stealing power


Well-Known Member
ok well my farther found a wait to get free power.all he did was get jump cables a unscrew the black box where ur cables connect and connected the jumper cables up and on the other ends of the cables had it wired up to a cord and connected it str8 to the house.

one thing happened used the oven for like 6 hours melted the cables.

one day the power company came and unhooked the cabbles and then later on we connected them up.
2 days later they come back and unhook them 2 hours later they replace the old box with a metal box with a big ass lock and went to the transfomer and bolted it to the ground so we couldnt jack it up and get power that way and bumbed the power volts from 240 to 360 so if we found a way it would melt the cables.

its been 4 months seens this has happened and nothing has happened no fine/police coming around nothing.kiss-asskiss-ass

has this evr happened to you?

EDIT:he had been getting free power for oevr 8 months
My friend, that is stealing plain and simple. Go down to your local bank with a shotgun & make them give you all the cash, then go pay your power bill.
No fucking difference. Its still stealing & that makes you a thief !
Power bills are expensve. I'm a resonable guy but that's KARMA so I snt fuck with it cuz eventually it's gona want to fuck you back. bongsmilie :joint:
Yo get that power man. Don't worry about what they say. In this world you either get 1 over on people or you are the one who is gotten. To all the people who don't like borrowing, put a dick in your ear and fuck it(however the saying goes)
only borrowing..

Borrowing is using your neighbors table saw & returning it with a new blade, it ain't taking from others with no intention of ever paying back.

Tell me that today you went down to the local electrical coop and said "I got the last 8 months free, can I pay for that now?".

Bullshit. Thief.
Yo get that power man. Don't worry about what they say. In this world you either get 1 over on people or you are the one who is gotten. To all the people who don't like borrowing, put a dick in your ear and fuck it(however the saying goes)

Christian Charlatan, what's exodus 20 refer to.

Like I said. Thief.
ur an idiot pay ur electric bill, like everyone else has too, theres no reason why any of us should get if for free and some should have to pay, we just all need to work together
I thnk it's an internatinal site bongsmilie & stealing is frown upon anywhere in this world it's naturally wrong.

If stealng was a seed that you could plant & grow so it can give it's fruit & you only stole while under the influence of those fruits even then it would be banned & frowned upon more then budd. bongsmilie
1,im poor
2,its gona cost 10grand to get power connected from fence to house
3,im cheap
4,i just spent 10grand with 6 other people for 800meters of cable and 1 transformer 3 phase cable cos its subdivision and the guy next to use is setting up a avocado business,he's the one that got it all done.
5,i have solar power and turbine's
Stop speaking Greek. This is an American English forum.
So since there are 3 syllables and you cannot pronounce it that it must be a Foreign language?
Aren't you the clown whom proclaims he has found and is following God?
And you think stealing in any form is ok?

Char·la·tan (shär
n. A person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a quack or fraud.

A Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, who Christians believe was the Son of God and the Messiah (Christ) prophesied in the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible.

And no its not Greek, I believe it was first written in Masoretic Hebrew and is found in Exodus 20:15
LOL keep God outta this one. I say get over all you can, stealing is illegal but so is Growing Marijuana, we all still do that.
If all was fair it would be more affordable, looks like the Gov is getting over on us, same with gas prices. Shit dont need to be so expensive, we have it right here in america, but as long as they can fuck us and keep us on a leash they will.
Just my opinion, not stealing power or gas, but must say I would If I could.
you got any babies you're trying to feed? how about a sick relative you're taking care of? there's plenty of people who pay for their power that do. that's the nicest thing i can say
1,im poor
2,its gona cost 10grand to get power connected from fence to house
3,im cheap
4,i just spent 10grand with 6 other people for 800meters of cable and 1 transformer 3 phase cable cos its subdivision and the guy next to use is setting up a avocado business,he's the one that got it all done.
5,i have solar power and turbine's

a list of contradicting statements. i'm confused :)
Its not somthin i would do
But you gotta do what you gotta do

Most of these people that are calling you a criminal are criminals themselves..
im not into robbing off people etc but big multi million pound/dollar companys that charge us way to much for elec in the first place........fook em:evil::evil::evil:!! victim less crime!!!
they make enuff money, all the haters are just pissed coz they couldnt get free elec, honestly if you could would you? i defo would, costs me a freeking fortune every couple of months with them feckers!!
fair play for gettn 8months free,just count urself lucky you never got prosecuted for it, quite a bad offence i believe,

not often you get anything for free these days.......toke on........:joint:bongsmilie