Plasma is the Future of growing!

Plasma Light Source (PLS) systems ARE the future!

Magnetron failure was the main complaint for the old Sulfur Plasma systems, and that says a lot considering their main component was a glass bulb spinning at 1200 RPM to keep it from instantly melting and becoming a fire hazard, not to mention the fact it would be like having a microwave oven above your heads (the energy, size and weight of a microwave).


They have taken the concept of sulfur plasma to another level. It's now solid state (no moving parts). Instant on with less than a minute to re-strike, optional computer interface to monitor status, and dim-ability down to 20% (cool option for catastrophic heat buildup prevention). The spectral power distribution is similar to the output of the sun (they're working on the Red) and, before this new product really even goes to market according to inside people they've already increased the output 35% across the board (including Red) That's awesome when you really think about it. Imagine where they'll be in ten years!

These things are made to last and the diminishing of light over the ten year lifespan is negligible. If my calculations are right, if they really did accomplish 35% more efficiency on top of 120 Lumen per watt, that put's them over 160 lumen per watt! With more of the energy going into usable light and less to heat. So the heat output is less than a 200 watt HPS with the usable light of more than a 400 watt!

Whats the total weight you ask? Lighter than a digital ballast HPS system without the reflector!

Unlike High intensity discharge LED or Florescent lighting which emit their light over a larger surface area (up to 1 sq. foot for a single florescent), the PLS is a tic-tac size single point source that's so intense, you have to be careful with your eyes. Right now they make a 250 watt driver that has the PAR Watt equivalent of a 400 w Metal Halide, with this new 35% upgrade it will be even better. Right now It's perfect for the Clone/ Mother/ Veg cycle (with less heat and more PAR watt light than any other light in this range) and soon they will be releasing the new driver with an adjusted spectrum, more 642nm-662mn red range. I'm telling you all, (I feel almost prophetic) Solid State PLS (Plasma Light Source) Systems ARE the future of horticulture. (next year comes the 700 watt agricultural model)

And the cost? The current 250 watt system puts any 400 watt system to shame for the VEG cycle, and will cost less than the new $1000 LED systems, will last longer and grow more, with less electricity and heat than any other possible competitor. I'll keep you informed about the release date of the Horticultural model that we're in the process of developing for mass market. It looks like October for the adjusted frequency (Fruit) light production date. If you took the current 40-02 model and added a 100 watts of RED LED's nothing could currently beat it for budding! If the interest is high enough I would consider going into early production using the 40-02 driver. Oh by the way, we will be offering a 2 year warranty with our air cooled models.
(Use this light with some Humboldt 2-part Amino Acid Chelated Nutrients and set some records!)

Here it comes!~ The age of light without heat!
Sounds good to me. The few times I've mentioned sulpher plasma on here no one even reads it. I want star trek to get here yesterday!
Its all still in R&D, like feul cells, fusion reactors, etc. Not ready for market, so no real need to talk about a maybe.

No this isn't a fusion reactor story, there shortly will be a new website showing the tech info as well as pictures of the PLS system complete. I'm giving a heads up to all the users for this kind of product. No one seems to want to believe it. I needed to see what kind of response there will be, to do marketing recon so to speak.. I need to forecast orders.
Forgive me if this is the wrong forum, I just figure including the customer in product development would be wise.
yeah thanks for double posting too. oh, and don't fuck with buds balls. you know how big the homegrown industry is. if your product is the tits aint no one gonna deny it.

whats a rough, reasonable timeline for release... next fall?

direct to consumer etail?

or are you with a larger corporation that'll be working through distributors?

yeah thanks for double posting too. oh, and don't fuck with buds balls. you know how big the homegrown industry is. if your product is the tits aint no one gonna deny it.

whats a rough, reasonable timeline for release... next fall?

direct to consumer etail?

or are you with a larger corporation that'll be working through distributors?.


Sorry BudBalls, I really thought you were going for that effect, Yes October of this year is when Luxim puts out their new drivers with the increased output. I could put my product into production now but decided to wait for the upgrade. Everything is gonna be top quality from the driver to the heat sink, top notch. With a two year warranty. If I go direct from the production floor to the customer I can absorb the development cost and limit the final cost to the buyer. My friends at American Garden Supply would love to help me market it though so who knows what the future holds. If you have any good ideas I would love to hear them.
would you sell a whole set up? you know ballast reflectors and all seems interesting i will be keeping a eye on this thread and post the link to the website when you get a chance as well
Its all still in R&D, like feul cells, fusion reactors, etc. Not ready for market, so no real need to talk about a maybe.
Like LED's a lot of people paid good money for bad lights that also had promise. Now there are lot's of disappointed growers bashing the 1st and 2nd gen LED's (I know it's getting better, but they are not quite there yet). The real concern is reality not matching the hype, as with LED's.

Now, if we can see some test grows from neutral 3rd parties of the PLS, then we're not buying on faith or hype.

I for one would be very willing to test your light and offer an honest review comparing to my 600 HPS.

Please PM me for more details.

Sorry to rain on your advertising campaign, but there already are 130 lumen/Watt LEDs from OSRAM. Next year 160 L/W models are expected.

So you are just a middle man.

everyone else has the goods.

whatever then. I'll wait for, like you said, am ag to come out with their version,

and general hydro theirs...

hell maybe even AN will get into the lighting game!

Luxim is going to make a lot of money...
WHAT THE HELL DO THESE LOOK LIKE? show us some pics.

I would also be willing to do a test cycle, side by side with my 1000hps if it proves suppior I'd gladly pay up.
WHAT THE HELL DO THESE LOOK LIKE? show us some pics.

I would also be willing to do a test cycle, side by side with my 1000hps if it proves suppior I'd gladly pay up.

You know that's what it's looking like will happen.

I will post the website for the Solid State PLS system soon with full graphic interface and blog site. Thanks for the idea.

I'm not kidding I know this from experience, PLS will revolutionize growing.

There is a woman from 'opengrow' who is posting a PLS grow and I looked at her blog and as soon as I saw her set up I said "she's going to kill her plants" because she doesn't have any glass between the emitter and the plants.

The PLS system does produce UV-A-B and C! This is a warning to anyone trying to use it the way she did, and all you have to do to eliminate the UV-C (bad), diminish the UV-B and regulate the UV-A (to good levels) is put a piece of tempered glass at least 5mm thick under the emitter. The glass is seen as opaque by UV-C rays and heavily filters UV-B rays.

Our Solid State PLS System has the perfect kind of glass already in place and a high efficiency CPU fan setup to cool the heat sink, eliminating a significant amount of the heat that's left, which is already negligible.
Oh well, try help and look where it gets you. Just trying to get the word out. You will change your tune when this all breaks loose.
I can see exactly what she's doing wrong, you see that air tube in the ceiling? that should be right over the emitter instead of letting the air circulate the heat in the chamber. And put some tempered glass under the light to filter the UV light.

I think I came up with the name, as soon as I establish the URL I'll post it.

My use is very different than hers. It is enclosed in a UV resistant borosilicate glass tube (cool tube) and the driver (the Ballast looking thingy) would be outside the grow area if in such a small enclosure.
seems really interesting but i will have to see more results to make up my mind and for them to be cost effective whats a good price range for these lights?