CO2 for my plants.


I was curious if just breathing among the grow room on a daily basis is enough carbon dioxide for my plants. My grow room will basically be a small closet that will be sealed shut most of the day. However, i understand plants need a certain amount of co2 to live, but i think it may be a little unnecessary to buy a co2 tank. What does everyone think.

Illegal Smile

In most normal environments there is plenty of co2. That's why ventilation is important, outside air has plenty of co2.


Well-Known Member
Indoor CO2 is typically double of the outside world.
Plants can use up CO2 fairly fast, if in enclosed spaces. So the extra CO2 from breathing on them is about gone once you sit on the couch.

Just basic ventilation is key. (suplimental CO2 is the *last* thing to add)


Well-Known Member
In my grow room I take 2 two liter bottles, put a table spoon of baking soda and two table spoons of vinegar in each bottle. Putthe top on the bottle and shake that shit up, take the top off when the bottle gets hard (co 2 gas) and just let it sit in there for an hour or 2. Cheap simple method.


Well-Known Member
so my new grow room is 12 x by 14, I would like to put a co2 tank in there need advice on what to get. sorry to hijack


In my grow room I take 2 two liter bottles, put a table spoon of baking soda and two table spoons of vinegar in each bottle. Putthe top on the bottle and shake that shit up, take the top off when the bottle gets hard (co 2 gas) and just let it sit in there for an hour or 2. Cheap simple method.

That sounds pretty good. So once i shake up the bottle and let it settle, all i do is open and the co2 rushes out and lasts for a while?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
That sounds pretty good. So once i shake up the bottle and let it settle, all i do is open and the co2 rushes out and lasts for a while?
he said cheap and simple, he forgot to say useless! it might make you feel better, but you might as well fart in the room for all the good it will do. i can't see turning my fans off for 2 hours for this either....


Haha, i agree that turning off my fans for two hours may be bad idea. I guess i could drill a few holes in the room for circulation.


Well-Known Member
First off how bigis your grow room/closet?
Most of the time fresh air is good.
You could use the fementaion method (works ok, but very little return) this method is ok in the scence it only adds small amounts to the space but the more the better.
Just being in the space is also best in my opinion especially if you have no vent holes yet. I say this because if you set in the room and do nothing the level of co2 at 4 hours would be about 1.3% co2 and normal outside air is about 0.03% co2 so the more time you spend with them the better and thats only if you are sitting doing nothing just think if you were talking or even singing with a song on the radio it would be great for the girls ya know.

But to make it simple if I think you need a tank the answer is no. Just fresh air and your own breath.