Well-Known Member
so im constantly going over ideas for a grow room for my next grow( being i moved during this grow not everything is setup how id like it)
ive got some pretty good ideas for a pc grow prolly still do something with that
but i had an idea the normal fridge runs at 61 degrees on a medium setting if you turn the climate control then you can raise or lower this ( able to maintain a constant temp rite?)
but then theres the efficiency problem fridges work off recirculating air to keep cool and lights would mess with this by heating the air making the fridge work harder but my solution would be cfls or if hps/mh a cool tube ran in to the freezer , being colder it would cool the air easier and keep the fridge part from over working rite?
some fans for circulation
and some sort of hydroponic setup in the bottom also use sog or scrog method using the shelves for it( their metal screen shelves)
anyone have any thoughts on why this wouldnt work , any ideas ... any input on this lil setup idea would be great
so .....

ive got some pretty good ideas for a pc grow prolly still do something with that
but i had an idea the normal fridge runs at 61 degrees on a medium setting if you turn the climate control then you can raise or lower this ( able to maintain a constant temp rite?)
but then theres the efficiency problem fridges work off recirculating air to keep cool and lights would mess with this by heating the air making the fridge work harder but my solution would be cfls or if hps/mh a cool tube ran in to the freezer , being colder it would cool the air easier and keep the fridge part from over working rite?
some fans for circulation
and some sort of hydroponic setup in the bottom also use sog or scrog method using the shelves for it( their metal screen shelves)
anyone have any thoughts on why this wouldnt work , any ideas ... any input on this lil setup idea would be great
so .....