GTs 2009 SoCal outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
impressive greenthumb :clap:
good to know ;)

Thx for stopping by and for the kind words. Stop by tomorrow or tonight for the weekly update.

I went out today and got molassas finally. The grocery store didnt have blackstrap but they had Mommas unsulfered so I got that and headed to the health food store. Sure enough they had blackstrap so I bought 2 bottles. When I got home I dropped the mommas on the ground and broke the bottle. :oops::wall: It cut the bag so it was leaking a little. I took it in and but it all in a black trash bag. Long story short I rinsed the shopping bag with the glass with hot water and let it run into the black trashbag. When I lifted it up to take it outside a piece of glass had come out with the molassas and cut the black bag so I lost most of the mix. Was ok because I had the blackstrap. THat shit is thick. How do people their mix? Do you just mix it directly with your ferts or do you mix it with a little hot water first?


Well-Known Member
ill be here, you know it :weed:

btw: ill take your broken bottle shows; any time, over the crap i got going ;)
keep at it bra

Well another week of fatening the girls up. As you read, I have started using blackstrap molasses with each watering (2 per week followed the next day with bloom nutes). All are looking good and keep puting on the bud formation.


The JSs are doing well except that frickin mold/rot on JS1. Im going to do some more hacking tomorrow to cut out the affected sections. I didnt take any more pics of that it just makes me pissed. JS 2 is 1 week behind JS 1 and is solid and sticky. JS 3 is a fat beast 2 weeks behind JS 1. JS 3 has more of a leafto bud ratio so maybe it wont have the rot problems.

The WC are really taking off. The white pistal one is starting to really bulk up the colas. The red/pink pistal plants are just behind the white pistal plant and starting to really stack the buds inthere on the colas. The WC clones are a bit slower in their stacking . They are really just closing the node spacing and starting to stack up.

The CC is really starting to form continous colas up and down. I will try to get a shot of the top colas of the WC and CC which are really nice aginst the setting sun.

JTR is now in the flower mode closing node spacing and starting to stack buds up to form colas. About 2 more weeks and it will be looking fat.

The HJ is packing it on all over. The damn gardner bent one of the branches to the ground so I wired it back up and it seems to be doing ok.

Thats about it for this week. Let me know what you think and hope you enjoy. As always bud porn tomorrow.

Row 1: WC white pistals, JS 1, JS 2, JTR (for SOG), HJ
Row 2: CC, WC clone, WC red/pink pistals, JS 3, WC white



Well-Known Member
the hijack branches love to break. i'd support them.
I just finished cutting the tiedowns for them for tomorrow AM. :mrgreen::blsmoke: Once I saw the pic I said they will get fatter and probably break. I remember yours last year and I dont want any breakage. I was kinda suprised how non-flexable JS 3 is compared to JS 1 and 2. JS 1 and 2 have hard dense nugs but JS 3 is a little less but more inflexable. Bondage tomorrow


Well-Known Member
nice and juicy girls, just the way yours truly loves them ;)
sweet grow bra, ill be flowing this one



Well-Known Member
nice and juicy girls, just the way yours truly loves them ;)
sweet grow bra, ill be flowing this one
Thx for the kind words and welcome aboard. How did you like the JTR?

Went out this AM to tie up the HJ and 1 branch had already snapped. I proped it back up and tied them down.


Well-Known Member
Have you noticed any difference in the smell of the WC ?
Different Phenos ?
Hey Earl welcome back. I went out about a month ago now and the WC red/pink smelled like lemons. I will go out tomorrow during the day and smell them to see if there are any differences.


Well-Known Member

i need to fix it genetically so it doesn't break in the first place. the branches get loooong but have little self support. :sad:
I know mine is just a f2 but I noticed some branches were prety fat and some not. That doesnt seem to matter. The first one that broke was skinny and the one this AM was fatter. The buds are so stacked at the end it doesnt take much. I have seen yours and I can see how those would snap even further from the trunk as big as they are.


Well-Known Member

hey GT im goin down to see JR at OCFS and pik up sum sprays and traps and shit since im assuming i shouldnt be spraying with my neem oil anymore?