• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Heroin addiction


Well-Known Member
do some duster. or spray paint if you want to get wasted for 10 bucks. that is a bad state of mind to be in. save it and sober up


heroin is prescribed in the uk and a handfull of countries
where did you do your research?

heroin is a class A drug and is well ILLEGAL to have on your possession,
all the smack heads get prescribed is methadone,a heroin substitute.
dunno why anybody in their right mind would want to have any dealings with that shit!!
using or selling.
its bad news and i've never seen any good come from it,
just pure destruction.......:wall:


Well-Known Member
heroin is readily available at pharmacys in Amsterdam, and here in the US people do OCs like there candy. OC is as bad as heroin and given over the counter. just last week someone in the next town over died from shooting up 3 OC80s


Well-Known Member
first off, condolences. hope all works out well in the end for mom and others. why did he do it? like someone else said earlier, cuz it feels good. like the guy said about the "feeling" of heroin. I tried it once, snorted it, a brownish powder (or so that's what it was said to be ... this would have been late '70s) ..... I remember the "feeling" ..... yea this could be .... could be .... really really nice - embracing your soul ...... luv those words. I had a best friend she od'd ..... I still think by accident .... circumstances and such ..... playing the game too close to the edge. We've all been there, in some capacity or another. and there are those of us the came reeling back from that edge, maybe even after falling over it for a bit before crawling back up and over ...... bruised, battered, fallen, and broken, yup ..... been there. Some are able to rise again and others do not. this thread is littered with folk having met up with folk and what happened? life happened. And we don't always get to see the curves coming. And none of the curves are fair. That's a hoax. It happens to be which opportunities you monopolize on and what they give to you in return. Walk on!!~~~~~


Well-Known Member
Gangster for selling heroin? Only a white kid from the 'burbs would say something like that.
"selling heroin's cool man! Yer so gangster!!!"
You guys in to the same high school or something???
haha guess that was my quote..
the whole point i was trying to prove, was that condolences are necessary in this case, but all he was doing was telling u his method of "paper stacking" go ahead, throw that one in ur slang dictionary while ur at it. Paper stacking, verb: to make money by any illegal narcotics and or illegal paraphenalia distribution.. ya like that one cock smoker?

what i am basically saying, anybody that decides to do H, is an idiot in the first place. regardless of "if it's the only thing in town"... first of all kaleo.. r u serious? no, no.. actually if ur serious, go ahead n put that needle to ur am, just make sure u have at least 50cc's of pure uncut heroin... yo chi, hook his ass up, fuckin ya know what just fill a bag with about a quart of H, and we can go directly intravenus u putz:wall:... how the fuck is that seriously worth it?

oh yea back to what i was saying, anybody who gets interested in H, just go the whole nine yards n die quick so the people around u who care for u dont have to suffer while u slowly die infront of them.. just a thought..


Well-Known Member
naw dude, id blow it, and i wouldnt get it from chi

and ya i just went back and read where the thread started, my condolences are out there too, may death be more peaceful than life


Oracle of Hallucinogens
haha guess that was my quote..
the whole point i was trying to prove, was that condolences are necessary in this case, but all he was doing was telling u his method of "paper stacking" go ahead, throw that one in ur slang dictionary while ur at it. Paper stacking, verb: to make money by any illegal narcotics and or illegal paraphenalia distribution.. ya like that one cock smoker?

what i am basically saying, anybody that decides to do H, is an idiot in the first place. regardless of "if it's the only thing in town"... first of all kaleo.. r u serious? no, no.. actually if ur serious, go ahead n put that needle to ur am, just make sure u have at least 50cc's of pure uncut heroin... yo chi, hook his ass up, fuckin ya know what just fill a bag with about a quart of H, and we can go directly intravenus u putz:wall:... how the fuck is that seriously worth it?

oh yea back to what i was saying, anybody who gets interested in H, just go the whole nine yards n die quick so the people around u who care for u dont have to suffer while u slowly die infront of them.. just a thought..
Is that really appropriate to tell a dude to OD on heroin right after the OP's friend passed away this way...


New Member
this thread is a complete joke.
this is a cannabis growing site.
and chitown you are a disgrace with your attitude and just made yourself out to be a very silly person and a person to be hated by all the users you are cussing and swearing at and the way you treat and talk to people.
i really dont know whats worse you or the heroin.



Active Member
You know the feeling you get when you first meet someone that you're interested in, that feeling you get early on in a relationship, giddy-ness, butterflies in your stomache, nervous anticipation of seeing them again??? That's how it feels when you're about to hook-up on some h.
Then, a month into a relationship where both of you are madly in love/lust. You can't get enough of eachother and only feel complete when you're with the other person. They make you feel comfortable in your own skin. All you want to do is lay in bed, wrapped in their arms, glowing. Complete. That's what heroin feels like.
Scoring Heroin feels like falling in love. The high feels like being cradled by your soulmate. Heroin hugs the soul.
Mind you it doesn't feel like this in the begining. The first few times i did h, it lasted from 5-8 hours and felt like one really long ecstasy roll. Except there wasn't a "roll" per se. It comes on, peaks, and plateaus like lsd but has the "soul-hugging" feeling of e.
Confused yet?
Oh, and people do heroin for the same reason they do cocaine, smoke ganja, eat shrooms, so on and so forth. Because it feels good. If the myth that people do drugs to escape/numb-out/run away from problems, anesthesia would be their drug of choice.
Fuck man, very good discription on H... Which is by the way the a fucking drug you dont want to fuck with, heroin doesnt play, it plays for keeps. I dont like people saying that its ONLY for people that has self control. FUCK THAT! Do you have any clue what people are? Bags of flesh with nerve endings and sensory tissue, thats what they are, users and abusers because we are programmed by nature to be so. Heroin is a noone drug and i would love to overdose one day on weed before taking another heroin hit. Heroin uses YOU! Sorry, i went through 3 hard weeks coming down from the shit yet opites perscribed from the government is harsher than the street shit sometimes. When will it stop? Why do we have a war on drugs? Because some arent to fuck with and then the ignorent blame it on anything that feels good. I love weed, she is my mistress and she cares for me and takes care of me. I need nothing else but my other "real" girl and thats it. Fuck H. It helps no one, thats the reason we have stupid fuckin kids pushing perscription pills on the street now. No kidding. And dude sorry for your lost. I am totally against Heroin, but so pro weed, there is a difference. A big one, btw dont buy the bullshit propaganda of the 80s, the only gate way drug i knew was called alcohol. I am high as a mofo right now and Im not running over ANY kids on my way scoring some burgers... Its all bullshit.


Well-Known Member
where did you do your research?

heroin is a class A drug and is well ILLEGAL to have on your possession,
all the smack heads get prescribed is methadone,a heroin substitute.
dunno why anybody in their right mind would want to have any dealings with that shit!!
using or selling.
its bad news and i've never seen any good come from it,
just pure destruction.......:wall:
I believe it is given to heroin addicts in the UK through a government program...


Active Member
Sad about your friend. But through out the thread I cant get over you saying "I dont like drugs, never did any and never gonna do." with 80 posts on a drug forum haha. Or is Marijuana not a drug!?!!?!??! Heh.
I dont think its fair to clasify weed as a drug if something like caffiene isnt a drug or perhaps we should classify caffine as a drug, its all about our government, I never EVER considered cannabis as a "drug" because my government does not acknowlege its benifits as one. I see beer as a more distructive drug, yet my government does not. All i want to do when i smoke is see bad movies and eat chinese food, is it because i am supporting the "comunists" that they see it as a negative? Then fuck them, chuck norris here i come!


New Member
where did you do your research?

heroin is a class A drug and is well ILLEGAL to have on your possession,
all the smack heads get prescribed is methadone,a heroin substitute.
dunno why anybody in their right mind would want to have any dealings with that shit!!
using or selling.
its bad news and i've never seen any good come from it,
just pure destruction.......:wall:
I believe it is given to heroin addicts in the UK through a government program...
heroin is not prescribed to any U.K. users.
its a class A drug sold on or available on the black market ONLY.
speaking as a doctor you will be put on a methadone programme that you must consume in the chemists( while being monitored) when you visit and is not allowed to be taken home.
its the most illegal drug thats controlled by the U.K. government and police and carries a heavy penalty for usage/possession and distribution.

OK first off your an idiot braggin that you sold heroin. You're the scum of the earth looking to make a quick buck.

And about your friend who passed, very sorry to hear that... I have been an opiate addict since I was 15, I'm now 21. It's all a progression thing, it's not as if your friend woke up one day and was like I'm going to throw my life away to drugs. For me, I smoked a lot of pot, ate mushrooms, acid, ecstasy, hung out with kids that had other things. I tried vicadin and that was it, I found something that makes me feel complete. It progressed to stronger pills to snorting pills, then to snorting heroin. Just to try it. Then before I knew it, I was majorly physically and psychologically addicted, I had someone shoot me up and my life was never the same. It was a complete nightmare. It's also embarrassing so you don't want to tell anyone. You just want it to pass you by before anyone finds out. That never happens. I didn't even realize I had an opiate problem until the needle, I was blindly in denial. I found out my father died from cocaine overdose when I was 17... I was never told that I was prone to addiction and I was already in the midst of my battle. It is a life long fight once you make that decision to use pills or hard drugs. I had no idea what I was in for. Hell on earth... the darkest times of my life were when I was using that shit. The addict mind forces you to feel very alone and the only way to feel right is that quick fix. It's a disease of the mind forever once your there... there are ways to maintain it though. Talking to people and attending drug classes and getting educated. I've gone to Rehabs, Detox AA/NA and all that... it's a program that works, it helped me get back on my feet. AA/NA says that even marijuana will lead you right back to using heroin/alcohol/whichever your drug of choice is. Marijuana gives me motivation to live, it inspires me, It makes me feel one with everything. It is a very spiritual thing for me. That's why I need medical cannabis, I have intense anxiety, racing thoughts about everyone I affected and the things I did using heroin. It should be legalized so it can be seperated from the pills and powder. Your friend was in the midst of his struggle and was probably very uneducated about what he was going through. I feel for you and his mom greatly, it's a shame this system we have here in America. This run around catch, lock up, and release bullshit is all about how to make the government some money. They need to take their head out of their asses and get down to the nitty gritty. Helping people and educating THE REALNESS of it all. Addicts aren't criminals. This country is a shit heap of lies and masks. Anyway I rant when it comes to this because it is very frustrating, there are a lot of unresolved problems and flaws in our system that cripples us. LEGALIZE MARIJUANA and this country will find its counter point. WE ARE NOT ONE AT ALL. WE LIVE ON THIS EARTH FOR SUCH A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME AND I REFUSE TO LET THESE MASKS BLIND ME. I LIVED MY WHOLE LIFE LOOKING TO OTHERS FOR ANSWERS and it lead me to hell BUT WE ARE ALL EQUALLY CONFUSED. Sure we all have moments where we feel safe but It's a personally journey that everyone needs to walk freely. This is America right? The land of the free and the home of the brave? More like the land of the clausterphobic slaves and the home of the capitalistic know-nothings. I hate our system with a passion. This up and coming generation is going to shake things up for sure, we can't stand for this bullshit of being scared and forced.


Active Member
WOW... man im sorry

Personally.. Ive heard of some ppl who did heroin...personally, for me, if it's not found in nature, it shouldn't be in your body..thats just what i believe..

and 2nd, moderation is key on everything.. we should teach people heroin and coke are not worth any of it.

legalize the soft drugs! and people wont use the hard ones! :)


Well-Known Member
WOW... man im sorry

Personally.. Ive heard of some ppl who did heroin...personally, for me, if it's not found in nature, it shouldn't be in your body..thats just what i believe..

and 2nd, moderation is key on everything.. we should teach people heroin and coke are not worth any of it.

legalize the soft drugs! and people wont use the hard ones! :)
That logic will never work...people will always use hard drugs, if there are hard things there, people will inevitably be tempt to use them.

Legalise the softer drugs, more natural drugs. LEGALISE ALL DRUGS IN THERE NATURAL FORM. ( coca in plant form .... ) is not tht powerful. If we do that then people will see less need to turn to hard drugs and/or respect the harder drugs more.


Well-Known Member
TerrapinStation great post, a lot of info there..
BlasphemyFloyd That's excactly how i feel, marijuana is not a drug, in my brain i classify drug as something chemical which modifies your perception and state of being, it is not fair to put something 100% natural in this class.
thehairyllama: I dont have problem with drug users but i m not willing to use something that is so poorly made atm, when people is talking about acid I bring an image in my brain of a dirty basement with some sort of random equipment and a mad scientist, nothing is controlled , nothing is 100% pure. There is no official research and development in most drugs on the market and no standard doses, so I m not attracted to this world, i prefer to keep it natural. No offence.


Well-Known Member
If Marijuana didnt do anything no one would smoke it..but they smoke it for the effects..the relaxation..the fun in it all. People smoke and take other drugs for the same reason. But I know what you mean about natural, but will never say Marijuana isnt a drug =D. Tis the only drug that has my heart.


Well-Known Member
The land of the free and the home of the brave? More like the land of the clausterphobic slaves and the home of the capitalistic know-nothings.

+rep for the quote.