

Well-Known Member
all the picks are of the same plant- but different tops, because the plant was topped when it was little.

One of the tops looks like a hermie- the others don't

I would have already trashed it if the whole plant looked like that one top.

It's wierd.


Well-Known Member
jesus christ
no more pics
chuck if u take any more take pics of wat u think are balls using ur macro setting...
do you want me to take another picture of balls.............. or no?

i'm ready to concede that there are balls on the branch yous aid had balls- the other tops are a diff story though. i don't see balls.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
do you want me to take another picture of balls.............. or no?

i'm ready to concede that there are balls on the branch yous aid had balls- the other tops are a diff story though. i don't see balls.
yes take macro pics of the ballsbongsmilie

luvvin growin

Active Member
he's growing a fuckin monster is what he's growing,combined 56 yrs. of growing between 5 of us,and we've ne'er seen nuttin like it!!!


Well-Known Member
if it was a hermie u would have male flowers on there not just sacs. a hermies flower hangs upsidedown like under an umbrella. a stressed plant wich is what u have show little banna like sacs.

LEAV IT ALONE any seeds will be feminized not matter what plant it pollenates

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
if it was a hermie u would have male flowers on there not just sacs. a hermies flower hangs upsidedown like under an umbrella. a stressed plant wich is what u have show little banna like sacs.

LEAV IT ALONE any seeds will be feminized not matter what plant it pollenates
all male flowers hang like umbrellas


so- if its a hermie anywhere on the plant-it still isn't a hermie??? I thought if the plant hermied anywhere the plant itself was hermie. otherwise its a super stressed female that went both ways. You can gen feminized seeds for sure then right?? i'm so so connfused from reading this i think my nose might start bleeding...


Well-Known Member
ever since the plant was little it was always the runt. It was obviously inferior to the others. real scraggly.