2nd Grow CFL FEM Jock Horror and Short Rider


Active Member
Ok so this is my second grow, my first attempt was very exciting but failed due to my two bagseed plants being males. Well at least I got some experience from it as I expected.
This grow will be a semi-stealth rubbermaid grow as well as my first one was too. Here are some pictues of my growing supplys and my grow box.
Grow Box:
-2 30 Gallon Rubbermaid Totes
-Spray Painted Flat White on the inside, glows like a christmas tree bulb on the out side.
-1 3 socket vanity light fixture mounted with chain and eyehooks to adjust.
-A crap Load of Y splitters to get as many lights as possiable.
-10 23 watt 6500k 1600 lumen CFL
2 26 watt 5000k 1660 lumen CFL
=12 CFL Bulbs, 282 watts, 19320 lumens. For Vegging
-12 23 watt 2700k 1600 lumen CFL
1 26 watt 2700k 1750 lumen CFL
1 32 watt 2700k 2150 lumen CFL
= 14 CFL Bulbs, 334 watts, 23100 lumens. For Flowering.
-2 3" Computer Case Fans upper right hand side of top tote.
1 120mm Computer Case Fan top right/center of top tote
= For Exhaust.
-1 3" Computer Case Fan Lower Left side bottom.
2 2" passive intakes (that probably do more harm then good.) on bottom of bottom tote.
= For Intake.
-1 Vertical Oscalating Fan on the inside for "Wind" and air circulation.
Growing Supply's:
Miracle Grow Organic Choice
Miracle Frow Perlite
Worm Castings that I plan on making a wurm tea with for foilage feeding.
Alaska 5-1-1 Fish Emulsion for Vegging.
Alaska 0-10-10 Morbloom for flowering.
-1 Jiffy Peat pellet Greenhouse.
PH Control:
Vinger for down Baking Soda for up.
also using reverse osmosis water that has a PH about 7.0 so not much vinegar used.

and of course.... 1 Feminised Jock Horror seed
and 1 Feminised Short Rider Seed.

I kinda collected some of this stuff from my last grow, I also Live in a remote area so my supplys are very limited. I was thinking about using a soil/sand/compost mixture That works very good for my veggie and herb garden. But Bringing outside stuff I heard wasnt a good idea unless you bake it in the oven and im not putting dirt in my oven so I flopped that idea.

Basically the reason im Planting the So called Autoflowering Short Rider is so I can hurry up and get some bud to smoke. Im dry right now and its going to be that way untill I come across some or wait untill my short rider has matured.
Which is supposed to flower in 45 days?
Any who im also doing the Jock horror mmmm... I heard some good stuffabout this one. I plan on LSTing the jock horror.

So this is day one I planted 1 JH and 1 SR each in a jiffy peat pellet, watered with PH'd water to 6.5. Placed it in a warm room in the window, it seems i've by accident noticed that every time somthings not sprouting I've placed it in a window and comes right up.

If anybody has any constructive critisism please bleed your heart out on this one. I need it trust me! :joint::lol:

P.S. The lights in the pictures are 2700k They will be switched out before putting my babies in the incubater.



Active Member
Well it is now day 17 into my JH grow and day 5 into my SR grow since it has germinated, I lost my first one dont really know what went wrong, it sprouted and dried up quickly and died. here are some pix. Let me know what you think, the first one is the SR and the next two are my JH and the last is of both, JH left SR Right.:eyesmoke:



Active Member
I have been vegging my JH for 75 days and My SH has been vegging for 63 days. There growth is really really slow my SH is about a foot high. I've been LSTing the JH and still not completely around a 5 gallon pot. I started a Hydroponics grow in a GH Waterfarm I have been using GH Flora Series Nutes now for all my plants, the fish emulsion stank way to rancid. The Plants seem to respond better to the GH Nutes. My waterfarm grow is going very nicely the strain is BlackJack and I am at week 3 of Vegging. Seems to be growing at a really fast rate. Unlike the soil grows. I will post some pics later.


Active Member
:joint:Here are pictures of my grow the first is Short Rider vegging for 64 days, the second is jock horror vegging for 76 days and the thrid is my waterfarm grow and its BlackJack it is 3 1/2 weeks from seed. Oh I forgot to mention that I built a new grow room in my closet. But Temps are crazey high though there peaking at 97 and when the lights are of it goes down to 77 anybody have any DIY resoulutions for the high temps???



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Can anybody tell me when and how to switch my nutes using GH Flora Series for flowering, My JH and Short Rider are showing female pistils my BlackJack hasnt showed any sign of sex yet but it's only been vegging 4 weeks? What should I do this is the farthest I've ever got with a grow and Im am confused on how to make my plant Bloom!! Thanx:weed:


Active Member
Should I wait until the BJ shows sex?? This is my favorite plant to it looks beautiful! Is this not the forum I can get this kinda help from?


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I changed out the Reservior on the BJ and upped the nutes on all three plants. Im looking forward to put this ladys in flowing in about 2 weeks. maybe earlyer.:joint:


Active Member
Here is some pics I took today, I want to put these into flower my BJ is not showing any sign of sex yet but the seed was fem, Can i change the light schedual completely with out harming my plants? Right now I have them on 18/6 from 4pm to 10am the lights are on. When I switch my light schedual to 12/12 I want the Lights on from 8am to 8pm for cooling reasons and various other reasons with this harm my plants if I change it to this?? How do they look??? :joint:



Active Member
hey whats up man didnt see to many others givin you any info so thought i would let u know some stuff ur doing good man and u can pretty much do what u want to that plant its kinda like ur a artist and its ur easle dont know if i spelled that right but who cares point being make it what u want it to be if u think that it is big enough for u to flower go for it some people flower there plants on 12/12 from seed and get good results but im not sure to much on yeild also i have seen from clone flowered at just a few inches and great results i think u will have great results with the amount of cfls being used also ne ways i know thats a lot but just thought i would make u feel a lil bit better about the situation just relaxe man and take it day by day youll be smoken ur own in no time


Active Member
hey whats up man didnt see to many others givin you any info so thought i would let u know some stuff ur doing good man and u can pretty much do what u want to that plant its kinda like ur a artist and its ur easle dont know if i spelled that right but who cares point being make it what u want it to be if u think that it is big enough for u to flower go for it some people flower there plants on 12/12 from seed and get good results but im not sure to much on yeild also i have seen from clone flowered at just a few inches and great results i think u will have great results with the amount of cfls being used also ne ways i know thats a lot but just thought i would make u feel a lil bit better about the situation just relaxe man and take it day by day youll be smoken ur own in no time
Thanks for the words of wisdom, it's very much apperciated!:leaf:


Active Member
Here are my ladies at 5 days into flowering! let me know what you think. I noticed the lower fan leaves on the jock horror turning yellow so i gave it a shot of nutes yesterday.....Wellthis site isnt letting me post pics right now I will try in a minute.:wall:

RedEyeJedi UK

Well-Known Member
Lookin good dude,

Is your short rider autoflowering or have you got it on a 12/12 light schedule ?

Nice LST work on your JH and Blackjack is also lookin good!

Have you sorted your temp problem dude?


Active Member
Lookin good dude,

Is your short rider autoflowering or have you got it on a 12/12 light schedule ?

Nice LST work on your JH and Blackjack is also lookin good!

Have you sorted your temp problem dude?
Thanks for the input! Nah the short rider never autoflowered so It was getting to tall so I put it on 12/12 as well. I was going to LST the jock horror for longer but I decided that I should just put into 12/12 as well its been vegging for 3 month and since this is my first real grow i wanna experiance the whole process so i can get going on my next one! :weed: And the blackjack is my 5th plant i've grown so I put alotta my mistakes behind me for that one, She is my baby, hopfully she treats me well in the end.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input! Nah the short rider never autoflowered so It was getting to tall so I put it on 12/12 as well. I was going to LST the jock horror for longer but I decided that I should just put into 12/12 as well its been vegging for 3 month and since this is my first real grow i wanna experiance the whole process so i can get going on my next one! :weed: And the blackjack is my 5th plant i've grown so I put alotta my mistakes behind me for that one, She is my baby, hopfully she treats me well in the end.
Hey metalgodusa, first I'd like to say your plants look great man:clap:! 3 months of vegging is definitely enough to get some good results. I thought I'd reply because my plant is also in flowering, and It's also my first real grow so we have that in common. I originally had two plants, G13 diesel which is G13 haze x NYC diesel and Blue Venom which is blueberry x white widow, but recently I found out that the G13 Diesel was a male so I cut it down and took two clones from it. I also took a clone from the Blue Venom because both had great genetics and I'm crossing them to get some more good seeds hopefully. My Blue Venom vegged for 8 weeks and is now into day 9 of flowering. I started the 12/12 flowering when she was 27 inches tall and now 9 days later, she is 37 inches tall!! She is an amazingly bushy plant and has over 30 tops; I only topped her once at about 20 inches. I'll post some pics to show you. But I'm curious as to what kind of CFL's you're using? Like what's the wattage, lumen output, and Kelvin? I'm using a total of 6 CFL's: 2 3000K 85 watt soft white lights, 2 3000K 65 watt soft white lights, and 2 6500K daylite lights. Hope the flowering process is going well for you it's starting to get exciting for me!:weed:
IMG_0572.jpgView attachment 514404


Active Member
Hey metalgodusa, first I'd like to say your plants look great man:clap:! 3 months of vegging is definitely enough to get some good results. I thought I'd reply because my plant is also in flowering, and It's also my first real grow so we have that in common. I originally had two plants, G13 diesel which is G13 haze x NYC diesel and Blue Venom which is blueberry x white widow, but recently I found out that the G13 Diesel was a male so I cut it down and took two clones from it. I also took a clone from the Blue Venom because both had great genetics and I'm crossing them to get some more good seeds hopefully. My Blue Venom vegged for 8 weeks and is now into day 9 of flowering. I started the 12/12 flowering when she was 27 inches tall and now 9 days later, she is 37 inches tall!! She is an amazingly bushy plant and has over 30 tops; I only topped her once at about 20 inches. I'll post some pics to show you. But I'm curious as to what kind of CFL's you're using? Like what's the wattage, lumen output, and Kelvin? I'm using a total of 6 CFL's: 2 3000K 85 watt soft white lights, 2 3000K 65 watt soft white lights, and 2 6500K daylite lights. Hope the flowering process is going well for you it's starting to get exciting for me!:weed:
Nice plants man! thanks for the reply, Im using 12 23watt 27k soft whites and 4 23watt 65k daylights. it'll be 7 days today that they have been in flower starting to see more white hairs coming up from the nodes. Smells Fantastic almost like I have a pet Skunk in my Closet. The BlackJack seems to have a more spicier smell to it. I wish I had more lights for the blackjack but my short rider is supposed to finish in 44 to 45 days so that will definitely give me some extra lumage for the blackjack. If short rider lives up to what nirvana advertised which it didn't autoflower so that's a downfall already on that strain. My next grow Im gonna go all hydro that's the best I've ever seen a plant grow in. It's not as complicated as I thought it would be either. Are your plants showing buds yet?? Also what kind of nutes are you using and what strength do you have them at? :weed:


Well-Known Member
Nice plants man! thanks for the reply, Im using 12 23watt 27k soft whites and 4 23watt 65k daylights. it'll be 7 days today that they have been in flower starting to see more white hairs coming up from the nodes. Smells Fantastic almost like I have a pet Skunk in my Closet. The BlackJack seems to have a more spicier smell to it. I wish I had more lights for the blackjack but my short rider is supposed to finish in 44 to 45 days so that will definitely give me some extra lumage for the blackjack. If short rider lives up to what nirvana advertised which it didn't autoflower so that's a downfall already on that strain. My next grow Im gonna go all hydro that's the best I've ever seen a plant grow in. It's not as complicated as I thought it would be either. Are your plants showing buds yet?? Also what kind of nutes are you using and what strength do you have them at? :weed:
Thanks ha. That sounds like the perfect amount of light man, I was really thinking about buying some more lights but I seem to be doing pretty well with only the 6. I took some new pictures today day 10 into flowering and to answer your question-yes they do have tiny buds starting to form. That sucks about the autoflowering short rider man. And I would definitely recommend doing hydro. It's actually really easy with the feeding and the plants grow incredibly fast and big. I'm using stealth hydro grow , bloom, and micro from stealth hyrdoponics. I only used grow during the veg stage and the plants really seemed to thrive from it. Now I use 2-3 teaspoons of bloom along with a teaspoon of micro. I mix the nutes into a 5 gallon bucket filled with usually about 1-2 gallons of water. Then I open the bubbleponics system and just pour it in so the roots get fresh water and nutrients. Oh yeah and I change the whole tank of water about every 2 weeks to keep the nitrate salts down and the tank clean. Although it has been pretty hard to clean the tank now because of how big the roots are. I'll show you some of the pictures I took today of the buds and whole plants.