That 5hit
Well-Known Member this is what in every nutes freterlizer check the link dip shits LOL
3 plants 1200w on this grow...but really hom many watts and how many plants
Very nice my friend!!!! +rep to you.I don;t believe in god...
but I do grow some dank...
Urine contains urea. But you are absolutely right. They are not the same thingThis thread should be closed. Its just old now.
Urea and urine are not the same thing.
Hmmm Pissing in weed... who the fuck would do that.. the main thing to do is caliber ph ... and god know that urine = acid... why would you do this there wont be a urine smell really over time you would find a balance. you would use fresh all the time + the carben air filter would take away the piss and weed smell and you wouldnt nute every watering
Drink away man. LMFAO!!!As a side I think its hilarious how most people get offensive about piss. Piss is perfectly sterile unless you have a bladder/urinary infection or something. Hell lots of people drink their piss, its even old medicine. Society's out of control with shameful bathroom attitudes
yeah, no matter how good it might be you would always know you were smoking piss.piss has nitrogen.
but you want to smoke your piss?
I was reading on here some where that you can use your own urine as a complete seed to harvest freterlizer
i cant find the link but if some knows about this it could save me and us all, a whole lot of $$- hay dont just go off my word on this i know nothing about this , this is something i read on here so it may or may not work i do remimber something about you have to water it down in parts
but nuts cost a lot of cash, the good ones, and they were saying that this was the best for your plants provided you had no infection.
i would like to know more about this is anyone doing it and how does it work in compareson to rego. nutes
damn could you think of how that weed would taste
LOL I dont drink it, just sayin. I dont nderstand why people freak out about piss so much. They treat it like shit lol. Piss is sterile and won't harm you like shit will. You dont have to wash ur hands after pissin all ur doing is touching skin and pissing sterile liquid. People are all OCD. Hell go ask a DrDrink away man. LMFAO!!!
and trees are treespiss is piss
shit is shit
spit is spit
cum is cum
yeah .. i thought so also, but i was to commited to itand trees are trees
and bees are bees
this game sucks.....