6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Fortunately Mother Nature is all I've had to deal with so far this year. The caterpillars are comming soon though. Time to start the BT treatments next week.


Active Member
With them spots if you dont feel any one will ever find them let them go dont top them them power skunks are really reachin for that sunn.


Well-Known Member
With them spots if you dont feel any one will ever find them let them go dont top them them power skunks are really reachin for that sunn.
Yea I can tell those power skunks are reaching out for sure...they're not getting stretchy as if for a lack of light they just want to get really tall apparently, I tied them down so they were more manageable, as far as seeing the tops and what not for bugs, buds etc... i'm not to worried about them being seen by anyone....think tying them down was not the best idea maybe?..


Well-Known Member
Just so all of you know, because I don't think I mentioned how many plants I have here actually...I have 9 plants total between the two patches...there are my 4 power skunks and 1 White Widow in one patch and the other patch consists of my 4 Armageddons. The only plants that were ever topped were my Armageddons and only because three of them where dug up by some kind of small animal right after I transplanted them, so i put them back in the ground and topped them for clones in case they didn't pull through and thank god they did because the clones didn't make it for some reason but that's a whole different story there. As for the biggest Armageddon, that was the only one that wasn't topped up until I had a problem with that damn stalk borer and had to cut like 2 feet off the top of the plant to finally find the bastard....so that one isn't as tall anymore but its a double wide now so its all good!:weed:


Well-Known Member
i was checking out the ladies earlier today and they are looking great but no buds yet, starting to see some good hairs on the ww and Armageddons but nothing doin on the power skunk yet. The wild weed on the other hand well...you can see for yourself how fast that shit flowers out... and for the record the wild weed only stood maybe 6 inches tall when i put my girls out at 20 inches.....I trimmed a bud off the wild stuff just for shits to show you guys.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
i could sell it as dank cause by looking at it holding it and smelling it, it seems like the bees knees but the thc is significantly low cuz its wild weed....but i hope by crossing my plants with this stuff i can up the potency and get this ultra fast flowering...would be the ultimate outdoor crop for my location.


Well-Known Member
guess i missed the "wild weed." did u plant it there or you found it growing?
yea the wild weed grows all over around here, way back in the day it was for hemp production...there is a picture of the bud i picked off one of the wild ones one page back, i had to weed out like 86 males which made up about 40% of the wild plants in my area alone. I didnt want those wild males pollinating my plants cuz mine are located about 50 ft away from two large areas of wild weed.


Well-Known Member
sick thread man

i just finished reading through it and damn nice plants. Ill be back to chek often! keep us updated!
Hey thanks man I appreciate you taking the time to read through it all, its been a journey....well it always is but i'm glad your now on board:leaf::leaf::clap::leaf::leaf: i'll keep you all updated im gonna see about getting a better camera because the ww is starting to flower out and i need to have a camera that shows better detail cuz its very exciting. but there will be more pics very soon.:weed:


Well-Known Member
yea the wild weed grows all over around here, way back in the day it was for hemp production...there is a picture of the bud i picked off one of the wild ones one page back, i had to weed out like 86 males which made up about 40% of the wild plants in my area alone. I didnt want those wild males pollinating my plants cuz mine are located about 50 ft away from two large areas of wild weed.

cool... have you smoked any of the wild shit yet?