Well-Known Member
yeppers, it's overwatering. Judge the watering by the weight of the pots. When about half to 2/3 of the water weight is gone, it's time to water again, but not before. Might be every other day or even less.
I don't do soil so I can't tell you what the pH should be. You're also on your own with organic noots. Sorry.
Well insulated house construction along with effective ventilation is usually enough to prevent a wall "looking" warm to FLIR, but remember that it is unlawful for police to FLIR scan a dwelling without a warrant. Randomly FLIR scanning dwellings is a major nyet and would get any evidence against you thrown out of court.
If you're really worried about FLIR anyway, you can hire FLIR cameras for a couple hundred $/day from your local test & measurement hire company and look for yourself. Also very useful to survey the condition of your house's insulation, can help you find dodgy power wiring connections, exhaust system leaks on your car, etc.
O well a helloooo,
These clones look in a bad shape they havent grown in a week, I watered until it ran out the drain holes & watered only once. Man hydro was a lot easier.
Im not sure if similar rules apply in U.K. but many people are getting caught for growing pot weather its 4 plants or 400, chopper coppers above our houses every day I am considering hiring out a FLIR gun just to be on the safe side. Your a great help Al thank you.