• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Religion Has Done More Bad Than Good

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
What created the first seed, or did it happen by accident? LOL

But getting make on point, 99% of the world is religious, and I'm unaware of religion doing many bad things. Well except human sacrifice and stuff, but that's ancient news.

what is the fascination with trying to find fault with religion? This is being taught by liberal professors in liberal colleges right? Don't believe everything you hear a liberal say :peace:


Well-Known Member
CrackerJax, without the help of your former president's grandpa Hitler could have never risen to such a point.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
has atheism done more bad or good? I know Adolf Hitler called religion a fairytale, and the godless commies did everything they could to destroy the peoples faith in anything more powerful than government - kind of like they are doing today - obama says we're not a christian nation, so what are we?


Active Member
in the beginning there was nothing then poof 15billion years later here i am typing this message. I think i will believe another story hmm, hmm wut else is there?...religion? In the begining God created... sounds better than nothing created everything we were all athiest before we started believing in god

Encyclopedia of Wars by Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod documents 1763 wars, of which 123 have been classified to involve a religious conflict. So, what atheists have considered to be "most" really amounts to less than 7% of all wars. It is interesting to note that 66 of these wars (more than 50%) involved Islam, which did not even exist as a religion for the first 3,000 years of recorded human warfare.

War and Religion

A slew of books by "evangelical" atheists have claimed that most of the world's suffering (including most wars) are the direct result of religious differences and the discord that it fosters. Such statements are seldom backed up by real evidence (other than citing a handful of wars that seem to be the result of religious differences).Does religion really lead to war?

Rich Deem

anyone know if this is true?


Active Member
You could also use your argument against you, there was nothing and then poof God made everything?

Also i object to you just labelling anyone who is not a Christian as an atheist.

What is your take on all the other big religions? Are they all wrong?
1. yes, if god was created he wouldnt be god

2. I didnt not lable anyone who is not a christian as an atheist.

3. Yes all other religions are wrong. if they were right i would join them


religion is good. everyone needs something to beleave in or this world would just be too unbearable.


Active Member
Why wait 15 Billion years by the way.

It simply makes no sense and on just about every scientific frontier, the church, and the Bible have been wrong.
:roll: does it matter what year i put

will you list 1 time the bible has been wrong on the scientific frontier? I believe you i would just like to see it for myself :wink:


Well-Known Member
The belief in God is so important. You can't really believe in evolution. We are all too young, our ancestry can only go back so far. Think about calculating the population backwards. There is no way we have been around for millions of years. Carbon dating is BS, carbon is stable but i am sure that it degrades exponentially, and different than how scientists say. I think that dinosaurs ate there way into extinction, and whatever was left we ate. A dinosaur had to be easier to kill than a wolly. And that ice age also probly killed a bunch more. There are not alot of places where non hyranating lizards live in the present day. I am sure that crusaders probly killed the rest of them.

The key thing is there has to be some sort of god, and the messages passed through religious books are GOOD! Its when people who are just genetically bad, raised wrong, what have you get a hold of that same info and twist it around to control others. To a point we must be controlled. I think that alot of religious teachings are purely good. The problem comes when religious folks raise money to ensure that i cannot have religious and medicinal freedom in my natural born country. Thats whats messed up. And, oh , how they hate gays. Why, well cause the church and its ways often lead people to being gay just to piss of thier folks. What a joke. Another instance is when they have gay kids, the born gay kind. Yea thats a mess. Anyways I would suggest we all find god, because there is just no way that someone, or something did not have something to do with our existance. We are like a mix between a monkey, a pig, and a reptile. And when i say reptile take a good close look at the skin on your hands and legs. Smooth as they may be, still the pattern is there. And the pig, well there are no other animals that are more like us besides monkeys. Pigs have our skin color. Pigs can only have colors just like Human race colors. And that is also dictated in the dermis, just like humans. And of course monkeys cause they are the closest thing to our shape and nasal structure and flat face. So we were not evolved we were genetically engineered. And the Nazis figured it out, The US has known for quite a while. Why do you think that we stopped stem cell research. Its not for lack of aborted fetuses. Its cause like in out past history some things can only be explored so far until things that change mankind as we know it are discovered. Imagine all the people that already know these things from.........anyways, there is a god. And god must be respected, and if some want to prey. Let them prey. If we have done so in one way or another for thousands of years there must be more than comfort and control. A sence of purpose, and a reason for being is always nice to have in life.

But if you want to go around life in one dimension, or i guess three then ok. But just think of how much better heaven would be then eternal nothingness. Like the time between when you fall asleep and wawke up, no dreams. Like those times when you wake up and it was like you were asleep for minutes, yet it was hours. You must understand gods time. 7 days could be 70,000 years. And that flood, yea it could have been so bad that people never forgot. It could have been a little glacial meltdown from the emmission we put off! I am willing to be our asses put out more emmissions leaving a buffett than the car does on the way home. Methan is really bad for the ozone. Burt up its ok i think. Anyways take a good look around, people are a little bit more than super monkeys!


Active Member
If the Bible was so correct then why would they have to revise and edit it every once in a while?
well if you printed and sold books wouldnt you want to make money off it?
there are some bibles that i would not buy because "they" added and deleted words and some have entire scriptures left out


Well-Known Member
I like the ideas of islam. Its like christianity and judism and a bit of acceptance of budism. The problem is it is too harsh to women. I know they are a pain in the ass at work, but it doesn't take long to hit a snag that only a woman can do right. Or better a man could give a crap. I think in reality we all were women once and a dick attached to us. Kind of like the angler fish. The male is not much more that a dick with fins. There is a better chance of this voodoo dick rushing a womens vagina, then with little pinchers pulled the ovalries and pulled so hard they fell in a sack. The vagina like the powerful feeling of manhood and sqeezed down on the dick inside here. With the avalires now balls the dick tried to escape. Ah, but the dick ran out the wrong hole. That is why we urinate throght the dick and no under it. So now this women will no longer need breasts, but mussle...and the mad was created.

This is a story i made up with picture in a college presentation. I was stopped three times, it was pres. for a religion & mythology class. With my pictures and ellaborate explanation they started to shut up and listen. I believe there is a couple of african cultures that believe something like this. The stange thin is there is no way they ever say an archer fish. They are in the bottom of the ocean.

Thats the problem with islam, they have all sorts of these kind of explanations. I really hate how there creation is with the chewed up start. I think like so many other that we are all wrong, and all right at the same problem. That this contradiction is what we need to ever get to the truth.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
Look at all the greedy, evil people in the world, do you think they would have left the bible unblemished, or preached in a way you could understand? The truth is out there, you just need to find it. The bible is in history, just study it to find out why, when, where and who. Look at how many leaders crusade around as religious people, yet they commit crimes against humanity. Why do all of these "great", "religious" nations eventually fall throughout history?

Look at the big picture.


New Member
well if you printed and sold books wouldnt you want to make money off it?
there are some bibles that i would not buy because "they" added and deleted words and some have entire scriptures left out
But the fact remains that you don't know which version is truer than the other, if at all. You don't know until you are told. Told by whom? Who told them? It's all quite silly.


Well-Known Member
there are some bibles that i would not buy because "they" added and deleted words and some have entire scriptures left out
Yes, which is why we Muslims believe your Bible is not (or at least no longer) the word of God. It is the word of man. There was no Bible when Jesus was on earth!

At least the Quran has remained exactly as it was when revealed to Muhammad. Not one letter has been altered!


New Member
:roll: does it matter what year i put

will you list 1 time the bible has been wrong on the scientific frontier? I believe you i would just like to see it for myself :wink:

Uhhhh, how about the fact that for CENTURIES the church INSISTED that the sun revolves around the earth. Kind of a biggie, and yet.... absolutely wrong. Ppl had to hide from the church because of this nonsense!


Well-Known Member
I like the ideas of islam. Its like christianity and judism and a bit of acceptance of budism. The problem is it is too harsh to women.

Thats the problem with islam, they have all sorts of these kind of explanations. I really hate how there creation is with the chewed up start. I think like so many other that we are all wrong, and all right at the same problem. That this contradiction is what we need to ever get to the truth.
I don't think the true teachings of Islam are so harsh on women. Politics as always have abused this and do treat our women like crap, but the way I see it true Muslims respect women way more than mainstream society. We don't look at women as pieces of meat. At least we don't breed whores and generations of bastards. Don't forget that the first martyr of Islam was a woman...

And I don't see how we can all be right and wrong at the same time. It really is black and white, positive and negative, light and dark, good and evil, etc. But unlike Christianity we believe that a soul is innocent until it knowingly does wrong. We believe that the soul is judged on intentions and not actions, and that truly "no soul shall bear the burden of another"; Jesus included ;)


Well-Known Member
1. yes, if god was created he wouldnt be god

2. I didnt not lable anyone who is not a christian as an atheist.

3. Yes all other religions are wrong. if they were right i would join them
1) Why would God suddenly make man one day after spending so long chilling?

Why has God not shown himself to mankind? He could appear before the world and being all powerfull he could make everyone know he is real. There would be no questions of is he real or is he fake because he is God.

Why did God create man? So they could worship him?

Why does God let innocent people die? And you better not start spouting original sin bullshit at me.

How can you possibly say that you are 100% right in your belief when its very obvious from history that man knows little about the world we live in.

Surely the only real truth is that we know nothing at all.

2) My point was not everyone who isnt religious is Atheist.

3) How could you possibly know if these religions are right or wrong when you would never seriously consider them.

That last statement of yours is so full of ignorance that I am a little shocked someone even considered it and then said it.

Also to all the people that have written down scientific facts 'proving' religion. Just because no one is correcting or questioning you do not consider yourself right.

If you are one of the people who has stated a fact then please go back and read up on it. Because most of the things i saw where grossly incorrect, according to general scientific beliefs.

I stopped reading one persons post when they said "Its when people who are just genetically bad" :wall:


New Member
I don't think the true teachings of Islam are so harsh on women. Politics as always have abused this and do treat our women like crap, but the way I see it true Muslims respect women way more than mainstream society. We don't look at women as pieces of meat. At least we don't breed whores and generations of bastards. Don't forget that the first martyr of Islam was a woman...

And I don't see how we can all be right and wrong at the same time. It really is black and white, positive and negative, light and dark, good and evil, etc. But unlike Christianity we believe that a soul is innocent until it knowingly does wrong. We believe that the soul is judged on intentions and not actions, and that truly "no soul shall bear the burden of another"; Jesus included ;)
I will say this about Islam. It was the first "modern" (<---very loose word) religion to put women up more as equals and not chattel. Islam suffers from the same symptoms as Christianity, but at least has a measurable origin point with Mohammad actually being a clear historical and real man.