Lacy's outdoor grow


New Member
I'm really not sure Sylvan. One of them is about 1 week away I think. This is where I need some help because I've always picked them way too early. They are getting really sticky now and it smells heavenly out there.
Soon I hope. Good thing I got some really excellent smoke to tie me over, otherwise I'd be a pickin.'

Very nice! How much longer do you figure until harvest?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Lacy, There are lots of great threads here that describe the "ripe" bud and how to tell. The going tool of choice seems to be the Radio Shack microscope to check trics and percentage of cloudy to amber. bongsmilie


New Member
Yes. There is incredible info on how to know when your buds are ready. I do know what they are going to look like this time around, I just don't know how much longer it is going to take to get there.

If any one has any ideas,...I'm all ears.

Lacy, There are lots of great threads here that describe the "ripe" bud and how to tell. The going tool of choice seems to be the Radio Shack microscope to check trics and percentage of cloudy to amber. bongsmilie


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Hey Lacy, Go for October15 harvest. Most of the outdoor growers I know are doing that, this year they are all behind due to lack of rain. My outdoor plants look like your, not sure so I am leaving until Oct. 15. :peace:


New Member
Hey Chiceh,
Yeah a few are definitely going to be ready by then. I'm having my parents down that weekend but I already told them that I am growing and they accepted it so I don't have to move them. BONUS!!!!

Two others will be later than that. One of them started really late 'cause the cat knocked it off the deck. It looked like a match stick with tiny nodes at the end of June so it will be really late. I can easily bring them in for the nights so I'm not too concerned. My neighbours are even cool with it. I give joints to my one neighbour who is about 70. He's a pretty cool guy.:mrgreen:

I checked out that cool cab Chiceh. That's innovative for sure. Good buy Chiceh. I'm jealous!!!!:-| lol!
Hey Lacy, Go for October15 harvest. Most of the outdoor growers I know are doing that, this year they are all behind due to lack of rain. My outdoor plants look like your, not sure so I am leaving until Oct. 15. :peace:


New Member
I posted new updates about my out-door grow in a new thread about big buds.
I have looked at the tutorial, which is great BUT some of these buds are soooo thick I am not sure what to thick. They are completely covered in amber hairs some places and others have hardly any on them.


Well-Known Member
I posted new updates about my out-door grow in a new thread about big buds.
I have looked at the tutorial, which is great BUT some of these buds are soooo thick I am not sure what to thick. They are completely covered in amber hairs some places and others have hardly any on them.

got some pics?:blsmoke:


New Member
Yes! I posted some in the message just before this and in a post named "big bud harvesting help needed (with pics)" I have about 12 pics there 'cause yesterday I deleted all my pre'shrunk pics by mistake and I am on dial -up. :?

I have a lot of buds that are as thick or thicker than pop cans. Yaaa-- whooooooooooo!!!! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

AND fdd I have WAY MOREEE than I ever expected :blsmoke:AND...
I smoked some yesterday that had dried for only 6 days I got so wasted that I left my purse in the store by accident.:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

It's the best bud I have smoked in a long time and it isn't even cured yet. AND I grew it!!!! I'm tickled pink.:oops:

I am totally stoked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap:
Thanks for your help. :mrgreen:
got some pics?:blsmoke:


New Member
I'll add some pics as soon as my parents leave for the weekend. They are visiting at the moment. They like dmy plants or at least said they did. They really don't know what to say.


Active Member
You mentioned Mold... I live in the Northeast... and I think I have one bud that is experiencing that problem. I wonder if I should harvest that one now.... The rest of my plants are very close... to harvest.. I think LOL


New Member
Yes i mentioned I threw out bagfuls of weed that had white mold on it. It wasn't on the plants when they were alive and by the sounds of your plants, it probably isn't either. Perhaps a bird flew by and now it is diluted. :-|

I lived in a subdivision at the time and I had plants growing in fields miles away. I harvested ALL the plants way too early and then FREAKED because I had all this crop and it was started to smell the house up so I trashed it all. :-|

I know. :dunce: But I was scared. :shock:
You mentioned Mold... I live in the Northeast... and I think I have one bud that is experiencing that problem. I wonder if I should harvest that one now.... The rest of my plants are very close... to harvest.. I think LOL


New Member
My parents are gone and I went out this morning and took some more pics of my buds. I have picked at least 3 ounces so far and it is 'wicked' sh*t!!!

I've tried 2 different types so far and one of them is soooooo sweet and the stone is already amazing. I can't wait to cure it and see how it is then.
This is by far the most exciting thing that has happened since we bought this house.

I'll add some pics as soon as my parents leave for the weekend. They are visiting at the moment. They like dmy plants or at least said they did. They really don't know what to say.

