Busters 09 Outdoor Grow

Buster 420

Active Member
Girls are looking good and getting big. No nutes this trip just H2O. The 3 that got munched by the deer are starting to fill out. Pictures of those girls next time. I can't wait for August to be over. This heat is killing me and it's been so long I can't remember the last time it rained.


Buster 420

Active Member
I'll kill one in two weeks plus a elk for to fill the freezer.

Feed the girls today and they are looking good. The two that were munched down to sticks still haven't shown there sex. If they don't get started soon they won't finish if they are female. All the other girls are producing flowers into the lower branches and inner nodes. Oh and the smell is so sweet. Cured buds have a strong citrus smell. Not the best shit for joints since it bleeds black tar all over my fingers and lips. Don't have this problem with other strains, just this one.

Trimmed the branches near the ground since they don't get much light and monsoon season starting they tend to get mold with all the grass. I'm considering trimming the deer grazed branches. I don't like how they look and don't want the plant to waste energy if they won't finish. Anybody else do this?


Buster 420

Active Member
Update Time:

Well so far the grow has been up and down. Trimed some of the lower branches that the deer munched. It looks like the took a couple more since my last visit. I can't remember if I left some or cut them all off. Note to self. Smoke after, not before you water.

Head count

Grow spot #1 had 5 males and 4 girls. All the males have been kill. It kick started the girl on the back left. The big girl in front of her is over 2ft longer than my reach and I'm 6'3. The best looking girl is in the back right.

Spot 2 is having a hard time. 1 pulled male, 2 unknown deer much girls and 2 females. One is doing great but the other topped girl got hit pretty hard by deer. The two unknowns were topped early but the deer kept them short.

Started saving urine and putting hair out every trip. I haven't looked in the stores for any deer deterants yet.

Okay time for pics.

Buster 420

Active Member
Thats no longer a fucking stem lol.. Thats a godam tree trunk. How tall are those its hard to get a bearing in those pics.
This stem is from plant 2 the 6.5 ft on the left. The taller two are plant 3 at 8-9ft and plant 1 at 9-10ft. Plant 4 is hiding between the thistles.

Take a look at the early pics, there is a drink cup in some of those.


Buster 420

Active Member
Plant 1 is always moving and really leans in the morning. I really want to bend it over but the deer can't get the tops so I'm leaving it.


Active Member
Your looking good my friend those are some beastly fuckers. I'm just always wondering how the hell these people get such busy plants. Not to bash on yours cuz theyre healthy and vivatious but I've seen some absolute bushes on some threads and I envy it. Whats that p lant in your picture, the purple one? Looks crazy

Buster 420

Active Member
Your looking good my friend those are some beastly fuckers. I'm just always wondering how the hell these people get such busy plants. Not to bash on yours cuz theyre healthy and vivatious but I've seen some absolute bushes on some threads and I envy it.
The key to big plants is simple, good soil, nuts and sun. I started these inside and put out in May.

The tall plants seem to be a 50/50 hybrid. I have one pheno that doesn't go over 4 ft but turns into a solid cola with a strong fruit smell. All three turned into males. I tried to collect some pollen but the wife dumped out by accident.

Whats that p lant in your picture, the purple one? Looks crazy
This the strain I'm growing. Don't know what it is but I'm going to breed it with some NL pollen. They should finish end of September.

I've been busy hunting and filled my 2 tags, so the girls have been ignored. Sorry update til sometime this week.


Well-Known Member
Dang man, sorry to hear about your deer troubles... I have been thru that so I know. Good idea about saving the urine, that will def help. Couple things... I notice your spots are pretty out in the open, like meadows and what not. Those tend to be places deer go to feed. Might be a good idea to choose more difficult spots to get to. When guerilla growing I always choose a spot that is as difficult as possible for me to get to. This will help but not eliminate the chance of animal or human finding them. Also what you may want to do now since they are already in the ground is run some fishing line around your plants. Use the existing vegitation as support and make a perimiter around them. To be safe I circle around 3 or 4 times about 1 foot apart from ground level up. Same concept as chicken wire but much easier to lug in and good thing is it's really camo. Hope this helps and good luck dude.

Buster 420

Active Member
Dang man, sorry to hear about your deer troubles... I have been thru that so I know. Good idea about saving the urine, that will def help. Couple things... I notice your spots are pretty out in the open, like meadows and what not. Those tend to be places deer go to feed. Might be a good idea to choose more difficult spots to get to. When guerilla growing I always choose a spot that is as difficult as possible for me to get to. This will help but not eliminate the chance of animal or human finding them. Also what you may want to do now since they are already in the ground is run some fishing line around your plants. Use the existing vegitation as support and make a perimiter around them. To be safe I circle around 3 or 4 times about 1 foot apart from ground level up. Same concept as chicken wire but much easier to lug in and good thing is it's really camo. Hope this helps and good luck dude.
I live in a desert so any place near water have deer issues. I have deer issues even in the thickest rose bushes. They issued another couple hundred doe tags but well after harvast. Next year there won't be any problem.

Buster 420

Active Member
Everything is looking good. Buds are filling out nicely. Just started getting frosty and the smell is getting strong. 5 more weeks til the first harvest.

This trip they got a good dose of water nice they got a good dose of nuts the last two trips. The last plant turned male and it got pulled. I was kinda happy not having to water him any more. Not a good year for females but still very happy with what I have left. Wrapped some old fishing line around the parimeter. Well see how this works.

I do the bulk of my drying at the grow site. It takes a few days longer to dry then the big colas I bring home. I always bring home the best bud for a good trim.

Buster 420

Active Member
Take a look at the purple stalk. Started just after the last time deer eat the lower branches. Anybody know what causes the purple, build up of nuts or deficiency?

