Poor man's ultra economic cfl bagseed grow .feedback needed


Well-Known Member
yep a transplant sometimes makes the difference oh and i forgot to tell ya one time mine had a N def and my country ass put some worm castings on top the soil and some worms in there and lol they shit on it and made her better again idk if it was really the worms or the worm castings but eh it helped


Active Member
Looking good man, I had a N deficiency going and moved my plant into a bigger pot with some more fresh soil, just because its all I could do at the time. Just a thought for you, hope all keeps going well!
Hey :-PThank you so much !! ..I just transplanted both plants today and got some food for the plants ...posting pics and other details ....in sometime ...thank u for ur invaluable feedbak once again!!:clap:


Active Member
yep a transplant sometimes makes the difference oh and i forgot to tell ya one time mine had a N def and my country ass put some worm castings on top the soil and some worms in there and lol they shit on it and made her better again idk if it was really the worms or the worm castings but eh it helped

Hey man...wassup !! thanks for still being there...i transplanted them into bigger pots..and guess wat got some stuff for them today...will post up details and pics in a while...:weed:


Active Member
Okkay !!:-P:-P

Finally some good news...i went to search to a small nursery-cum-garden supply store and got a few items for less than even 5 $ ..and i was shocked to find a few things i got

1. two bigger pots for my current plants ...i dunno hw many gallon..but quite bigger than the previous one..

2. some bone meal

3. some more vermicompost (the one i was using untill nw)

4. some broken down neem particles for better texture of soil; and prevention of disease...cant believe i found it as a packaged product

5. some powerful plant food ..im sorry the pack has no nutrient charts ..but the guy said it was for rose and other plants..he adviced me to use very little and put them in a circle around the plant in the topsoil and then water ..But i havent used it untill now..i just want 2 wait..coz my vermicompost that i got alongwith also has some nutes.

6.And last but not the least & to my utter shock ..i found Rooting hormone!!!..but i got its powder form...i knw it will be usefull in some other stage ...

So i came back and made some soil mix using say roughly

50% vermicompost
30% the neem thing
20% bone meal

..and transferred them to bigger pots ..as u recommended...

they seem to be doing well now:-P:-P


Well-Known Member
they already look better bro they love their new home as for the rose crystals i dont like em but they do work, the rooting powder will come in handy if you want to clone ,bone meal awesome for flower.... looks like your gettin the hang of it and believe us man you can find jus bout anything youll need at a local store... funny aint it


Well-Known Member
in a few days if that yellow dont clear up( plants will look super lush then) feed a lil bit to make em happy and tighten up the wire a lil bit to get it to streach alil so you can add anew tie in a week or two other than that looks awesome man


Active Member
in a few days if that yellow dont clear up( plants will look super lush then) feed a lil bit to make em happy and tighten up the wire a lil bit to get it to streach alil so you can add anew tie in a week or two other than that looks awesome man

i really dunno how to thank u man...ur feedback is invaluable...may god bless ya :-P!!


Active Member
Hello again....this is day 25 of vegging...

im sorry i coudn't post up pics yesterday...i ws too caught up with a few things..didnt have the time to photograph and uplad them..

The plants doing Ok as of now ...i guess

Im planning to start 12/12 within a few days time ..so any feddback regarding that or the present status of my plants would be appreciative...

Thank you!! Boom !:weed:



Well-Known Member
number one looks like its gettin darker thats good the second one is still showin a lil defiency but other than that it looks great man keep it up


Active Member
First n foremost ..sorry for the sudden abscence for 2 days from my grow journal...
On top of that i have a terrible news....

PLANT # 2 is F****d up...BIg time !!..i was a bit busy ...

But strangely nothing happened to PLANT #1 ..no idea what happened ...something just happened within a matter of hours :wall::wall:

I dunno what to do..PLANT #1 is doing fine ..i guess and i have one more seedling thats 1 & 1/2 weeks old(i posted its pic somewhere in the journal )....Will update pics in a few hours time.....
I just dont know what to do .:-(


Active Member
This is a bagseed plant froma different strain..but i dont knw which ..

bout 1 & 1/2 week in veg...gettin sunlight as well as CFL lighting...

Its pretty weird...all three of these plants (PLANT # 1 & 2 and this one was together...
yet the trgedy ocurred only to plant #2...funny.:-(:-(:-(

