Cone shaped leaves????


Well-Known Member
ok so can anyone tellm e why my leaves are starting to turn into cone shapes??

i think it might be because of the fan blowing on them making them curl

the plant is healthy as can be as u see i was just curious to why this is happening thanks for the help :)


luvvin growin

Active Member
Most of the time the leaves turnig down like that indicate a deficiency of some sort.Most of the time its a macro nutrient.The lower leaf turning yellow as it is indicates that some nitrogen,and some macro nutrients are lacking.What kind of lamp are you using,and how far away is it?


Well-Known Member
well this is a week and a half old picture there is no color deficiency anymore i took care of that but still all the top leaves are conning like i said plant is extremely healthy at this point i think its because of my fans ... they are pretty powerful

i am using cfl's and i have 4 of them each 100 w for two plants in my grow box and they are always about 2-4 inches away from light


Well-Known Member
although i forgot about this...... i was using miracle grow plant booster while in vegg cycle and then i switched them over to flowering and stopped using nutes because my ladies were not takin in the miracle grow so well so i decided to stop......

could that be why they are conning???


Well-Known Member
highpsi ..... sorry bro u have no idea wat your talkin about those plants have not had nutes in over 3 weeks dude haha

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
highpsi ..... sorry bro u have no idea wat your talkin about those plants have not had nutes in over 3 weeks dude haha
I wish I knew what was causing this, because I see a lot of it, and diagnosis isn't confirmed in my mind.

Could it be pot bound?

What are the temps?


Well-Known Member
the temps are around 75- 80 degrees id say and a lil cooler throughout the night and the pots are pretty big right now not sure wat size maybe 2 gallon??

luvvin growin

Active Member
if your only giving them straight h2o,then you might consider putting them on some nutes.They are beginning to become deficient and thats why the leaves are curling down.Recommend a 1/4 dose of some grow fert,and maybe even something like GH FloraMicro,has alot of beenficial macro nutes like calcium,chlorine,and stuff to help them out.


Well-Known Member
somsone in another thread told me i was overwatering which i dont see how if i have no yellow leaves wat so ever so do u think they were making a false interpretation????

luvvin growin

Active Member
well,it is a thought,but you know better than anyone.Before you water again,let the top of the soil crust up and be dry about 1/2" from the top,if it takes a day,so be it.If the plant responds within hours either way,you know it's a watering prob.The rrots should almost be dry before you water again.


Well-Known Member
its funny cuz some times heat stress and overwatering have the same sign of droopy leafs so that could by why they said that.. i have no idea whats wrong GreenCross should know haha hes a doctor


Well-Known Member
well where is greencross at :(

also hey luvvin i water about every day and when i wake up i put my finger in the soil about 2 inches down and its dry so i water pretty much every day here and there it will be 2 or 3 days but someone said that 2 inches down doesnt mean it needs watered personally i think it does wat do u think??? ++ rep luvvin

luvvin growin

Active Member
well,I learned that the root ball should be nearly dry before you water for a number of reasons,(root rot,increased growth,and the waterborne bacteria die off with no food supply,etc.).the easiest way for me to judge is to take a big tongue depresser or popscicle stick,put it into the pot to the bottom.ANY sign of moisture=no water.Then I got a moisture meter,no more over watering.Also,as I said,most plants will respond within afew hours either way of any change.They will either perk up,or wilt,giving you a base for troubleshooting.


Well-Known Member
hmmm thanks man never though about the popcicle stick idea will use that from not on apreciate it ... wat does your grow look like bro??

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
its funny cuz some times heat stress and overwatering have the same sign of droopy leafs so that could by why they said that.. i have no idea whats wrong GreenCross should know haha hes a doctor
No I'm not a doctor, but I did stay at a holiday inn last night LOL

A lot of plants do this in flower, so it could be stress related, or a nute deficiency.

Could it be too much airflow causing low humidity?