Closet Grow (BuD)
Active Member
MG already has enough nutes for vegg, its not the best stuff you could use but its, well its probably th worst soil sorr but they have like wood chips and idk i just hate MG...i would go with Scotts Moistture Contrrol, it has a neutraal ph and has moisture control so you dont kill you plant cuz to much water.....btw use the finget teqnique when you wanna watter (stick your finger down the side and if its a little moist water the next day.Hey i jus wanna thank every1 one for their help and suggestions and for subscribing.. The babies are doing just fine. i actually was able to get a hold of a digital camera today so i will have some nice clear pics for you guys by tonight. About the lights hmmm.. well im going to try set up some more florescent lights or maybe even some cfls on the side. At the current moment im working on a exhaust fan for the hot air but i dont really need it rite now since the temperature and the humidity levels are doing real good and every once in a while i leave the door open for some fresh air.. but i will start working on a exhaust fan or something to move the hot air out for the time wen i put up my 2 250 hps lights. I still have not fed no nutes to the babies the soil i am using is Miracle Grow.. if n e one has n e info on how or when is a good idea to nute them please do drop some info on that .. i dont really no much about nutes but i have hurd that miracle grow soil already has enuff in the soil not sure if thats tru or notwell time to go cheak on the babies b sure to cheak in with further updates that i will have up by tonight thnx once again guys