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Well-Known Member
I started these out side till they were about 18" tall then brought them inside and started flowering about the middle of july (say 15th). Two weeks I removed and killed there brother and kept the two twins! I havent had any issues but now its seems like they all are coming at once! I know I have some spidermites and haven't taken care of them but I need a healthy solution (no posions I am gonna smoke it) as I am only 6 weeks or so from harvest!

Second I am having what I think are ph issues specifically MG def! One (right one) looks ok but the one on the left looks sick! They have always gotten the same treatment, light, food, water, sleep all the same! So I am just not sure!

So what is the retarted twins issue?

I have never ph'ed water just regular tap sometimes and purified water the rest. I set out for 4 to 6 hours before I water (water every three days and I water a gollon between the two plants, water always runs out bottom about a 1/3 to half of what I put in). Also always used MG nutes (I know dont wanna hear how they suck its what I got)! Temps are high and rage from 99 during the day to low 80's at night (sometimes highs 70's).

I dont feed but once every two weeks unless you condiser the three times I added mollases and h2o2 to the water to help roots and buds (all with in the last three weeks of feeding and watering)

So please help!!!! (+rep)

P.S. Also there have been yellowing leaves at the bottom of the plant that you can't really see not sure if its from lack of light or my issues! I have a 100w hps (in the middle) and about 20 clf's covering the side to about half way down both plants!



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Turn off some of your lights man! That one 250w HPS is FINE. Im surprised your babies werent stressed into hermies! You really need to get those temps down. Let your tap water sit out for a while.
i stopped reading when you said you never ph your water.

this is your problem. even if it isnt(which it is) you must get you Ph in check before you can fix anything.
Dude, Its one 100w hps which only penetrated about 9 inches my plants are almost 30 inches tall go to do some coverage with the clf's! all are with in the 4 inch range!

Temps I belive are ok! As all afgans are grown at high temp!

Plus higher temp = more resins (the plant produces them to conserve water so it doesnt transspire so fast)~
I started these out side till they were about 18" tall then brought them inside and started flowering about the middle of july (say 15th). Two weeks I removed and killed there brother and kept the two twins! I havent had any issues but now its seems like they all are coming at once! I know I have some spidermites and haven't taken care of them but I need a healthy solution (no posions I am gonna smoke it) as I am only 6 weeks or so from harvest!

Second I am having what I think are ph issues specifically MG def! One (right one) looks ok but the one on the left looks sick! They have always gotten the same treatment, light, food, water, sleep all the same! So I am just not sure!

So what is the retarted twins issue?

I have never ph'ed water just regular tap sometimes and purified water the rest. I set out for 4 to 6 hours before I water (water every three days and I water a gollon between the two plants, water always runs out bottom about a 1/3 to half of what I put in). Also always used MG nutes (I know dont wanna hear how they suck its what I got)! Temps are high and rage from 99 during the day to low 80's at night (sometimes highs 70's).

I dont feed but once every two weeks unless you condiser the three times I added mollases and h2o2 to the water to help roots and buds (all with in the last three weeks of feeding and watering)

So please help!!!! (+rep)

P.S. Also there have been yellowing leaves at the bottom of the plant that you can't really see not sure if its from lack of light or my issues! I have a 100w hps (in the middle) and about 20 clf's covering the side to about half way down both plants!


The droopiness could be a lot of things, but heat stress comes to mind with daytime temps in the high 90's. Don't over water to try to make up for it.

Mites: I hear neem oil is pretty effective. Soap and water will also remove most mites, but you don't want the buds to stay wet. Many plants withstand mite attacks, and finish flowering despite mites.
The droopiness could be a lot of things, but heat stress comes to mind with daytime temps in the high 90's. Don't over water to try to make up for it.

Mites: I hear neem oil is pretty effective. Soap and water will also remove most mites, but you don't want the buds to stay wet. Many plants withstand mite attacks, and finish flowering despite mites.

Thing is they have been that high since they were born! I am in Texas and they were started in middle of july then moved inside so temps came down already, both are in the same room as you see so wouldnt both be effect by temps!
I guess if you have no nute burn they're okay. They're really wilted though. Outside the temps are okay because of the CO2 in the air, but inside it's not so good.

Do what you do man.
They are in the water closet which has a gas burner which creates co2 I guess i should have added that! Also they have been in almost two months if it was temps they would have shown sign of temp burn already!

About ph: Does it usually go up or down with nutes and water! I have some garden lime and epsom salts how much of each should I use!

oNe guy said TBS of salts per gallon of h2o but how much lime should i sprinkel around on the soil?

I figured my pot sides to be 509 cu inches and 709 cu inches how much garden lime should i put on soil?

ALSO outside air does NOT contain enough co2 for elevated temp above 96 degrees you have to get the co2 level up to about 1500ppm for it to be effective! Outside air only contains about 300ppm so those temps are harmful without the extra co2 levels!
Looks over watered to me also, if you only give it half gallon per pot and that runs out the bottom, its a sure sign that it does not need any more water. If it takes 2 gallons to run out the bottom that is probably better. These plants need dry airy soil just as much as they need water.
looks over watered to me. you really don't need the water draining out the bottom when you water.

I was told that the water draining out help keep the bad salts from building up with in your soil!

IS this not true?

I water about every three days sometime they start to look wilted and I water usually I water when I feel the pots getting very light in weight!
Looks over watered to me also, if you only give it half gallon per pot and that runs out the bottom, its a sure sign that it does not need any more water. If it takes 2 gallons to run out the bottom that is probably better. These plants need dry airy soil just as much as they need water.

Looks to me like a crappy ass grow room...let's list the problems and you decide what you think is wrong (they all are):

You don't control your PH. With all the nutes you've added I'm sure that your ph is too low. Can't really tell without measuring it so don't bother trying.

You don't control your temps. Some strains do better with heat stress than others, but all plants grow stronger and more vigorously when the temperatures on under control.

Poor choice in fertilizers. Oddly enough you say you only feed every other week, but these plants look WELL fed. It's just so hard to tell with so many problems going on.

Pests. They were at one point outdoors so they could suffer from any of the many pests that are often found in outdoor pests, and I'll extend this to fungi.

Now, course of action...That's really up to you. You need to get a ph meter and you need to get proper fertilizers. CAN marijuana be grown with Miracle Grow? Yes. When it doesn't will anybody be able to help you? No. Without proper ferts it's always going to be the first place to assume it's jacked because it's very often DOESN'T work and definitely doesn't work well. Not going to join you in chasing your tail when you just refuse to do it right.
classic rookie mistakes, maybe read some more but you must always go from a semi dry medium to wet as the roots need oxygen when dealing in soiless mixtures. Stick a q tip in the soil if the soil is semi dry then water, if not dont water at all wait till they are close to drying out. Yes peple flush but maybe once every 2 weeks and thats if your using 1500ppm of fertilizer. Lke ive said in these forums for so long get a fucking ph pen and ppm pen and keep ph at 6.3 and ppm at around 800 to 1000. Unless u grow monsters. As for spider mites use end all at haf strength just beofre the lights go out at night and repeat every 4 days 3 times and they will go. Make sure u dont spray 2 weeks before harvest and also spray the plant with clean water to get rid of any left over chemicals from spray duing ur last 10 days of flushing.
you should lighten up with the water at the last couple of weeks. have you foliage fed yet? try giving it straight water in the soil and nutes spray the leafs. This will clean out your soil a little and you can get more nutes in the leafs. the roots tend to weaken after a few months so let them rest a little.