Active Member
Welcome to my first grow fellow potsmokers 

Me and my partner in crime started with 7 bagseeds at his house planning on germinating all of them, but unfortunately we lost 3 of the seeds and from the other 4 only 2 germinated. I am a so to say complete newbie to growing cannabis but I have spent hours and hours reading threads, books, guides, etc. on how to grow so I like to believe I am very well prepared.

Set up:
Soil: Ferti Lome Ultimate potting mix (for now, getting FF Ocean ltr)
Seeds: 4x Bagseed. The bag they came from had really dank bud but it was filled with seeds. Hopefully not a Hermie plant
Lights: started sprouts with 2x 23 watt 6500k daylight, added another 2 a couple days later and adding more as needed.
Location: Friends Closet
Nutrients: Fox Farms Tri nutes
Temp/Hum control: Can change both with air conditioning to my will. My temperature is always 69-81 and humidity is 31-37
Names: for now 1 (Aka Mary) and 2 (aka Jane).
Day 1 (Aug 4th, 10pm): Put 4 seeds in shotglass with bottled water *hope arrowhead water is good for germinating*
Day 2 (Aug 5th, 10am): Moved seeds on a plate between two sheets wetted with distilled water and under a bowl
Day 3 (Aug 6th at night): 2 of the seeds show roots. Gonna let them grow more overnight.
Day 4 (Aug 7th, 10.30 am): Planted 2 seeds in red party cups *I think soil might be a tad too moist, but never really watered plants before soo...*
Day 5 (Aug 8th, 2 pm): Started 16/8 Cycle (on at 8a off at 12p) with 2x CFL. pH for both aprox 7. Humidity: aprox 34 %. Temp: right now at 78
(Aug 8th, 8.30 pm): *I See them!!!. 2 seems more developed* -Pic 1 * Mary is one the left and Jane on the right

Day 6 (Aug 9th, 8.20 am): *Jane is standing up aprox 1/2 in -pic 1. Mary showing leaves but bent over - pic 2

(Aug 9th, 6 pm): *Mary is reaching for the sky! -still small and weak looking tho but thats ok, i have faith in her!*

(Aug 9th, 8 pm): Mary is about 1/2 in, Jane 1 in
Day 7 (Aug 10th, 10.30 am): Lights 3 in from Jane and 4 from Mary. Mary= 1in Jane= 1 1/4 in
-*Should i be paying attention to stem color differances? (Mary=brown. Jane=purple red ish)
(Aug 10th, 2.50 pm): Just built new seedling box/area with +2 CFL - still needs mylar tho which ill be getting in the next few days (where do you find mylar?) *My babys are going to love ther new home

Day 8 (Aug 11th, 10 am): Watered with pH 6 water cuz pH was too high. *Mary= showing kind of odd growth but not too shabby. Jane= True leaves are coming in great!
*. both of their pH level is 7 now
pic 1=Mary. pic 2= Jane. pic 3= Mary Jane
(Jane is on the left now)

Ill be updating this thread pretty much daily as i spend half of my day looking at the plants anyways haha
PS: Feedback is more then welcome!


Set up:
Soil: Ferti Lome Ultimate potting mix (for now, getting FF Ocean ltr)
Seeds: 4x Bagseed. The bag they came from had really dank bud but it was filled with seeds. Hopefully not a Hermie plant
Lights: started sprouts with 2x 23 watt 6500k daylight, added another 2 a couple days later and adding more as needed.
Location: Friends Closet
Nutrients: Fox Farms Tri nutes
Temp/Hum control: Can change both with air conditioning to my will. My temperature is always 69-81 and humidity is 31-37
Names: for now 1 (Aka Mary) and 2 (aka Jane).
Day 1 (Aug 4th, 10pm): Put 4 seeds in shotglass with bottled water *hope arrowhead water is good for germinating*
Day 2 (Aug 5th, 10am): Moved seeds on a plate between two sheets wetted with distilled water and under a bowl
Day 3 (Aug 6th at night): 2 of the seeds show roots. Gonna let them grow more overnight.
Day 4 (Aug 7th, 10.30 am): Planted 2 seeds in red party cups *I think soil might be a tad too moist, but never really watered plants before soo...*
Day 5 (Aug 8th, 2 pm): Started 16/8 Cycle (on at 8a off at 12p) with 2x CFL. pH for both aprox 7. Humidity: aprox 34 %. Temp: right now at 78
(Aug 8th, 8.30 pm): *I See them!!!. 2 seems more developed* -Pic 1 * Mary is one the left and Jane on the right

Day 6 (Aug 9th, 8.20 am): *Jane is standing up aprox 1/2 in -pic 1. Mary showing leaves but bent over - pic 2

(Aug 9th, 6 pm): *Mary is reaching for the sky! -still small and weak looking tho but thats ok, i have faith in her!*

(Aug 9th, 8 pm): Mary is about 1/2 in, Jane 1 in
Day 7 (Aug 10th, 10.30 am): Lights 3 in from Jane and 4 from Mary. Mary= 1in Jane= 1 1/4 in

(Aug 10th, 2.50 pm): Just built new seedling box/area with +2 CFL - still needs mylar tho which ill be getting in the next few days (where do you find mylar?) *My babys are going to love ther new home

Day 8 (Aug 11th, 10 am): Watered with pH 6 water cuz pH was too high. *Mary= showing kind of odd growth but not too shabby. Jane= True leaves are coming in great!

pic 1=Mary. pic 2= Jane. pic 3= Mary Jane

Ill be updating this thread pretty much daily as i spend half of my day looking at the plants anyways haha

PS: Feedback is more then welcome!