Mission accomplished I love getting under the skin of ignorant peoplehow tell me i want u out!!!! u smashing on my high and making my blood boil and i dont like it cause im gettin mad an sum text on my comp screen!
Im sure if you would talk to someone your own age you could have a more enthralling conversationwher'd purpk go??? did i make her go away???? damn it and she coulda been my first female friend.. and i was starting to like her an not be jelious cause she talked to my bf..... darn it!!!! come back purpk i need female friends these men dont understand me..........
whats up with all of these adults not being able to spell?
wtf...?no eyedear butt as yoo r tort spelling at skool I rekon sum folk loose the abilitee to spell later on
either that or they are high? lol
lucky folks.
well I had a friend move from cali... and I say hella cus I started listening to atmosphere... and he (friend) told me he thought I was from cali...i have d i s l e x i a... i think that how its spelled and i just type fast so sumtime my finger press the keys in the wrong order and i took a comp typing class 12th grade so i got good.... why am i to fast???? sorry i type so much my mind babbles and rambles when im high.. well actually it always does... but hey nice to have another chick!!! so what up u a grower too??? or just a hugh fan of weed?? and yes im from cali.. i didnt know only we said hella... but now i do.... interestin
...It sounds like I'm probably not your type anyway, and I guess you should ignore the nazi and butt comment...wat about nazis??? yes death to nazis( even tho im german i hate them they killed my grandmas mommy!!! now she is a bitch) and what about butts??? are they big and fat???? juciy???? an i dont think i posted about butts... i did about tits... (im bi).... but i dont hit on chicks that arnt so dont worrie im not like that... tho if ur hott i might tell u as a compliment not like sexualy.... well maybe who knows