Medical Cannabis List and EFFECTS 2009!!


Well-Known Member
my mates been raving bout lsd since he came back from the dam last yr, he a rel heavy bongsmoker and says its the only one that put him on his arse lol said it came over in waves and each one pulled his head closer to th table till he was leaning on his arm in the coffee shop lol sounds like a gd smoke 2 me keep us updated


New Member
marijuana isnt the same for everyone expecially for pain. marijuana seems to work for my nauesa head ache and anxiety. i found some strains actuall give me anxiety. pure potent sativas will do this. i mainly smoke indica which make you relaxed hungary and sleepy.


New Member
marijuana does actually help with asthma. use a vaporizer or eat it. smoking blunts are bad for your lungs. if you wanna smoke try to stay with a vaporizer or a water pipe


Well-Known Member
ya also wanting to know where this also comes from. haha i am glad that i now know that next time i am shitting my pants i can smoke super silver haze to help me out. i think that weed is given too much credit as a medication. i smoke it and it doenst do shit for my back pain... ever. or any other pain i have had over the years. i can see helping with insomnia, lack of appetite and feeling better when you are generally sick and probably some other uses with more serious sicknesses that i know nothing about. but really it seems like this whole medicine thing is quite intense.

i just wish that is would be legalized for the sake that it should be legal, not in the blasphemous name of medicine. but i guess we got to legalize it however we can.
yeah but man... your thinking inside the box. think outside the box... some people may not have as severe back pain as you do.. and smoking a little bit of some medical marijuana may be able to help them cope with it. As with you... it may not help you at all ya dig?

It's the same principle as prescription pills. They give different medication for different types of pain... and they also give different types for different levels of pain.

Just thought I would put my 2cents in. :)



New Member
Good herbs are like good food.

Turkey dinners make some people sleepy.

I'm glad many herbs are safe enough to keep trying until the Shaman's prescription is just right.


Well-Known Member
Not sure how accurate a list could actually be. Yes, it does seem a bit disingenuous to say that a particular strain will target a particular condition...there are too many variables. I can grow Green House White Widow and come out with a very different end result as the next person growing seeds from the same crop. My environment, flowering time, nutes and all are different. The net effect could be very different. My doctor told me taht I would have to "experiment" to find the strain that worked best for me. I have noticed that some indeed are better than others for certain things, but it could just be in my head.


Active Member
yeah but man... your thinking inside the box. think outside the box... some people may not have as severe back pain as you do.. and smoking a little bit of some medical marijuana may be able to help them cope with it. As with you... it may not help you at all ya dig?

It's the same principle as prescription pills. They give different medication for different types of pain... and they also give different types for different levels of pain.

Just thought I would put my 2cents in. :)

Good point.

The way marijuana helps with pain is different than the way something like Ibuprofen helps with pain. For me, it gets my mind off the pain and allows my muscles to relax. Both of which help tremendously. If you want to completely block the pain you should stick to the poisons your doctor wants to sell you.


Well-Known Member
Lets not forget people smoking weed compiled or help compile the list and face it when your not feeling well it does help and I am sure the different highs have been noticed to help different things after long studies. Wait lol everyone was stoned as fuck and ended up realizing how stoned you are and say "yes you know what my arm feels much better now" lol sorry to over simplify and make a joke but I am high and its 3 am. I think its dumb that a plant that cant kill you is illegal to grow. amazingly alcohol is just fine and is killing people but we like it lol. Go figure the white mans hypocrisy if we hadn't wiped out the majority of American Indians maybe the alcohol would have stayed illegal and marijuana would have been ok. peace pipe on ..........
Sour D is fueling this rant. From what I have seen and learned in my days there is a many reasons cannabis is used for medical reasons. It is effective on pain, stimulates appetite, helps people focus and sleep and countless more. I just wonder how many of these effects come from THC and which ones come from the other substances the make up this wonder plant. I think I saw this lady got injected with pure THC and freaked out. The next day with THC and other CBN and she was giggly like a school girl. Also a lot of people don't know they discover receptors in our brain that has lead to many anti-depression pills will researching weed. It's not fair to take a safe "drug" away from us and make us take a toxic, chemically manufactured pill.

And does weed make you forget?? You bet cha. It makes you forget all the negative things (hater posts) that you go through each day, not the good things like my post

LMAO yea you are right but it dose help I have a buddy that has medical for that same reasson and they tell you NOT to SMOKE it and if you use a vape they tell to use the lotion or edibles.......I just got some the THC Lotion that works very GOOD


Well-Known Member
i got lsd 2 weeks from harvest..=)
Ive been smoken on some Barneys LSD for the last few weeks now... its got a nice sativa high...unique super mellow and super strong high, but not any overwhelming speedy effects you sometimes get from big doses of other sativas...its a great easy going high but thers nothing else too special about it imo. It does yield pretty good overall because all of the bud sites it has but its not too dense and it didnt link up very well...lots of mid size stuff.


Active Member
This list is bullshit, cool reading fodder, but bullshit. At least to the extent it is listing strains to specific conditions at this level. There is no propper testing to substantiate this list. And to the dumbfucks syaing that medical cannibus is blown out of proportion in respects to its ability to act as a viable treatment in the medical community, go smoke another one and step in front of a fucking bus. This is really helping people. It may not cure aids (although its ability to induce cancer cell death and protect healthy cells from further spread is quite a BIG FUCKING DEAL) the improvement in the qualityof life for many people is real. My wife would be popping liver eating pills if not for her medi permit. (She wouldn't smoke pot illegally) and yes it works for pain relief. Oh whatever lol they should legalize it anyways!