 "Bush" years the American Government had spent 35trillion. In '09 it will be about 12 trillion.obama has spent more money in the past 7 months than bush did during his 8 years as president and after fighting 2 wars and bringing us out of the worst attacked on american soil while destroying an intrenched enemy
Again I disagree, we are overweight, unhealthy, a good portion is over their heads in debt, we have been fighting too many wars, too addicted to tv, too high of gun crimes, too many of a lot of things to think it was fine.this country was fine before obama came to "change" everything
Again I disagree. The banks that did the low income loans did well up until companies like quicken loans decided to milk the public by giving everyone all these new loans they came up with 105%, balloon, no verification 15 minute loans, ect. Then they packaged them and sold them to wall street.the only problem was the economy going south at the end of his presidency and that was cuz the democrats since clinton were forcing mortgage companies to give loans to people who could not afford it so that they could get re-elected and so clinton could be like see home ownership has risen by the millions in my presidency
and now after they all default they try to blame it on bush like everything else.
I am not sure about Bush doing this, but I will take your word for it because it seems plausible.but it was bush who went to congress before the meltdown and told them they must reform these lender or there will be a catastophe.
guess what, they we so busy saying "bush lied people died" that they told him to piss off we are too busy tearing you down to do anything about it
The socialistic state thing aside, I do agree with you that us Dems played off of the Bush is evil thing to get Obama elected. But you need to see that all this garbage is the same thing but pointed at the new president. Same game just different players.then obama comes around playing on this hate
and the sheep vote him in
but now he is changing america into a socialistic state bulling the people that do not agree with him and spending like a drunkin sailer
No they dislike him for the same sheepish reasons we hated Bush.this is why everyone dislikes him.
I disagree strongly here. Obama keeps trying to bring in the republicans, but they are betting against him and just doing everything possible to say they are fighting him off. The republicans can take a back seat, say no to anything and everything and call it good in '10.after the election I was willing to give him the benifit of the doubt and guessed he would govern bipartizenly as he said he would during the elections
boy how wrong was i
There are some things, but they are just not sexy enough to really matter. Everyone makes mistakes and bad decisions from time to time. And the fact he did not have total say (just like Obama) means that a lot was pushed aside and not passed, and passed that had very little to do with him.bush was a great president
nothing you guys say about him that he did was bad.
And this is why it is a great reason to step out and let them stand on their own the best they can with some side support from us.
i work in Iraq. from my office in the USA and that coutnry is eternally happy and one of the most promising arab countries out there now. dont ever shit on thier won freedoms.
It is easy to say people are masking their true evil, because it doesn't have to ever be is masked dictators like obama who destroy countries like the syrian dictators that run lebanon
I will stick with facts. They are a lot easier to find.the truth is hard to find but i speak it.
Then this bill is only going to cover that 4%, it excludes illegal immigrants.theres only 40 million out of 300 million who just dont have insurance in america
of which 12 million are illigal aliens!!
atleast 15 million are between 18 & 25 and dont want / need health insurance
that leaves just 13 million who may actually need/deserve it
that is only 4% of the people in our country
and instead of just passing a bill to insure those 13 million people, (who would rather spend thier money on other things than health insurance)
this sick socialist government is trying to slam every US citizen into thier own government run health program which will destroy our private insurance just so they can have power over us and control us more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
Your reading the graph wrong Han, The numbers represent the TOTAL debt, not the increase in debt. So from FY '05 to FY'08 Bush spent a TOTAL of about 2 trillion,(Increased from 8 tril to 10 tril) in the last 8 months the New Administration has spent a little more than 2 trillion, so at this rate its being spent 5 times as fast as when Bushy was pres.I
No he hasnt. In just the last 4 "Bush" years the American Government had spent 35trillion. In '09 it will be about 12 trillion.![]()
Your reading the graph wrong Han, The numbers represent the TOTAL debt, not the increase in debt. So from FY '05 to FY'08 Bush spent a TOTAL of about 2 trillion,(Increased from 8 tril to 10 tril) in the last 8 months the New Administration has spent a little more than 2 trillion, so at this rate its being spent 5 times as fast as when Bushy was pres.
And lets make this clear, it is Not OBAMA spending the money, it is CONGRESS. The president cannot ok the expenditure of taxpayers money, only Congress can.
Edit: as an aside, we all remember Bush taking the war off the balance sheet right? Add an extra 1 trillion to his numbers to make it really fair, but its still not on the balance sheet so add as much onto Obama's numbers also, which will only increase as we have added 1 more country to the mix. At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if we somehow got entangled with Iran also.
I have no problem with Bush, and wish that I would have been woken up to the fact before now. But unfortunately I did not wake up to all the lies until I saw it from the other point of view.
No he hasnt. In just the last 4 "Bush" years the American Government had spent 35trillion. In '09 it will be about 12 trillion.![]()
Again I disagree, we are overweight, unhealthy, a good portion is over their heads in debt, we have been fighting too many wars, too addicted to tv, too high of gun crimes, too many of a lot of things to think it was fine.
Again I disagree. The banks that did the low income loans did well up until companies like quicken loans decided to milk the public by giving everyone all these new loans they came up with 105%, balloon, no verification 15 minute loans, ect. Then they packaged them and sold them to wall street.
The Mac banks wanted no part of them and refused them at first, but when everyone was doing them and making serious money it was already too late, The bubble had formed. For several years economists had warned the country, but noone wanted to listen because they were busy bashing Bush on the war, and economists talking about taking these loans away wouldn't sell.
I am not sure about Bush doing this, but I will take your word for it because it seems plausible.
The socialistic state thing aside, I do agree with you that us Dems played off of the Bush is evil thing to get Obama elected. But you need to see that all this garbage is the same thing but pointed at the new president. Same game just different players.
No they dislike him for the same sheepish reasons we hated Bush.
I disagree strongly here. Obama keeps trying to bring in the republicans, but they are betting against him and just doing everything possible to say they are fighting him off. The republicans can take a back seat, say no to anything and everything and call it good in '10.
Obama is getting so much heat from us Dems for not just saying screw it and steamrolling the Republicans.
There are some things, but they are just not sexy enough to really matter. Everyone makes mistakes and bad decisions from time to time. And the fact he did not have total say (just like Obama) means that a lot was pushed aside and not passed, and passed that had very little to do with him.
And this is why it is a great reason to step out and let them stand on their own the best they can with some side support from us.
It is easy to say people are masking their true evil, because it doesn't have to ever be proven.
I will stick with facts. They are a lot easier to find.
Then this bill is only going to cover that 4%, it excludes illegal immigrants.
And that should not bother you so much. The rest is about cutting costs and stopping the predatory actions that the insurance companies do now.
sorry to get off subject....
but can someone help me.
I'm on youtube trying to watch some metallica vids, and there
is no sound....
My volume is up on my computer because I can listen to my itunes
just fine. Whats with this?
This may sound redundant, this may sound redundant.sorry to get off subject....
but can someone help me.
I'm on youtube trying to watch some metallica vids, and there
is no sound....
My volume is up on my computer because I can listen to my itunes
just fine. Whats with this?
WOW! I don't even know how to respond! You are as one-sided and blind as Medea. Bush was a great president - HA! You really think he had NO hand in ANYTHING bad whatsoever. Democrats are to blame for everything. Broken record. We've heard it. That's what Cracker's for - to play the same record over and over......bush was a great president. this is a fact
obama has spent more money in the past 7 months than bush did during his 8 years as president and after fighting 2 wars and bringing us out of the worst attacked on american soil while destroying an intrenched enemy
this country was fine before obama came to "change" everything
the only problem was the economy going south at the end of his presidency and that was cuz the democrats since clinton were forcing mortgage companies to give loans to people who could not afford it so that they could get re-elected and so clinton could be like see home ownership has risen by the millions in my presidency
and now after they all default they try to blame it on bush like everything else.
but it was bush who went to congress before the meltdown and told them they must reform these lender or there will be a catastophe.
guess what, they we so busy saying "bush lied people died" that they told him to piss off we are too busy tearing you down to do anything about it
then obama comes around playing on this hate
and the sheep vote him in
but now he is changing america into a socialistic state bulling the people that do not agree with him and spending like a drunkin sailer
this is why everyone dislikes him.
after the election I was willing to give him the benifit of the doubt and guessed he would govern bipartizenly as he said he would during the elections
boy how wrong was i
bush was a great president
nothing you guys say about him that he did was bad.
i work in Iraq. from my office in the USA and that coutnry is eternally happy and one of the most promising arab countries out there now. dont ever shit on thier won freedoms.
it is masked dictators like obama who destroy countries like the syrian dictators that run lebanon
the truth is hard to find but i speak it.
WOW! I don't even know how to respond! You are as one-sided and blind as Medea. Bush was a great president - HA! You really think he had NO hand in ANYTHING bad whatsoever. Democrats are to blame for everything. Broken record. We've heard it. That's what Cracker's for - to play the same record over and over......
I mean, come on. Obama clearly has faults, but Bush is not pure angel, as you would have it. I mean, seriously.
This statement merely shows your lack of understanding and experience. Ratings usually fall at this point. Look at Clinton - he got re-elected. You're forgetting the fickle nature of voters. They will vote based upon current circumstances. Do you really think someone voting in 2012 will say, "well, his polls were low three years I'm voting for the other guy". It all depends on the situation in three years and it's certainly swinging Obama's way.Its true Bush was far from perfect but he did love this country and did everything he had power to do to protect it and keep its future safe which is the absolute opposite of what Obama has done and you can see his mal content just like his racist wife Michelle has. the eyes dont lie but Obama mouth sure does lol His approval fell again so it should be pretty easy to get him out next election
Actually, didn't Bush state that he based his opinions were based upon advice from God? He would pray and make decisions based upon some kind of 'answer'. Let me find it.......Bush didn't run by polls..... he ran on what he thought (and many others) was best for the country. There's the difference between him and Clinton. Clinton's constant attention to his popularity froze his foreign policy when the decisions got tough.
Clinton's weakness demanded a strong president follow him. We got one.