Having the constant risk of getting raped/shanked/beaten every hour of the day for the rest of your life is a prity bad punishment too i reckons.Should open Gmo back up and let people like him starve to death there.
Having the constant risk of getting raped/shanked/beaten every hour of the day for the rest of your life is a prity bad punishment too i reckons.Should open Gmo back up and let people like him starve to death there.
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."Although why anyone would want to take a career in the police force is beyond me.
Actually none of that happens at Gitmo. It is the finest maximum prison the United States has. Not like the ones you see on TV.Having the constant risk of getting raped/shanked/beaten every hour of the day for the rest of your life is a prity bad punishment too i reckons.
Pretty sure hes refering to any federal prison as opposed to gitmo. I still prefer my own home...Actually none of that happens at Gitmo. It is the finest maximum prison the United States has. Not like the ones you see on TV.
agreed...ive never been in a situation where i was like "im sure glad those fuckin cops showed up!" everytime Ive "needed" them they treat me like a suspect, or a "citizen" fuck those cowards.....I used to know a guy who was stoped by a cop while driving slowly on the side of the road looking for an address. Cop told him to get out of the car and "don't move". well, when he reached over and closed the door of the truck he got shot and killed. Nothing happened to the officer at all. Nothing. I've had them push me around and call me names and cuss at me while i was handcuffed. Just for fun. I wasn't resisting. I 've had em pepper spray me for no reason. They beat my brother up REAL BAD once. They almost shot me when I called them over a burglary at a buissiness once.
So basicaly i've never met a cop I didn't want to kick in the face. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy every time I hear about a cop getting shot. doesn't happen nearly often enough. Cops are bullies. Thats why they want to be cops, plain and simple. Fuck the police. Fuck them all.
There is only one way (that I know of) to basically be treated royally by "most" police officers.
Drive a car and wear clothes that exude this statement----> "I have a very good lawyer".
................ i don't think they deserve this. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headline/nation/6328872.html
i'm watching a LIVE news briefing.
- two motorcycle cops pulled dude over. dude shot them both dead and fled. the SWAT team found him hiding in a house. they tried to enter the house and 2 of them were killed as well. then they found dude and killed him. -
it makes my dick hard when police get killed!!!! fuck them bitches
they probably think the same of you.
like i said, people are weird.
and your buddies gun them down in the streets. so who's right?they do fuck them they can eat a dick. this is a touchy subject. i have been beatin, robbed by the police, and my friends have been killed by them. lets line them all up and shoot them in the head starting with chicagos finest fuck the c.p.d.