yea i bot it las october, real fun,easy to use and perfect vibration reduction pics.hahahaha ... sweet camera setup ya got .... I've had the same digital SLR since .... 2005 ..... should upgrade .... my daugther would love to have mine I'm sure! hahahaha!
yea i like canon also,thier both good quality as yu can .... I was looking at the 5D Mark II .....its a real toss up between nikon-canon, I've been a canon guy for a long time
thats impressive but 1800 was more than i wanted to spend on this settup,lol.a good friend in the profesh photog buz .....he went Nikon .... like u said ... either or be good. But wait ... if you have serious cash .... check this out ....
Analog Meets Its Match in Red Digital Cinema's Ultrahigh-Res Camera
LOL, it's just bad luck! I just don't take that risk. they're just creepy to me lolI'll take ur word for it ..... hahahahaha! hmmm...prolly lotsa other shit in Here that I should get rid of .... hmmm ..... hey what's this .... a hardboiled egg slicer .... what's ur opinion on them .... this one is like a steel colour ... maybe even stainless, not likely though, I'm too fukin cheap, ..... so so whaddya think?
LOL, it's just bad luck! I just don't take that risk. they're just creepy to me lol
Holy Shit Batman, I only paid $250 for my DSLR...
BTW, I'd be sharpening the scissors right about now.
How about a bit o' eye porn?
Been meaning to ask you, do you vent the co2 outside or into your room?
Hey tahoe, just catch'n up.
Man, threads move fast when there's bud porn.
You know if you keep snippin off samples you'll have nothing left to harvest lol.
Has it been a couple of weeks yet?
How are your samples going down, the buds looks realy good?
Good luck with the harvest Tahoe...
Talking about good cams, i would suggest Canon 500D or a Nikon D5000.Both pretty ,much the same, but Nikon is a lil bit cheaper.Im so broke right now, but when time passes, i think one of those cams will be mine, WILL BE....hehehehe
keep up the splendid work...
sorry I'm late for class.ok ok ok its class time. everyone please sit down. we do not need to do role call. I expect some of u are out back smoking a blunt at the moment. no worries, hope you can join us in a minute. I has a little side by side comparo here this morning ... same bud at different stages of her growth ... and the last photo being from last night at lights out .... any mindshattering and profound thoughts on her chop date? I'll take tasteful quips as well. Or solemn poetry ... this is a creative class ...please use your imagination .... I'll be back in a few ... yes I need to go fill a bowl and torch it .... Prof. need their medicine too huh?!! Walk on!!~~~~~~
The pics are from July 30, August 2, August 4 and August 7 ....