Have you ever been surprised by bag seed?


Well-Known Member
Those of you who have grown particular strains from purchased seeds...have you ever grown some bag seed and been surprised by the quality of plant you get?


Active Member
one time I walked into my grow room and a bagseed jumped out of the doorway and screamed "GOTCHA BITCH!"

That was pretty surprising.


if you find a seed or two in a bag of dank and grow it out it will be that fire. it depends on genetics, and the past breeding of the bagseed


Well-Known Member
yes im growing 2 strawberry cough and a white rhino. im about two week from harvest. 5 weeks ago a friend said he got two seeds from his dealer that he found in a bag of the best weed he had in a long time. he gave them to me and i planted them one male one female. the trichs on the bagseed weed started in week two of flower. all the leafs include any fan leaf started exploding with trichs and it is 150% stinkyer than any plant ive grown. now id wish id takin some cuttings.looks like im going to try a re-veg on her.wish me luck:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i love my bagseed... look at my avatar wether u all b elieve me or not... thats a seed from a middy's bag :) i just care for them alot and then they turn out nice for me :)


Well-Known Member
that is not it in my avatar. althought the plant in my avatar is a sweet nug-laden horticulteral miracle.


Well-Known Member
cheers :weed:

I've never grown anything but bagseed personally.

Do people get hermies a lot from bagseed?(re comment above) never had a herm myself
I had to chop a 6 footer a couple days ago. It was the first outdoor hermi I've encountered. It would depend how many new bagseeds you're sprouting. The more you sprout, the more your chance of finding a shim. Bagseed is totally safe unless you do something silly and grow a whole field of it.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to work with bag seeds right now, and I'm already concerned about if they are male or hermies...but I'm planning on LST at least one with paperclips. I don't want to stress it out so much and kill any shot of it being female.


Well-Known Member
ive had one hermie last year but nothing since .. i personally think hermies come from light leaking but i kno theres many other ways and sometimes it just happens... but mine came from light leak


Well-Known Member
i've got a plant going right now that came from a bagseed mom. it has the sweetest smell and taste, just a bad yeilder. only got a ounce off mom and i doubt if the clone will do much better. these were grown beside plants that i'm getting 4 and 5 off from. the bag the seed came from was texas brick weed. good taste and smell, poor yeilder.


Well-Known Member
what did you do to that poor little weed plant in your avi.?
im sure youve heard that if you stress out the plant before harvest it increases the thc. well ive takin it the other level i beat the shit out of my plant all their miserable lives. you see that plant them five nugs i harvested are 60% thc. it will literally blow the top of your fucking head off. no bullshit :o


Well-Known Member
i personally love bag seed .. its free for one and if u find certain mids that u liek verym uch then u get to grow it and have unlimmited amounts :)!!!!!! although i do have a hawain kush seed waiting to be grown :) cant wait for that one


Well-Known Member
never heard of that dime i personally like to baby mine and they like it :) guess your ladies like it rough ahhahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
ive had one hermie last year but nothing since .. i personally think hermies come from light leaking but i kno theres many other ways and sometimes it just happens... but mine came from light leak
if it has enough hermi genetics in it, it's going to sprout balls whether you have light leaks or not. The best way to check if seeds have hermi genetics is to sprout a few and see if you can get males. True males are a sign of clean genetics. With having only shims slinging pollen, males are pretty much weeded out.


Well-Known Member
im sure youve heard that if you stress out the plant before harvest it increases the thc. well ive takin it the other level i beat the shit out of my plant all their miserable lives. you see that plant them five nugs i harvested are 60% thc. it will literally blow the top of your fucking head off. no bullshit :o
I've heard old timers mention pinching leaves and such through the whole lifespan. Always wanted to try it just to see but I can't bring myself to hurt my babies.


im sure youve heard that if you stress out the plant before harvest it increases the thc. well ive takin it the other level i beat the shit out of my plant all their miserable lives. you see that plant them five nugs i harvested are 60% thc. it will literally blow the top of your fucking head off. no bullshit :o

lol your a fucking r3 tard