I think its a she :D


Active Member
lol nice1 , how often should i water it now she on day 4 of 12/12???? cheers guys
Stick your finger 1"-1.5" in the dirt. If its not moist and its
dry, you need to water. You'll start to look at the plant
and know if it needs it or not. Over watering is bad.. So
dont do that. Especially if you dont have good drainage.


Active Member
My plant sits on something so air can get to roots ( been told it would be good for it) !
Someone told me to water every second day , i have been watering 1/2 a week just when i notice shes dry !
Any good flowering nutes that wont burn a hole on my pocket ???lol


Active Member
My plant sits on something so air can get to roots ( been told it would be good for it) !
Someone told me to water every second day , i have been watering 1/2 a week just when i notice shes dry !
Any good flowering nutes that wont burn a hole on my pocket ???lol
Oh you mean like some rocks in the bottom. That helps
keep the dirt from being overly swampy at the bottom
and causing rotting type effects mostly. You should
do a hempy grow. Thats some root airation for you.

And I dont know I went down the cheap nute route
and ended up spending more than I would have If
I just bought something decent to begin with.

I got my big ass bottle of GH floranova Bloom for like 22$
The miracle grow, sholtz, type shit you see in home depot
just didnt cut it for me on previous grows.