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I'm gonna throw out a guess
Just a hunch, but I think a good one.
that is basicaly how you live your life
If you can prove me wrong go ahead i dont mind changing what i believe.. If i am wrong i am wrong and i will change
I'm gonna throw out a guess
Just a hunch, but I think a good one.
The Bible says that the earth is only 6000 years old. Since 100% of geologists would laugh at this number, I think that should be a tip off that the Bible is incorrect..
Why say the Bible says earth is only 6000 years old and 100% geologiests would laught and that proves the bible is incorrect then say just going of church doctrine.. kinda misleading huh?I'm just going by church doctrine........
Do you think there is a god? Know there is a god? Or want there to be a god?Do you think there is no god, know there is no god, or want there to be no god?
House has been proven by science not to exist
I think about food and sex all the time anyways and being drunk doesnt make me want to fight. so i really dont see what drinking has to do with it.Fish have you ever seen drunk people? How they lose all upper brain function and become animals. They think about food, fighting and sex. This is because they revert back to the part of the brain which is purely animal instinct. People are animals just like any other. If you deny this fact then you are obviously very very blind to reality.
Christians claim that the world was made for man. That all the wonders were made for us. Does that no strike you as arrogance?
Christians say look at the human hand, at how complex it is. They say that its impossible that could of just 'happened'. That a creator must be involved for something so amazing to happen.
I am not saying you should not be a Christian but to believe in a 'young' Earth is fucking stupid. You must of found some really extreme Christian group to believe that tbh. Look into it a bit more and you will realise that it cant be as young as you have claimed it to be.
Just to add Noah's Flood was in all likely hood just a country wide flood. He would of though the entire world was flooded but that is impossible.
that does not mean there is no godI believe in a creation point and nothing more since nothing more is in evidence.
the problem that i have with this reasoning is that you are only looking for evidence to support your stance and not accepting any evidence to the contrary...of course that is what faith is about right?I think about food and sex all the time anyways and being drunk doesnt make me want to fight. so i really dont see what drinking has to do with it.
Why was the world made?
I think the human eye is pretty cool, and did you know that the chances of your one eye developing is the same chance if you stick a stick of dynomite under a pile of junk metal and it exploding and before the metal hits the ground it formes a jet that takes off before it hits the ground. and that is just for one eye.. we have two and having two allows us to judge distance so could u imagine the chance of both eyes?? i think thats pretty amazing
there are some very smart people that believe in young earth who study it and are non christians, there has to be something there for them to believe that.
flooded earth is not impossible for my God
Which is probably why so many people believe it.i just think if you look to the book without perspective you may end up a fallow, bitter atheist, instead of a caring human being.
Well the whole alcohol thing is actually a fact, whether you believe it or not lol. How you interpret that data is up to you. The point was human beings are mammals the same as all other.I think about food and sex all the time anyways and being drunk doesnt make me want to fight. so i really dont see what drinking has to do with it.
Why was the world made?
I think the human eye is pretty cool, and did you know that the chances of your one eye developing is the same chance if you stick a stick of dynomite under a pile of junk metal and it exploding and before the metal hits the ground it formes a jet that takes off before it hits the ground. and that is just for one eye.. we have two and having two allows us to judge distance so could u imagine the chance of both eyes?? i think thats pretty amazing
there are some very smart people that believe in young earth who study it and are non christians, there has to be something there for them to believe that.
flooded earth is not impossible for my God
the problem that i have with this reasoning is that you are only looking for evidence to support your stance and not accepting any evidence to the contrary...of course that is what faith is about right?
you are very mild in your prosthlatizing and i appreciate that. i don't have a problem with a catastrophic flood, i have a problem with the concept of an arc that held TWO of every species on earth (since evolution is ruled out)
"The National Science Foundations Tree of Life project estimates that there could be anywhere from 5 million to 100 million species on the planet, but science has only identified about 2 million."
so these estimates say between 4 and 200 million species on a many cubits wide and long...? been a long time since i read it.HA HA
A literal interpretation of the bible is...not possible. these are allegorical stories to explain the unexplainable.
i'm glad you have faith, i just think if you look to the book without perspective you may end up a fallow, bitter atheist, instead of a caring human being.
Wait so God killed millions of species of animals cos they didnt fit on the ark?are you willing to look? look it would be much much easier if there was no god we just live and die game over.
there were not millions of animals not every species of animal got on the boat
total space available was equivalent to 522 railroad stock cars
John Woodmorappe, author of the definitive Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study, estimated that only about 15% of the animals on the ark would have been larger than a sheep.
something to remember there are 400-something dog breeds but they all belong to one species
Allowing for two of each species on the ark, plus seven of the few so-called “clean” kinds of animals, plus a reasonable increment for known extinct species, it is obvious that not more than say, 50,000 animals were on the ark.” (Morris, 1987)
whether there were 16,000 or 25,000 kinds of animals, even with two of each and seven of some, scholars agree that there was plenty of room for all of the animals on the ark, plus food and water with room to spare.
dogs are one species must not go outside or to zoos or watch the nature channel. for instance a cassowary. they can gut a man with one kick and they are almost as big as an ostrich, secretive, and live in the rain forest. What did they feed our feathered friend?Wait so God killed millions of species of animals cos they didnt fit on the ark?
I know there are a LOT of animals, more than 15% of that size which are bigger than dogs.
And did God put two of each type of animal on your example being 400 odd species of dog?
If animals inbreed they get genetic defects i believe so surely there must of been more than two of every animal?
you don't get that robert? come on...point being that the volume (size) and needs of the critters could never be met for forty days and forty nights. that the stories are allegories and that faith is it's own reward AND faith by it's religious def anyway REQUIRES a belief beyond the rational.a bird, really...........get to the point