First Grow: 400 watt HPS, Permafrost, White Widow, White Rhino, Blackjack


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EXCLUSIVE UPDATE: I can now hold my head a little higher as my status has elevated from "Stranger" to "Learning How To Roll". This day will be filled with celebration!


Well-Known Member
IGLAW, what's the story on your clones, did they root?
No. :-| its been like 3 weeks too. they are still alive but no roots. I think its too warm in my veg area. It never goes below 80. usually 80-85. Water holds more dissolved oxygen at lower temps, and clones are supposed to root best at around 75. I can do one at a time in a cup with the airstone. (less water volume+same airstone= more oxygen per/volume of water)
The mother plant did take 4 weeks to root though. Might be a hard to clone strain?
EXCLUSIVE UPDATE: I can now hold my head a little higher as my status has elevated from "Stranger" to "Learning How To Roll". This day will be filled with celebration!
Yee haw!!:mrgreen: Before you know it there will be a spectacular aura about you! LOL:peace:
No. :-| its been like 3 weeks too. they are still alive but no roots. I think its too warm in my veg area. It never goes below 80. usually 80-85. Water holds more dissolved oxygen at lower temps, and clones are supposed to root best at around 75. I can do one at a time in a cup with the airstone. (less water volume+same airstone= more oxygen per/volume of water)
The mother plant did take 4 weeks to root though. Might be a hard to clone strain?

Yee haw!!:mrgreen: Before you know it there will be a spectacular aura about you! LOL:peace:
nice it takes me 8 or9 day to see roots for me


Active Member
Day 21 of flowering:

A lot has happened in the last week. I’m still fighting with heat issues daily:wall: but I think that I have a good heat defense system now; it’s called keeping the garage door open during the cool night hours. I relocated the squirrel cage fan from the top compartment into the flower room which provides 3-4 degrees COOLER temps than I had previously. I thought that the 465 CFM fan would totally eliminate my heat problems but no, still about 6 degrees above ambient temp when the light is on, 6 degrees below ambient when the light is off. I also relocated my circulation fans. They are now mounted on the inside wall just under light level to help with the heat buildup. As I raise the light I’ll raise the fans. The WW has really started to stretch! I had to LST it to keep it at the same level as the PF. All of the plants are forming buds now, especially the WW! :hump: At the beginning of this grow I thought the WW was going to end up as just one big bud but its clear now that won’t be the case. The buds on the WW are almost big enough to fill a pipe bowl; I can’t imagine what they’re going to look like in 5-6 more weeks. The clones have a tiny bit of new growth but the seedlings have really made some progress. Will I be able to take cuttings this time next week? Probably not, I’m guessing that I will have to wait at least one additional week before they’re big enough. I’m watering the clones and seedlings with ½ strength nutes, no signs of nute burn yet. How big do the seedlings need to be before I can place them within 1-2 inches of the 125 watt CFL? I had to throw in the pic of the seedling with the mean gangsta lean. Please feel free to offer any advice if you know how I could be doing this better.



Active Member
IGLAW: Have you changed out your water? I had almost immediate results after I changed mine. 3 weeks seems like way too long but I guess as long as the cuttings are still alive and healthy it won't hurt to leave them there until they finally root.


Well-Known Member
I change the water every 7 days. Bottled water, Ph7 +H202. They are now turning yellow. I'm probably going to ditch them and try again. My mother plant has more clonable branches than I know what to do with. She needs a little taken off the top anyway lol.
I think your seedlings looks big enough to handle the 125 now. You can put them closer to it. Your plants are looking very nice. Even the leaner lol.
Thanks for trying to help with my clones. I'll get there....


Well-Known Member
No. :-| its been like 3 weeks too. they are still alive but no roots. I think its too warm in my veg area. It never goes below 80. usually 80-85. Water holds more dissolved oxygen at lower temps, and clones are supposed to root best at around 75. I can do one at a time in a cup with the airstone. (less water volume+same airstone= more oxygen per/volume of water)
The mother plant did take 4 weeks to root though. Might be a hard to clone strain?

Yee haw!!:mrgreen: Before you know it there will be a spectacular aura about you! LOL:peace:
There is a limit to how much oxygen the water can hold...

You can add 10 airstones to a drop of water, and it will still only hold as much as the temperature allows...

As for your clones taking forever...

I am of the thought that you should provide enough water/moisture to keep it alive, but no more...

A thirsty clone will concern itself with making roots ASAP, to search for more water...

A clone that has it's every need met... will be relaxed and not too worried about roots.. it's already getting what it needs... so they will usually rot before rooting..

I don't mist, no domes... just barely enough water to keep them alive...

Plus all the weak ones die fast and I get to keep the strongest of them...;-)


Well-Known Member
I thought that the 465 CFM fan would totally eliminate my heat problems but no, still about 6 degrees above ambient temp when the light is on, 6 degrees below ambient when the light is off.
I am not sure where to start...

ok.. my op..

I use 440cfm to cool 3x 600w, in aircooled hoods...

I use 440cfm minus filter drag as an exhaust...

My room is 8x10 and has a total of 2400w in it...

So I dare say that your fan is not the problem...

You may be restricting the airflow....

Or the outside (ambient) temps are just too high...

You will never get any kind of fan to act as an air conditioner...

Fans move air around.. and if all you got is hot air... well, you fans are going to blow around a bunch of hot air..

I say that 6F above ambient, especially running a strong light, is pretty good...

My tent ran 5F warmer than the room it was in...

My op runs 5 to 10 F warmer than the rest of the house...

Buncha big lights in a small enclosed space generate a lot of heat...:lol:

If I shut my fans off... my room goes to 120F in less than ten minutes...

I bet yours is not much different...

I think your fan is working about all you can expect from it..


Summer is almost over... right?!?!?

It's pretty much over here in AK.. (42F this morning;-) )

So just bear with it and rejoice when winter hits and you have to be worried about too cold at night..:lol:

Rock on bro...

Your plants look nice and healthy to me...:clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
I have a 19 inch white widow plant and in a week im about to put it in for flowering. how much bigger will it get under a 600 watt hps light from now to harvest?

double or more i flowered my nevilles haze after i toped her at 20 inches and she 5 1/2 feet tall now so think about it


Well-Known Member
There is a limit to how much oxygen the water can hold...

You can add 10 airstones to a drop of water, and it will still only hold as much as the temperature allows...

As for your clones taking forever...

I am of the thought that you should provide enough water/moisture to keep it alive, but no more...

A thirsty clone will concern itself with making roots ASAP, to search for more water...

A clone that has it's every need met... will be relaxed and not too worried about roots.. it's already getting what it needs... so they will usually rot before rooting..

I don't mist, no domes... just barely enough water to keep them alive...

Plus all the weak ones die fast and I get to keep the strongest of them...;-)
Thats kinda what i figured. My clones have it too good. Three weeks removed from their mother and there happy as can be without roots LOL.
Thanks for the help.
And I agree, 6 degrees above room temp is really good for any HID in an enclosed space. 10 degrees is the best I can do with a 400W in a 2x4x5 tent with a 435 CFM fan. Thats with a filter too. Yup, its just one more reason to like the wintertime!:peace:


Well-Known Member
I have actually had clones BUD and FINISH, with but a little bump of a root... very poorly I must say...

Kinda like flowers can live a long time without roots...;-)

Gotta make them believe that if they don;t root they will die...:lol:


Active Member
I have actually had clones BUD and FINISH, with but a little bump of a root... very poorly I must say...

Kinda like flowers can live a long time without roots...;-)

Gotta make them believe that if they don;t root they will die...:lol:
I keep my clone bucket running 24/7 but I've read that If you can get your hands on a timer with minute intervals its best to run the bucket 5 minutes ON, 2 minutes OFF. That way the clones aren't being wated constantly but the bucket is not off long enough to dry out the clones. Supposedly makes them root quicker.:confused:


Well-Known Member
Think about it...

Roots grow in search of water and nutrients...

If it has it all right there... it won't do anything...:lol:

But of it senses that the supply is not so reliable, she will send out roots to look for a reliable source...

Make them need to search for water and they will...;-)


Active Member

Sounds like my heat problem isn't as big of an issue as I thought. You're right when you say it could be an airflow issue. I have some material over the intake holes to help block out light. If you're familiar with the pull down sun shades people put on their car windows for their kids, very similar to that. It's definitely breathable but it could be causing an airflow problem. Originally I was going to use a light tube to block out light leakage but I didn't want to take up anymore room in the cabinet. Any ideas of a low profile way to keep light out?


Well-Known Member
On my tent I snaked a few sharp S turns on some ducting...

I guess you could have it inside the tent... but I had mine outside...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I don;t know what to say...

light traps are doable but they do take some room...

I have used card board boxes with great success in the past..

But they do take up room... the more cfm.. the bigger the box...



Active Member

I donated my extra clones to a local medical marijuana club today. The first thing they said when I put them on the table is "You've got a bad spider mite problem". They recommended that I use Zero Tolerance, anyone ever heard of it or used it? I just used a 50% solution on my seedlings and clone and went 100% on my big girls, hopefully it won't burn the leaves. With all of the pics I've posted I'm kinda surprised that no one from RIU has pointed out my spider mite problem. I'll let you know how the plants react.


