woooop woooop
lol fdd went old school on our asses... oo shit look at fdd break dance
Is this the cop you've been dealing with?![]()
lololol i thought u was watchin law and order?
Naw, I'm checkin' out my chica's Andrea and Ana from Police Women of Broward County... damn to get searched by them...
Right, because you're gonna call the fire department to report the guy that just held you up at gunpoint. Fucking idiots...![]()
well said.o.k i will admit i only read the first 20 pages. i could have read more but its obvious the circus has arrived. chitownsmoking do you honestly get an erection when you hear of a cop being killed? its people like you that make me weep for society. you seem to think the "gangbanger" has it tough. you had choices the same as i did. i have never read a thread with so many hatefull, bitter, naive and more importantly sick people as you lot. how could anybody justify the loss of any life? especially a life of a peson who is up holding the law. i grow weed and i know the risks. if i get caught i will take like a man. how many supid people roam this site? when i see a gangbanger get shot i dont laugh. i feel sorry for his family. its called empathy. something it appears most people here don't have. wankers.![]()
Once again...I had no bias either until you stated that when you see a cop get KILLED your dick gets hard... no person in their right mind would say something like that and anybody that does needs to be removed from this planet.
Good policy. They are not your friends and are not looking to help. If somebody is actually assaulting your person or property...unless a cop happens by, you are on your own. Sure call them..they totally love writing reports while their buddies are out playing cops and ganstas.funny i have never called the cops for shit in my life
Something tells me the back door would open first.you'll be screaming die cop die after they raid your pad and give you a cavity search.
There are a few on this board who can certainly attest to the fact that I am not LE... but on here, I guess supporting LE means I must be a cop. I guess supporting the military means I'm a soldier, or supporting freedom of choice means I'm a baby killer...![]()
Of course everyone was respectful...people do not say shit bad to cops, especially when they may go to jail...that is why they do a little virtual venting here in cannaspace...those that are taking the disgust of law enforcement and wondering if people are literally sexually excited by the death of cops...Yeah... don't think that'll really happen as I won't be calling the officers pigs and yelling at them, being disrespectful.
I've already had a drug task force raid an apartment that I was in. I laid down on the floor as they asked, told the cop where I had the pot as it was in my pocket and he'd have found it anyways, they sat us down, gave us cigarettes, let those of us that were not involved with the apartment owner go with citations and we went on our way.
All in all it was a very professional experience, no one bad mouthed the cops or yelled anything stupid, and they were extremely respectful.
quack quack!How'd you know?![]()